Small update. Removed Better Combat / Better Combat Bewitchment Compat. to see if it would fix animation mirroring. Might be unrelated.
Updated: Audioplayer and Enhanced Cobblemon Tooltips. Also adjusted some pokemon types/stats in a brief round of preliminary buffs to make sure the scripts are working right.
weezing/flygon fixed new pokemon added
Updated- Bewitchment Cobblepedia Illager Invasion HT's Treechop Youre in Grave Danger and Traveler's Backpack (claims to have fixed death crash w/ backpack)
Switched several datapacks over to the compilation pack - UltiMons to reduce crossover and increase ease of use. Removed all spawn conditions from it as well as several pokemon that clashed with other existing packs, or the general setting of the server (Ash Greninja).
Added placeholder battle msgs to ~40 abilities to help parse the flow of battle and give players more information about their opponent's pokemon as battles unfold. Will continue to add more over the next few days until they are all pretty intuitive, while also replacing them with proper battle messages as I figure out how they're interacting with the actual battle actions (firing at the right time, etc.) Will have a lot of smaller updates over the course of the next week or two as these are added and adjusted alongside the abilities.
Fixed a few malfunctioning abilities and moves. Updated LackingMons with the fixed version. Hopefully it takes this time. New mons added by them: Wugtrio line, Seismitoad line, Milotic line, Alomoloma, Pawmot line
Updated lacking mons with new version -- Removed mons from it that were incompatible with other datapacks: Drakloak, Dragapult, Dreepy Magearna
Removed Iron Valiant from MoreMons files to maintain compat. Removed Duraludon from MissingMons
Changed, removed and added a plethora of abilities for testing.
Updated: HT's Tree Chop (fixed invisible block bug)
Removed: CobbleFossils
Added: The Jewel Pokemon Lugia Missing Mons Cloud Mons (with external permission) Lacking Mons DracoMon Cobble Cats
Revised: Completely reworked mod compatibility, stripping incompatible elements as well as spawns from all of the datapacks, as well as turning species files into species_additions files where applicable (which was almost everywhere.)
Rebuilt spawning system from the ground up for complete control, separating it from base cobble and addons to prevent random things slipping through the cracks. All ~1000 spawns should now be spread in as balanced a way as possible, even if we're giving up some thematic spawns (which were fairly abusable via nest building) for the time being. Will look into incorporating ways to reimplement some where they can't be abused.
Removed catch steaking and released pokemon related to the function in order to focus on pokemon's core catching gameplay, which is far more casual/enjoyable.
More specific alterations to the included datapacks:
Edits to Datapacks to maintain compatibility with Base Cobblemon / other mon additions --- MissingMons -- Removed Meltan (exists in SaltMons w/ Melmetal) Decubes -- Removed Wingull / Pelipper (Exists in base Cobblemon) CloudMons -- Removed Hisuian Sneasel and Hero Lapras. Created Species Addition file to handle the evolution instead of species overwrite (which introduces far more conflicts). Created Species Additions for Overqwil so it could swim / not drown. Cobble_cats - Rebalanced espurr drop and removed Meowth's Hero of the village effect. Lackingmons - Removed spawns, some, like Magearna, have no models yet. GenoMons - Removed hisuian voltorb / electrode due to LackingMons having it. AlolaMons - Removed Tapu Koko (conflicts with Geno Mons) MysticMons - Removed Tyrunt / Tyrantrum since it's coming out in next update of Cobblemon as a fossil. Also removed legendary birds. LostMons - Removed Salamence line to maintain compatibility with Dracomon. Adjusted Sinistea and Polteageist form from 'is_antique' to 'antique' to maintain compatibility with base cobblemon