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Arcomua Modpack is mainly designed to improve your vanilla gameplay experience. You can get better performance, and better graphics without modifications to the game's mechanism.

⚡️ High-Performance

Arcomua Modpack includes a lot of optimization mods. High FPS, low TPS, and fast world loading become possible.

🔧 Utilities and QoL Improvements

Arcomua Modpack includes a lot of QoL mods to make your gameplay more enjoyable and make your eyes comfortable, such as Tweakeroo, MiniHUD, Litematica, Xaero's Map, and XK Redstone Display resource pack.

✨ Graphics

Arcomua Modpack includes Iris shaders mod and Complementary Shaders - Reimagined which you can enable in video settings, adds more beautiful effects to your game and fixes a lot of details.

⭐ OptiFine Features

Arcomua Modpack uses Sodium but supports almost all OptiFine features.

🐛 Bug Fixes

With the community's help, some annoying bugs that were never fixed were finally fixed.

 macOS Support

This modpack can run perfectly on macOS and Apple Silicon.

Simplified Chinese introduction


External resources

Project members

Arcomua Team

Arcomua Team


Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID