Updated: Cobblemon Counter Cobblemon Integrations (Party TP bug fixed and connect bug fixed) Collective CraftTweaker CreateTweaker CreativeCore Expanded Storage Open Parties and Claims Reactivated Recipe Book Delight and Updated (Just kidding, this is still crashing server on launch, so something is wrong with the fix.) The Bumblezone Traveler's Backpack Waystones Boosted Gravelmon (added Kokismash, fixed Delta Gallade)
Added: Cobblemon Swap Pokeball server side (hold sugar in main hand, new poke ball in off hand and crouch.) Cobblemon Emissive Ores - was updated for 1.4.1 Cobblemon
Updated: BCLib BetterEnd BetterNether ClothConfigAPI Collective Enchantment Descriptions Jade Open Parties and Claims Patchouli Peek Pehkui Random Village Names Resourceful Lib Sound Physics Remastered Supplementaries Bumblezone Tool Stats Bookshelf
Added Boosted Gravelmon (my own resourcepack overhauling animations and models of various gravelmon as I work on them.)
Holding Off: Cobblemon Cobblemore
Edited the mod.json file in Create Sodium Fix to let it act as the same version as the Create it's supposed to replace (because several mods were throwing errors about not having the appropriate Create version in place.) This didn't appear to be a problem until trying CreateTweaker, which will hard stop the launch if it doesn't detect the correctly named version of Create.
Updated: You're in Grave Danger Supplementaries The Bumblezone ModernFix Simple Voice Chat Jade
Added: Custom Patches for AutoSlabs with BetterNether/BetterEnd/Macaw's/More Slabs, Stairs and Walls. Added a bunch of additional End and Nether biome conditions for ~300 pokemon. since those places are filled with a lot more life now to warrant overworld pokemon spawning there. Held Item Saver (Cobblemon) - restores items lost during cobblemon battles due to move slike knock off, covet, etc. Create Jetpack - significantly lowered settings for horizontal / vertical speed and acceleration, as well as reduced how long a full tank will propel you for. This is meant to be a building tool more than anything, and something to stop you from falling from huge heights when spelunking or in the End. The values will reflect this. Going to adjust recipe so it doesn't require an elytra.
Removed: Enhanced Celestials. It is broken in several ways, and we're running into further incompatibilities. Will look for alternate moon boosts, and increase shiny rate for now to compensate. Added: BetterNether, BetterEnd, Twigs, Illager Invasion, Bedrock Water, Immersive Structures, Towns and Towers, Tidal Towns Readded: More Culling while reverting ModernFix to previous version (was able to discover that this was the source of the new incompat for the mod.)
Patched in compatibility for BetterEnd/Nether and Incendium/Nullscape, and added biomes to poke spawn list. Disabled from Bewitchment: Brooms and the rituals: Summon Wither, Sunrise, Nightfall and Warp. Adjusted Overworld : Nether travel ratio to 1:2 so that there'd be more Nether to explore (and Waystones combined with our world border make the travel aspects of the Nether less important.
Fixed geodude spawn. Adjusted several ultra-rare spawns that were missed in previous pass through.
Added: Diagonal Windows, Diagonal Fences, Bewitchment (probationary), Better Combat Bewitchment Compatibility, a custom Patch I made to effectively remove rituals that would not fit on the server, Create : Cobblemon Industrialized (with perms - https://i.imgur.com/JW9mCZS.png), AutoSlabs, Infinity Buttons, Couplings, Shuffle, Create: Bells & Whistles, More Slabs, Stairs and Walls and Fast Backups
Updated: Cobblemon Counter, Collective, Cobblemon Unchained, Iceberg, ModernFix, Simple Voice Chat, Supplemnetaries, and Tool Stats
Remove : More Culling - was crashing w/ one of the updates
Sorry, another update! Added Vidja Pokemon Cries and Original Pokemon Battle Music to the global datapack loader, as I suspect no one was loading them manually. Also added Create: Extended Cogwheels, and hopefully dying will stop causing full exp loss and properly be stored in the new grave mod.
Updated Fabric Launcher to 0.15.1. You may have to do this on your profile manually (go to options, edit mod loader/game versions, and change the version to 0.15.1) if it does not launch successfully. But it may update the profile automatically to do this, I'm not sure.
Also updated the following mods:
Balm Chat Heads, Collective, Farmer's Delight, GeckoLib, ModernFix, Moonlight Lib, NetherPortalFix, Puzzles Lib, Resourceful Lib, Simple Voice Chat, Sound Physics Remastered (might need to tweak settings since I'd ad justed them based on the bugs that seem to have been addressed in this current update,) Incendium/Nullscape, Bumblezone, and Waystones.
Did not Update: Iris Shaders, as it seems to cause a crash on the modpack, and I haven't figured out why.
DISABLED: Recipe Book Delight, since it has not been updated yet for the new Farmer's Delight and is causing a crash.
Swapped Cull Leaves for More Culling and More Culling Extra
Added MapFrontiers
Updated Beautify: Refabricated, Collective, Cobblepedia, Enchantment Descriptions, Fabric API, Resourceful Lib, Simple Voice Chat, and The Bumblezone
Added proper expansive Description to modrinth page for public listing. Removed all older versions of the mod.