Wilder Wild

Wilder Wild


This mod aims to upgrade the Wild Update!

Client and server AdventureDecorationFoodGame Mechanics MobsStorageWorld Generation

Created2 years ago
Updated8 days ago

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2.3 (1.20.1)



  • Added the Ostrich!

    • Ostriches are a feathery new mob with a passion for fighting.
    • Is tamed the same way as Horses, but takes a bit longer due to their feistier nature.
    • Instead of charging a jump while being ridden it will attack with its beak, the strength depending on how high the meter was charged.
      • If its beak hits a softer block while trying to attack, it may get stuck temporarily.
        • Added the wilderwild:ostrich_beak_buryable tag to control which blocks these are, currently containing the tags minecraft:mineable/shovel, minecraft:mineable/hoe, and minecraft:wool.
      • Added a new Ostrich Peck Attack config option to control whether or not players can use the Ostrich's attack while riding one.
    • Can be bred with Bushes.
      • Will lay an egg upon breeding.
        • Does not require Silk Touch to be obtained.
        • Requires a solid surface below in order to hatch.
    • Naturally spawns in the Savanna, Savanna Plateau, and Windswept Savanna biomes.
      • Added the wilderwild:has_ostrich biome tag to control which biomes they will spawn in.
      • Added the Spawn Ostriches config option to control whether or not Ostriches will spawn naturally.
    • If attacked and not tamed, it will chase after its attacker and peck them to death.
      • If they are tamed, this behavior will only apply to non-player mobs.
      • Will call other Ostriches for backup, like Wolves and Crabs.
      • While provoked, cannot be ridden or fed unless it's already tamed.
      • If tamed, can be fed or ridden while provoked to calm down.
  • Added the Dying Forest!

    • New Fall-based grounds for all Fall enjoyers!
    • Contains Dying Trees, Dead Trees, Semi-Dead Trees, Fallen Trees, and few Living Trees.
    • The Grass and Foliage color is similar to that of Forests, but warmer and more mute.
    • All regular Forest Flowers grow here, though Seeding Dandelions generate more frequently.
    • Large Mushrooms generate just as they do in Forests here.
    • Bushes and Dead Bushes generate frequently throughout this biome.
    • Pumpkins will generate frequently here in comparison to other biomes.
    • Coarse Dirt Mounds, Coarse Dirt Paths, and Podzol Paths decorate the floor of this biome.
  • Added the Snowy Dying Forest!

    • A mixture of death and snow. Perfect.
    • Contains only Dead Trees, Semi-Dead Trees, and Fallen Trees.
    • The only Flower found here is the Seeding Dandelion.
    • Dead Bushes generate frequently throughout this biome.
    • Coarse Dirt Mounds will occasionally generate in this biome.
  • Added the Dying Mixed Forest!

    • I couldn't think of anything for this one.
    • Contains Dying Trees, Dead Trees, Semi-Dead Trees, Fallen Trees, few Living Trees, and regular Spruce Trees.
    • All regular Mixed Forest Flowers grow here, though Seeding Dandelions generate more frequently.
    • Bushes and Dead Bushes generate frequently throughout this biome.
    • Pumpkins will generate frequently here in comparison to other biomes.
    • Coarse Dirt Mounds, Coarse Dirt Paths, and Podzol Paths decorate the floor of this biome.
  • Added the Snowy Dying Mixed Forest!

    • Be patient with it, it has very mixed feelings about dying to frostbite.
    • Contains only Dead Trees, Semi-Dead Trees, Fallen Trees, and regular Spruce Trees.
    • The only Flower found here is the Seeding Dandelion.
    • Dead Bushes generate frequently throughout this biome.
    • Coarse Dirt Mounds will occasionally generate in this biome.

Bug Fixes & Changes

  • Updated the protocol version to 3.
  • Removed the Coated Sculk item model.
  • Added a new main menu panorama.
  • Added codecs to as many blocks as possible.
    • This has resulted in some blocks receiving reorganized and/or new constructor parameters.
  • Removed the FloweringLilyPadBlock class as it was redundant.
    • Please note that this will not impact the block itself in any way.
  • Added many public static fields to blocks for better code readability and editability.
  • Significantly improved the OsseousSculkBlock class and merged both growing methods into one.
  • Sculk Charges will now move to newly placed blocks in Osseous Sculk pillars upon growth.
  • Osseous Sculk no longer strictly requires a Hoe in order to drop, and now only looks for the Silk Touch enchantment.
    • This doesn't mean they'll only move in one direction, they'll just be snapped to that position initially as the block is set and can still move downwards afterward.
  • Echo Glass will now drop itself upon cracking if not hit by a Sonic Boom.
  • Stripped Logs can now once again be hollowed with an Axe.
  • Made the subtitle for hollowing a Log more consistent with the subtitle for stripping a Log.
  • Baobab Nuts and Palm Fronds are now compostable.
  • Changed the minimum and maximum amount of Milkweed Pods obtainable by shearing Milkweed to 1 and 3 respectively, previously being 2 and 5.
    • The Milkweed Pod to String recipe now requires 9 Milkweed Pods instead of just 1.
  • The Cattail to String recipe now only yields 1 String as opposed to 3.
    • This recipe now requires 4 Cattails instead of just 1.
  • Tweaked how Pollen chooses where to spawn particles, now being able to spawn particles above itself.
  • Fixed the placement of the seed particle created when a Seeding Dandelion random ticks.
  • Added the Bush, Tumbleweed, Tumbleweed Stem, Milkweed, Datura, Cattail, Flowering Lily Pad, Algae, Shelf Fungus, Small Sponge, Prickly Pear Cactus, and Nematocyst blocks to the minecraft:sword_efficient tag.
  • Potted Small Dripleaves now use their loot table (renamed wilderwild:blocks/potted_small.dripleaf to wilderwild:blocks/potted_small_dripleaf.)
  • Optimized how the Tumbleweed Stem's selects its outline/collision shape.
  • Reworked the LiquidBlockRendererMixin for making the underside of Water smooth to now be extremely reliable and much safer.
    • This also fixes an issue where other liquids like Lava could incorrectly be assigned different textures on occasion.
  • Removed the Goat Horn Symphony and Back discs as they didn't feel like necessary additions, nor did they fit Vanilla.
    • These will be datafixed into Lena Raine's Otherside and Samuel Ã…berg's 5 respectively.
  • Renamed the Ancient Horn Projectile to Ancient Horn Vibration.
  • Ancient Horn Vibrations will now spawn particles upon dissipating.
  • Ancient Horn Vibrations will no longer play the dissipation sound upon hitting an entity.
  • Fixed Floating Sculk Bubbles spawned from an Ancient Horn Vibration always being the same size each tick.
  • Changed the default size growth of the Ancient Horn Vibration from 0 to 0.01 per tick.
    • This is adjustable in the Ancient Horn Size Multiplier config, which used to be 0 by default.
    • You will likely need to manually edit this value if you've played with Wilder Wild before, as the config will likely have 0 saved from a previous version.
  • Made the visual scaling of Ancient Horn Vibrations much smoother.
  • Fixed the visual scaling of Ancient Horn Vibrations to match their bounding boxes.
  • Made Ancient Horn Fragments slightly rarer in Ancient City loot tables.
  • Defined the Random Sequence for every one of Wilder Wild's loot tables.
  • Added the Palm Hanging Sign to the wilderwild:hanging_signs item tag.
  • Added the Palm Crown to the wilderwild:palm_logs item tag.
  • Thrown Coconuts will no longer play multiple sounds at once upon hitting entities and/or breaking.
  • Optimized the file size of many Block and Item models.
  • Firework Rockets are now impacted by wind.
    • Added a Firework Rocket Wind Intensity config option to the Misc tab to control the percentage of how intense wind will act upon them.
    • Added entity_firework_rocket to the Mixins config to optionally force-disable this.
  • Reimplemented the custom Warden dying sound after it was accidentally removed during a bugfix.
  • The Warden's regular death sound will now play on top of its underwater dying sound once again.
  • Wardens are no longer considered alive during the custom death animation.
  • The Warden will no longer play heartbeat sounds while it is dying.
  • Prevented the Warden from moving while it is digging or emerging.
  • Changed the Warden's secret death sound from stereo to mono.
  • Refactored mobs' canSpawn methods to reflect Vanilla's, following the template checkXSpawnRules.
  • Crabs are now impacted by both the Impaling and Bane of Arthropods enchantments in 24w03a+.
  • Fixed Crabs not properly latching onto walls if they're about to fall, but an entity is below them in 1.20.1.
  • Baby Jellyfish now always give Poison I with a duration of 4 seconds, while Adult Jellyfish now always give Poison I with a duration of 10 seconds.
    • This used to be a random range of time in previous versions.
  • The Jellyfish sting sound no longer plays at random pitches to be more consistent with Pufferfish.
  • Bubbles will spawn behind Jellyfish less frequently.
  • The Baby Jellyfish's movement speed is now determined with an attribute modifier instead of repeatedly setting the base attribute, making this attribute properly modifiable.
  • Jellyfish are no longer considered scary to Pufferfish.
  • Jellyfish stings no longer crash servers. (#329)
  • Changed the title of the advancement for capturing a Firefly from Bottle of Lightning to Lightning in a Bottle.
  • Fixed the Restrict Instrument Sounds config lang reading as Restrict Instrument Sound.
  • Significantly improved Wilder Wild's biome parameter modifications and cut down OverworldBiomeBuilderMixin in size in the process.
  • Moved all biome parameters, feature/spawn building, and most worldgen injects to individual biome classes.
    • This means WilderSharedWorldgen will only contain parameters for modified Vanilla biome placement from now on.
  • Expanded the depth at which Jellyfish Caves can generate.
  • Pumpkins now generate much more frequently in Old Growth Dark Forests.
  • Changed the Cherry Grove Placement config to be disabled by default as it wasn't as immersive as anticipated.
  • Fixed the Stony Shore Placement config lang reading as CStony Shore Placement.
  • Added the Arid Forest, Arid Savanna, and Oasis biomes to the minecraft:snow_golem_melts tag.
  • Added the Snowy Dying Forest, Snowy Dying Mixed Forest, and Snowy Old Growth Pine Taiga biomes to the minecraft:spawns_snow_foxes tag.
  • Added the Snowy Dying Forest, Snowy Dying Mixed Forest, and Snowy Old Growth Pine Taiga biomes to the minecraft:spawns_white_rabbit tag.
  • Added even more splashes, bringing the total of custom splashes to 271!
  • Removed all custom packets related to particles in favor of the regular Vanilla particle packet:
    • WilderSeedParticlePacket
    • WilderControlledSeedParticlePacket
      • This change has resulted in the SeedParticleOptions class receiving two new invocation methods and new constructor parameters.
    • WilderTermiteParticlePacket
    • WilderFloatingSculkBubbleParticlePacket
  • All custom EntityDataSerializers have been removed and replaced with regular String serializers in order to prevent possible issues. (#333)
  • Significantly cleaned up and reduced the amount of duplicated code in the SimpleCopperPipesIntegration class.
  • Much more refactoring, reorganization, cleanup and many small fixes!


WilderWild-2.3-Fabric+1.20.1.jar(51.32 MiB) Primary Download

Project members







Developer & Worldgen Lead


Former Contributor


Former Developer


Former Texture Artist & Sound Designer



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID