Updated mod to Minecraft version 1.21.5.
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at:
(Forge & Neo) Removed redundant event register annotations.
- This fixes events loading when they shouldn't.
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at:
Updated mod to Minecraft version 1.21.4.
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at:
Updated mod to Minecraft version 1.21.3.
- Once again compatible with Fabric, Forge and NeoForge!
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at:
Updated mod to Minecraft version 1.21.2.
- Without Forge for now, support will be added once they update.
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at:
Updated mod to Minecraft version 1.21.1.
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at:
Added Bundle support. The mod can now be enabled/disabled via bundle configs.
(NeoForge) Fixed the in-game config screen not working correctly.
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at:
Added commands to unname, name and rename loaded villagers.
The custom name config now splits names on both ',' and new lines.
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at:
Updated mod to Minecraft version 1.21.
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at:
Updated mod to Minecraft version 1.20.6.
Includes compatibility for Fabric, Forge and NeoForge.
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at:
(1.20.5) Fixed the pack.mcmeta file having an incorrect structure.
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at:
Updated mod to Minecraft version 1.20.5.
Without Forge for now. Support will be added once they update.
The complete changelog with previous versions can be found at: