You're in Grave Danger

You're in Grave Danger


A mod focused around death. Will add graves to minecraft

Client and server AdventureStorageUtility

Created2 years ago
Updateda month ago

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You're in Grave Danger 2.0.0-beta.1


You're in Grave Danger 2.0.0-beta.1

NOTE: This version is a rewrite of previous versions of the mod for minecraft 1.20 and above. It will not be backwards compatible with previous versions of the mod.

Also note this is a beta release, and may contain bugs. If you encounter such things, please report them on the mod's github.

Every feature has been reimplemented from scratch. If there's something from previous versions that didn't make the update, also let me know over on github. I (the mod dev) have tried to remember everything, but might've still missed some stuff

Notable features

  • Changed the config file. Both in structure, but also format. Should hopefully be easier to traverse
  • Although it's been in the mod previously, graves are optional. However, in this version, the mod has been developed with this more in mind than previously. This means that it is easier to use YiGD as a death handler mod, without graves, than it has previously been.
  • Added new respawn configurations. You can now respawn with custom potion effects, you can configure respawn health, hunger, and more.
  • Compatibility is now more configurable, where you can configure drop rules from different mod inventories, and also toggle the compatibility implementations from loading.
  • Inventory NBT is no longer stored in the block entity itself. If you have previously had trouble with this overloading chunks with NBT data, it should now be fixed. All data is now stored in the backup file, which means if it's lost, the grave contents will be too.


youre-in-grave-danger-2.0.0-beta.1.jar(694.39 KiB) Primary Download

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID