- Lunar Invasion will now begin when a player awakens as a new lunar king.
- Lunar Essence sold to Cleric Villagers is now worth 6 emeralds per essence.
- Updated "I am the new Lunar King" advancement description.
- Fixed a bug where Lunar King players couldn't sleep in a Lunar Invasion.
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't awaken as Lunar King anytime in a lunar invasion.
- Fixed a bug where Being-M disappears in the first half of a Lunar Invasion when summoning them.
- Fixed an inconsistency related to what time the mod counts as daytime.
- Added Lunar Invasion (1% chance per full moon night): Lunar Undead mobs get stronger & faster, a lot of Lunar Undead mobs spawn, and players can't sleep until daytime.
- Added /lunarinvasion command (starts/ends lunar invasions)
- Added "LunarInvasionLUSpawnChance" gamerule. (defaullt=50%)
- Added "LunarInvasionChance" gamerule. (default=1%)
- Zoglins and Zombie Piglins now count as lunar undead.
- Replaced "allowLunarPeakTint" gamerule with "allowTLUScreenTinting"
- Changed TLU main advancement icon.