- A new dependency (smartbrainlib)
- The new dependency will allow for much more complex zombie behaviour
- The zombies currently have two behaviours removed.
- They can't break doors (will add later).
- They won't break eggs (I guess fine since they were spawning in broad daylight).
- Zombies no longer try to call spawning code when they get damaged
- Now most zombies have half health (but double speed if spawned at night)
- Have lower follow range (about same follow range at night)
- Added a density capper (no longer zombies getting flooded in a single area
- Added a gamerule to control if zombies should immediately target player on spawning (default: false / used to true)
- Implemented all zombie events
- This is an alpha mod so api is unstable so datapack features are likely (definetly) going to change
- Make more fields optional in template format
- Change and add biome tags (now uses conventional tags)
- Add a field for death loot table of a zombie template
- Add a lot more event fields (only previous are implemented)
- Change format and now being able to specify a status effect instance
Update to minecraft 1.21.4
Fix launching the game in the rc candidate
Big Changes
- Now you can configure the zombies using datapacks
- (Being lazy i have not written a guide yet)
- The configuration is similiar to how enchantments work
- Forgot to wrote this initially but loading old worlds with old zombies will reset those zombies to normal zombies because of changes to id and I couldnt be bothered to write a backward compatible so, now you know
- Zombies no longer target creative players on spawn
- Spawn speed can now be lot slower
- Fix zombies not spawning if player is standing under sky and zombies burn is daylight is set to true
- Now zombies stop spawning if you spend too much time in a place
- Changed difficulty calculation
- There is no longer a sudden increase in difficulty as soon as you craft wooden tools
- Now you can have maximum difficulty without having moon size being max
- Add lots of features to zombie templates
- Next version could possibly be data driven (with datapacks)
Zombie Templates
- fire zombies (spawns in hot biomes (using biomes which warm frog variant spawns in))
- freeze zombies (spawns in cold biomes (using biomes which cold frog variant spawns in))
- swapping zombie (spawns in all biomes rarely, swaps position with the mob it attacks)
- All these zombies also show particle effects
- Zombie equipment is now controlled by loot tables. (Difficulty is inserted into the zombie loot table through luck value).
- Zombies immediately target nearest player on spawn (within 64 blocks)
- internally added zombie templates (could become data driven in futute)
- Zombie now don't spawn in ancient city
Known issues
- Zombie equipment are always enchanted
Removed debug code that wasn't mean to be there (simply commented a line)
Removed config
Added data generation (now internal stuff is controlled by tags, only items for now)
Also an enchantment provider now controls enchantments
Fixed a bug with enchantments not applying
Added two gamerules
Now mod depends on fabric api
Now difficulty is dependent on number of zombies killed,time passed,equipment,weapons and food in your inventory
Added lots of new config options
- optionally showing difficulty in player subtitle (debug.toml) time period through which difficulty varies (time.toml)
- enchantments (equipment.toml)
- biome checks (spawn.toml)
Changed logic for several factors
- spawning, now picks an initial pos and tries spawning extra around that
- Now uses #swords #axes #{mace,trident,{head,...}_armor}_enchantable weapons/armor
- Changed chances for picking weapons (lowered it, ~0.5 chance for any single piece on a zombie)
Fixed bugs (I don't know which ones, or even new or old ones but they were fixed)
I basically went full quality control and like tried to over engineer I think (add too many locs/ so maybe more bugs)
Performance might get worse.
Added a basic config to the mod.
Using Kaleido config/quilt config Will find toml files under config/zenxarch_zombies
- For lightlevel effect on spawn rates
- Range in which zombies are spawned
- Biomes in which no zombies should spawn
- Debug config (logging and particles disabled by default)
A few fixes to the spawning code. Very stable right now.
Basically tried my best to port to 1.21.1. (There could be problems I didnt check thoroughly) Fixed some crashes on high day count (or in general). They might have been there in last version.
Zombies show particles (was middle of like adding special particles to stronger zombies).
No gaurantee this will launch but give it a try.
Fix a lot of spawn related problems.
Reloading world now also reloads the new zombies.
A lot of changes (make it more like inner minecraft logic). So the natural zombies are different than the mod's spawned zombies.
Also zombies can now be spawn proofed, using blocklight, and level above 0 is fine.
Spawn speed is higher now, Also a debug class is added. Logging stats every 5 minutes.
So I have implement difficulty into the game. So the difficulty is divided into three phases.
First Five days -> Zombies spawn slowly and without armor.
First Fifty days -> Zombies spawn fast with passing days. They can spawn with armor (less powerful than diamond armor) with max 10% chance. Enchanted armor (always cause yeah alpha) not treasure.
Then upto 250 days -> Zombies spawn faster and faster. Zombies spawn with armor (including more powerful than diamond) (50% normal armor and 5% rare armor). 5% chance of spawning with shield. Zombies spawn with enchantments (every single one) including treasure enchantments.
Also modded armor/swords/enchantments are supported.
So yeah New Version.
Well just changed how stuff works. This uses rather simple techniques (just copies vanilla dynamics more than last time).
So yeah a difficulty setting, so you will see more zombies as more days pass by (difficulty goes up till 100 days and 100 hours (in one place)).
Your regular stuff. Enchanted armor, leather,iron,diamond,netherite armor.
For weapons -> iron shovel,sword,diamond sword,netherite axe.