Livestock Overhaul update
Notes and WARNING!:
- As usual, please always first backup your world before doing a version upgrade!
- This update changes a lot of animal behaviour! Untamed wolves will start killing your livestock, so be aware of that before updating.
- Also removed the turrets - you can replace them with sentries from SecurityCraft.
- Marbled's Arsenal now only has the armors. Although they are re-added in Marbled's Melees, the existing weapons, unfortunately, will disappear.
- MapFrontiers should now finally also work globally on servers with their latest version.
- Vein mining mod has been changed. You can change its mode by scrolling while you hold down the vein mine key.
- Removed ByeByeVanillaRuinedPortals (Replaced with mod)
- Removed ByeByeVanillaOceanRuin (Replaced with mod)
- Added Amber (Liteminer requirement)
- Added Armor Impact Sounds
- Added Better Third Person
- Added Coastal Waves
- Added DragN’s Livestock Overhaul!
- Added DragN's Livestock Overhaul_ Pets Addon!
- Added Liteminer
- Added Marbled's Core
- Added Marbled's Melees
- Added No More Ocean Monuments
- Added No More Ocean Ruins
- Added No More Ruined Portals
- Added No More Villages
- Added OctoLib (New requirement for Not Enough Recipe Book)
- Added Rainbows
- Added SecurityCraft
- Added SecurityCraft_ More Protectables
- Added Zombies More
- Readded Armor Stand Shift Swap (Now has custom keybind possible.)
- Readded ItemPhysics Lite
- Removed Butcher's Delight (DragN’s Livestock Overhaul! gives good drops and new foods)
- Removed Butcher's Delight Foods
- Removed Cherished Worlds (crashes when starring a multiplayer server)
- Removed Marbled's API (Replaced with Marbled's Core)
- Removed More mob variants (Replaced by DragN’s Livestock Overhaul!)
- Removed More Mobs (Replaced with Zombies More)
- Removed Physics Mod (Replaced with ItemPhysics Lite for performance reasons and less settings tweaking needed.)
- Removed Pickup Torches (Latest version crashes server and its functionality not that important.)
- Removed K-Turrets and its dependancy, Satako library (due to new dependancy of ftblibrary (an "all rights reserved" mod) in Satako library) (Replaced with SecurityCraft)
- Removed Super Fancy Clouds (Wasn't relevant in shaders anyways and clouds seemed to heavily affect performance.)
- Removed Vein Mining (Replaced with Liteminer)
- Updated all mods to their latest versions, except Forgematica (Sticking to 0.1.7 for now, which doesn't crash on startup), Moonlight (sticking to 2.13.63, because 2.13.64 crashes) and Armor of the Ages (1.2.2 works, 1.3.0 crashes).
Resource Packs:
- Removed Limited Life Armor (With so many modded armors, it's nice to see the vanilla look sometimes.)
- Removed More Mob Variants x Fresh Animations (Replaced by DragN’s Livestock Overhaul!)
- Removed Realistic Combat Soundpack (Replaced with Armor Impact Sounds mod.)
- Updated all resource packs to their latest versions.
- Updated BSL & Complimentary Unbound
- Removed Bliss (No support for Distant Horizons' latest version)
- Disabled Wall Jump by default. (Too many of us were randomly jumping off cliffsides. Press Alt+P to turn it back on, if desired.)
- Reduced Lifetime Variance and Physics Objects Scale for Physics mod blocks.
- Added Yet another config lib (by isxander)
- Updated all mods to their latest versions, except Dawn of Time Builder Edition (crashes dedicated server), Distant Horizons (crashes with Oculus), Effortless Building (crashes dedicated server) and Common Networking (crashes startup with Useful Slime)
- Added Improvable Skills (by Zeitheron)
- Added HammerLib (by Zeitheron)
- Removed Jobs+ Remastered(Replaced)
- Removed Arc Lib
- Removed UI Lib
- Removed Item Restrictions
Resource Packs:
- Updated packs to their latest versions
- Updated & Added Quests
- The Jobs+ Remastered mod kept crashing clients when changing abilities on dedicated servers. Although I liked the mod, I don't enjoy having a frequent crashing experience and the Improvable Skills mod seems to fill the space better by also having a link to the abilities in the inventory.
- Starting to add a Beastiary quests section, which tries to teach which creatures can be tamed, how to tame them and what can be done with them.
- Changed default keybind for Tom's Storage Terminal to Keypad 8
- In Shader settings, changed block reflection to off (only having it on sun and moon made water change color weirdly sometimes.)
- Added Air hop (by Fuzs)
- Added Think before Drop (by IAFEnvoy)
- Added Vic's Point Blank (by vic4games)
- Added Farsighted Mobs (Forge) (by sindarin27)
- Added LUMINOUS: Monsters (by RipleysMods)
- Added Hook (by KL_jiana)
- Removed Just Enough Guns (Replaced)
- Removed Yungs Better Desert Temples (IDAS now does desert pyramids)
- Removed Entity Culling (Not recommended with Embeddium)
- Removed Sound Physics Remastered (Not recommended with Embeddium)
- Removed Advanced Hook Launchers (Replaced)
- Removed ForgeEndertech
- Updated all mods to their latest versions, except Effortless Building (crashes dedicated server) and Common Networking (crashes startup with Useful Slime)
Resource Packs:
- Updated Freshly Modded (F.M.R.P)
- Updated More Mob Variants x Fresh Animations
- Updated Better Animations
- Updated Drodi's Slimes
- Added Vic's Point Blank quests
- Updated/Added Mekanism quests up until Tier 2
- Minor other changes
- The replacement of Just Enough Guns for Vic's Point Blank was due to multiple reasons. Vic's just feels more simple and straight forward with its crafting ingredients and more customisations with the attachments. But primarily, it has impact grenades and even a rocket launcher (which I missed, since removal of Missile Mahem). Though it had a lot of cool stuff, I just found myself using bows more than the JEG guns, because bows were just stronger and easier to get to.
- Since removing the Rotted mod, the game hasn't felt that challenging anymore. I hope the adding of Farsighted Mobs can help to slightly make the difficulty more enjoyable (more action) now, without making mobs themselves much harder.
- The Hook mod, as a grappling hook, is far simpler in its usage and slot requirements, hence replacing Advanced Hook Launchers with it.
- Also, my friend lost (dropped) his special axe in the Nether by accidentally pressing "q", so I think it's about time I added some protection against that.
- In Shader settings, disabled Bloom and set block reflection to sun and moon only.
Resource Packs:
- Re-added 3D Default (by GeForceLegend)
- Added Gray's 3D items (by CanineGray)
- Added Canoe Boats (by CanineGray)
- Removed Minecanoes (replaced)
- Removed Simply 3D & Simply 3D Extras (replaced)
- Removed Remodeled Doors 3D (replaced)
- Removed Ray's 3D Ladders (replaced)
- Removed Better Cats! (some models glitched)
- Removed Alternate 3D packs (replaced)
- Updated Farmer's 3D
- Updated Complimentary Unbound + Euphoria Patches
- Added ATi Structures Mod (by Ati)
- Removed [ESF] Entity Sound Features (redundant)
- Updated all mods to their latest versions, except Effortless Building (crashes dedicated server), Common Networking (crashes startup with Useful Slime) and ImmediateFast
- Updated quests
- Changed from 50% to only needing a single player to sleep to skip the night.
- Moved Stylish effects to the right side of the inventory. (No longer overlapping with Curios items.)
- Updated modpack description under main menu
- Removed Server Sleep (now catered for by Comforts)
- Removed EMI
- Removed EMI Trades
- Removed Luki's Grand Capitals (replaced)
- Added Pro Placer (by Fuzs)
- Added Default Options (by BlayTheNinth)
- Added Armor of the Ages (by dawn-of-time)
- Added Dawn of Time - Builder Edition (by dawn-of-time)
- Added Noisium (by Steveplays)
- Added Integrated Villages (by craisinlord)
- Downgraded ImmediatelyFast to 1.2.17 (reduced crashes)
- Updated all mods to their latest versions, except Effortless Building (crashes dedicated server), Common Networking (crashes startup with Useful Slime) and ImmediateFast (caused crashes)
Updated mods comments:
- The "b" shortcut for crystal backpacks now work again.
- The "h" shortcut now inspects the equipped gun of Just Enough Guns
Resource Packs:
- Updated 3D Item Icons
- Updated Better Animations
- Updated Fresh Animations
- Added Better Cats! (by CanineGray)
- EMI was starting to cause VERY slow opening times on the first time someone opens their inventory - even crashing the game sometimes. Since JEI is already installed as well, it was time for me to let go of EMI, even though I prefer it more than JEI.
- Also kept getting crashes that reset all keybinds. I think this was related to ImmediatelyFast's latest update, not actually being intended for 1.20.1, but for 1.21. After reverting that. Things were better.
- The above also made me re-add Default Options, because with that you can "Reset All" your keybinds to the modpack defaults. (Not reliable on 1.20.1 for preserving your own options though, so only added for the Reset All usefulness.)
- Block placements/removals are now way faster with Pro Placer added, but I still kept the bridging mod for wrap-around block placements, because Pro Placer doesn't support placing things below blocks.
- I thought the villages from Luki's Grand Capitals were epic… yet the Integrated Villages mod topped even that!
WARNING: If you upgraded to this version and it crashed for you and your resource packs and keybinds were reset, you can download a new instance and copy its options.txt.
- Removed another invalid item from loot bundle options
- Spaced out buildings a bit more in world gen
Resource Packs:
- Updated Better Animations
- Updated 3D Default
- Updated 3D Item Icons
- Updated Farmer's 3D
- Updated Sparkles: Stardust Labs Resourcepack
- Updated Ray's 3D Rails
- Updated Ray's 3D Ladders
- Updated Fresh Animations
- Updated Nature Loading Screens
- Added Remodeled Doors 3D (by Ecorn)
- Added Mickey Joe's Flowers! (by mushirmickeyjoe)
- Added Simply 3D (by Konijnebeer)
- Added Simply 3D Extras (by Konijnebeer)
- Added Minecanoes (by ShewPower)
- Added 3D Bamboo Shoots (by Awoolanche)
- Added Super Simple 3D Dripstone (by garden-gals)
- Removed 3D Default
- Updated BSL
- Added Draggable Lists (by mrmelon54)
- Added Better Resource Pack Sorting (by mrmelon54)
- Added Explosive Enhancement (Forge) (by Xylonity)
- Added [ESF] Entity Sound Features (by Traben)
- Added Decorative Blocks (by lilypuree)
- Added iChunUtil (by iChun)
- Added Jump Over Fences (by kreezxil)
- Updated all mods to their latest versions, except Effortless Building (crashes dedicated server) & Common Networking (crashes startup with Useful Slime)
- Added Idle Pause (by Plaonder) (will be auto added to worlds via Paxi)
- Added more Create quests
- Disabled earlyWindowControl in Forge config. (This fixes the "Process crashed with exit code 6" crash for Distant Horizons that some got during startup. The startup loading screen will show less details now though.)
- Added Nyfs Spiders (by Nyfaria)
- Removed Mob Battle Music (crashed clients on dedicated servers when rejoining)
- Updated all mods to their latest versions, except Effortless Building (crashes dedicated server)
- Added more quests
Resource Packs:
- Added Farmer's 3D (by Pder)
- Added Drodi's Slimes (by Drodi)
- Added 3D crops Revamped (by vexcenot)
- Added RAY's 3D Ladders (by xR4YM0ND)
- Added RAY's 3D Rails (by xR4YM0ND)
- Added 3D Default (by GeForceLegend)
- Updated Better Animations
- Removed Nautilus3D (Replaced)
- Updated BSL
- Updated Complimentary Unbound and set to default shader (supports Distant Horizons)
- Added Distant Horizons (by jeseibel)
- Added Bad Packets (by badasintended)
- Added Mob Battle Music (by nonamecrackers2)
- Added Ender Trigon (by nonamecrackers2)
- Added Blazing Bamboo (by PaddedShaman)
- Updated all mods to their latest versions, except Effortless Building (crashes dedicated server)
- Added more quests
Fixed dedicated server issue of v51.
- Updated Mods Optimizer to cater for Essential's latest version
- Blacklisted the Storage Controller from Carry-On.
- Added MapFrontiers (by alejandrocoria)
- Updated all mods to their latest versions, except Effortless Building (crashes dedicated server)
- Added more quests
- Changed CAWEZ'S Mantle to Stratus overworld dimension change level from 610 to 321
- Updated starter book contents
- Added Luki's Grand Capitals (by lukidono)
- Added Medieval Buildings [End Edition] (by Lupin)
- Removed ChoiceTheorem's overhauled village (Replaced)
- Removed CTOV - Farmer Delight Compat (CTOV Replaced)
- Removed CTOV - Create: Structures (CTOV Replaced)
- Removed Village Nullifier (for Luki's Grand Capitals)
- Removed Village Nullifier: Terralith (mod no longer available)
- Removed Camera Overhaul Reforged (Caused too many of us nausea, lol)
- Updated all mods to their latest versions, except Effortless Building (crashes dedicated server)
Resource Packs:
- Updated Better Animations
- Added Bliss Shaders and made it the default (Specular Reflections, Screen-Space Reflections & Sky/Fog in Reflections enabled)
- Added more quests
- Adding Plenty Plates to the forbidden items of Carry On, so the plates can finally be configured.
- Updated Mods Optimizer config to detect all client-side mods in this pack when setting up dedicated server
- Blacklisted the MmmMmmMmmMmm target dummy from giving Crystal Tools experience.
- Added Paladin's Furniture (by unlikepaladin)
- Added PickUpTorches (by saltywater)
- Added Camera Overhaul Reforged (by confusingfool93)
- Added Not Interested! (by MoonFather)
- Removed Movables - Chairs (no survival crafting & way too laggy)
- Updated all mods to their latest versions, except Effortless Building (crashes server) and MaFgLib (crashes client)
Resource Packs:
- Added Crosshair CUBE (by KrinJL)
- Updated Resource Packs to latest versions
- Updated Quests
- Fixed auto switching of tools for Silent Tools, Piercing Paxels and Crystal Tools.
- Updated the starter kit's Eccentric Tome and the introduction book
- Added Argonauts (by Terrarium)
- Added Cadmus (by Terrarium)
- Added Rechiseled: AE2 (by Christofmeg)
- Added Jobs+ Remastered (by DAQEM)
- Added Item Restrictions (by DAQEM)
- Added Arc Lib (by DAQEM)
- Added UI Lib (by DAQEM)
- Added Day Counter (by AntrolGaming)
- Added Daily Dad (Mrbysco)
- Added Polymorphic Energistics (by 90)
- Added Talk Balloons (by CerbonXD)
- Added CERBON's API (by CerbonXD)
- Removed Record Days Survived (Replaced - wasn't working correctly on server)
- Removed Level Up (Replaced)
- Removed Biome Particle Weather (crashed with rain on multiplayer)
- Updated all mods to their latest versions, except Effortless Building (its latest version crashes servers)
Resource Packs:
- Added F.M.R.P (by SebSemos)
- Added more quests
Warning: (Remember to backup your world first)
- This version removes all the AVA guns (mod replaced with Just Enough Guns)
- This version updates Ad Astra with the following breaking changes:
- Sliding doors will break and need to be placed again.
- Launch pads will break and need to be placed again.
- Cables and fluid pipes will break and need to be placed again.
- All machines will lose their items, energy, and fluid contents.
- Reverted Vein Mining to allow all blocks to be vein minable
- Better compatibility for Create Item Vaults with Tom's Simple Storage
- Removed TexTrue's Embeddium Options (mod archived)
- Removed PhysicsLite (replaced)
- Removed A.V.A - Alliance of Valiant Arms Guns (Light) (Replaced: felt too overpowered and many guns had graphical glitches)
- Removed Embeddium (Rubidium) Extra (Replaced)
- Added Physics Mod (by haubna)
- Added Framework (by MrCrayfish)
- Added Just Enough Guns (by AlanorMiga)
- Added Abandoned urban (by KevinMods)
- Added Sparse Structures Reforged (by Kasualix)
- Added Create: Let The Adventure Begin (by NotJuno)
- Added Mekanism: Ad Astra Ores (by liberty)
- Added Disable Ad Astra Meteors (by Casmin7)
- Added More Mobs (by Tschipcraft)
- Added FPS Reducer (by bre2el)
- Added Crushed Astra (by HCH5)
- Added Blueprint (by teamabnormals)
- Added Personality (by teamabnormals)
- Added Movables - Chairs (by westmoon05)
- Added Marbled's Arsenal (by MarbledNull)
- Added WATERFrAMES (by SrRapero720)
- Added WATERMeDIA (by SrRapero720)
- Added Embeddium++ (by SrRapero720)
- Added Mods Optimizer (by Kaworru)
- Added Sawmill (by MehVahdJukaar)
- Added Man of Many Planes (by Luke100000)
- Updated all mods to their latest versions
Resource Packs:
- Removed Fresh Moves (Replaced - was glitching through The Aether gloves)
- Added Better Animations (by cre8to-team)
Data Packs:
- Switched Hopo Better Ruined Portals from mod to datapack version
- Switched Hopo better underwater ruins from mod to datapack version
- Added more quests
- Increased default chunk render distance to 16
- Added Loading Backgrounds (by Lupin)
- Added Variants & Ventures (by faboslav)
- Added Mob Variants (by badooga)
- Added Mekanism Cardboard Tooltip (by Christofmeg)
- Added Meowing (by Shevchyk)
- Added Superior Shields (by EpicSquid)
- Added Alternate Current (by Space Walker)
- Added NetherPortalFix (by BlayTheNinth)
- Added Alex's Mobs Extra Music (by TheExiIedFeIIow)
- Added Boss Music Mod (by TheExiIedFeIIow)
- Added Additional Placements (by FirEmerald)
- Removed Missile Mayhem (mod no longer available)
- Removed Shoulder Surfing Reloaded (wasn't using it as I thought I would)
- Removed Rotted (Replaced with Mob Variants and Variants & Ventures, which should be less harsh on early game)
- Removed qrafty's End Villages (Replaced by qraftified datapack)
- Updated all mods to their latest versions, except Ad Astra (still in beta) and Extra Sounds Forge (crashes startup on latest version)
Resource Packs:
- Added 3D Item Icons (by mintynoura)
- Added Alternate 3D Crossbow (by keyschain)
- Added Alternate 3D Potions (by keyschain)
- Added Alternate 3D Swords (by keyschain)
- Added Alternate 3D Tools (by keyschain)
- Added Fresh Moves (by TrasTick)
- Added Sus Sand (by Rhythmic)
- Added Extra Sus Sand (by noah1510)
- Removed bushy leaves from Nautilus
- Removed Presence Footsteps: Remastered Sounds Pack, due to having Quality Sounds mod
- Removed Dynamic Surroundings: Remastered Sounds Pack (no longer on Modrinth and I have plenty other sound mods already)
DataPacks (auto added to new worlds via Paxi):
- Added qraftified (Terralith version) (by qrafty)
- Added more quests. (Space Travel quests now completed.)
- "Iron Chests: Restocked" is replaced by "Expanded Storage". First move your items to other storage before upgrading your world.
- Blacklisted Landmines from carry-on, so that you can actually arm them now.
- Parcool button now Mouse5 (removed combat roll mod)
- Added Amendments (by MehVahdJukaar)
- Added Quark (by Vazkii)
- Added Zeta (by Vazkii)
- Added Integrated Dungeons and Structures (by craisinlord)
- Added Integrated API (by craisinlord)
- Added Integrated Stronghold (by craisinlord)
- Added Hopo better underwater ruins (by Ohponopono)
- Added Hopo Better Ruined Portals (by Ohponopono)
- Added Paxi (by YUNGNICKYOUNG)
- Added Shoulder Surfing Reloaded (by Exopandora)
- Added Eccentric Tome (by EccentricVamp)
- Added Expanded Storage (by Ellie-Semele)
- Added Blossom Blade (by joshieman06)
- Added Inventory Sorter (by cpw)
- Removed YUNG's Better Strongholds (replaced)
- Removed YUNG's Extras (reducing worldgen buildings a bit)
- Removed Repurposed Structures - Forge (reducing worldgen buildings a bit)
- Removed Iron Chests: Restocked (replaced)
- Removed Combat Roll (feels excessive when already having Parcool to Roll around with)
- Removed Inventory Profiles Next and LibIPN (replaced)
- Updated all mods to their latest versions, except Ad Astra (still in beta)
DataPacks (auto added to new worlds via Paxi):
- Added ByeByeVanillaRuinedPortals (by Ohponopono)
- Added ByeByeVanillaMineshaft (by Ohponopono)
- Added ByeByeVanillaOceanRuin (by Ohponopono)
- Added more quests. (Quests still being added.)
Resource Packs:
- Updated Fresh Animations
- Updated Dynamic Surroundings
- Changed Nautilus3D to 1.20.1 supported version