UPDATE 2.1.7
- 🛠️ Updated to WaterMedia 2.1.x
- ✨ Added new status icons (Media loading error, buffering, warning, success via cache)
- ✨ Added back red URL input when URL is wrong (for local files, will appear red if file doesn't exist)
- ✨ Scrolling on the seekbar will fastfoward or rewind the time (5 seconds)
- ✨ Fixed "VLC fail to load" banner doesn't show up when VLC fails
UPDATE 2.1.7
- 🛠️ Updated to WaterMedia 2.1.x
- ✨ Added new status icons (Media loading error, buffering, warning, success via cache)
- ✨ Added back red URL input when URL is wrong (for local files, will appear red if file doesn't exist)
- ✨ Scrolling on the seekbar will fastfoward or rewind the time (5 seconds)
- ✨ Fixed "VLC fail to load" banner doesn't show up when VLC fails