
Been working on documenting the various config changes over on the Github page for clarity sake. This update is also mainly focused on adding some server hosting utilities, like being able to configure TPA or pregenerating chunks. Optional resourcepacks for carpeted snow and moss hanging over blocks is now included, but not enforced nor enabled by default. Only enforced datapack is the one required for Discord rich presence.

A few default configs should also be fixed now, as I noticed some mods had completely replaced how their configs are set up.

Updated Mods:

  • Chat Heads
  • Create: Framed
  • Deeper and Darker - Every Compat
  • Harvest with ease
  • ImmidiatelyFast
  • Immersive Aircraft
  • Inventory Profiles Next
  • Iris & Oculus Flywheel Compat
  • Lithostiched
  • Moonlight Lib
  • Open Parties and Claims
  • Puzzles Lib
  • Selfexpression
  • ServerCore
  • Storage Drawers
  • Supplementaries
  • The Bumblezone

Added Mods:

  • BisectHosting Server Integration Menu
  • Chunky
  • TPA++
  • Tom's Trading Network


  • Midnighttigger's Default Connected Textures Addons
  • Mossy Moss Carpets!
  • Snowier Snow Layers!


Cleaned up the configs a bit.



Some default settings were changed to make teleporting more balanced. /back has been disabled, as your items are already "saved" from being in a tombstone, removing the time element of reclaiming your stuff.


  • "Use /back" = false
  • "Accept Windup" = 5.0
  • "Accept Cooldown" = 900 (15minutes)

Notes: Was testing out the modpack in a server environment as a new instance with ATLauncher, and I noticed that Just Enough Professions was causing it to crash. This is an attempt to address this so you wont have to remove the mod manually yourself. I also noticed that the pack still included the JEI version of the mod, so I removed it.

I also updated the mods while at it.

Updated Mods:

  • Let's Do WilderNature
  • ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Village
  • CraftTweaker
  • Create: Framed
  • Every Compat
  • Immersive Aircraft
  • Leawind's Third Person
  • Moonlight Lib
  • Storage Drawers
  • Supplementaries
  • The Aether
  • The Bumblezone

Removed Mods:

  • Just Enough Professions

Notes: This update expands upon cosmetic character customization, and expands on the arsenal of weapons and armor, while adding the Better Combat mod. You could consider this a "combat & Cosmetics update". I also implemented some quality of life features and improvements

I tinkered around with the various Elytra options out there, trying to find a good compatibility setup. BetterEnd sticks out though, as is is a fabric-only mod, so the 2 elytra it adds have to be used in the chest slot, unfortunately. The Icarus mod adds some cool elytra designs to the mix, but it was not compatible with the Elytra Slot mod, and has to be used in either the Back or Chest slot.

To get around this limitation, I thought outside the box a little. If we can't have a dedicated elytra slot, then maybe I could just move the backpacks to a "Backpack" slot, which is exactly what I did. So now, there is a Backpack slot where you can put your backpack from

Spent a lot of time adding REI collapsible configuration, so you can reduce the size of your index.

There are also new entries for Open Parties and Claims.

You can also spend your hard-earned end-game resources to make your items unbreakable using the InfiniCore mod. I replaced the recipe with something much more complex through a datapack.

Although the main focus of this modpack is building and preservation of the vanilla overworld (no biome additions and minimal custom ore/stone and such), I decided that it would be fun to have a bit more armor and weapon variety, even if you just want to display your collection! I decided to also throw in Better Combat, as it opens up for more interesting combat with these new weapon additions. There is of course that slight little issue of not using Lootr in this pack, as it reduces the locations you might find the unique weapons and such if another player has been there. I originally didn't want to add Lootr, as it replaces the chests everywhere you go, so if for some reason, that mod is no longer maintained, all the chests in the world that has been generated as loot would be destroyed. However, on the other hand, without Lootr, if someone clears a bunch of dungeons and villages close to spawn, those will be empty chests for other players anyway.

Due to this reasoning, I concluded that adding Lootr would not be a big issue, even if it one day no longer is maintained (which seems doubtful). At any rate, at worst, it would cause already generated loot chests to dissapear, but the structures and other features around them would stay. For the Nether, End or any other dimension, you could wipe the whole dimension for new loot to spawn, or simply go somewhere else to generate new structures.

As a consequence, I got re-introduced to Connector Extras, which adds some much appreciated integrations with mods like REI, so that you can see how to actually craft BetterEnd items for instance. Very nice.

I intend on refraining from adding major worldgen content to the overworld, to preserve the persistent concept. I did toy with the idea of a custom dimension where you could use biome mods and other worldgen alterating mods, but so far, it still seem out of scope for what this pack is about. Using any biome-mod-specific blocks back in the regular overworld would be feasible, but would leave behind missing blocks in case of lacking future mod updates. Again, this could be said about BetterEnd, BetterNether, Aether etc. as well though, so it is still an idea I might play around with. This would also open up the possibility for server hosters to decide what kind of general world generator they might want to use in this custom dimension, such as Tectonic. The extreme world gen mods are pretty taxing on a server though, so I would personally not recommend it if your server isn't up to the task of generating terrain of this magnitude. But anyway, this is not something I will guarantee that I will do, given the amount of work involved, but could be a nice way of leaving you with a non-broken overworld (biome-wise).

I also customized the main menu a bit, by replacing the Minecraft logo with the modpack logo. There is also Discord rich presence now, which will show what dimension you are currently in, along with a custom icon to represent it.

Updated Mods:

  • let's do bakery
  • let's do farm & charm
  • let's do furniture
  • Amendments
  • Bad Wither No Cookie
  • BadOptimizations
  • Chat Heads
  • Collective
  • Create
  • Create Mechanical Extruder
  • Steam 'n' Rails
  • Cristel Lib
  • Curios API
  • Entity Culling
  • Euphoria Patcher
  • Every Compat
  • Farmer's Delight
  • ImmediatelyFast
  • Jade
  • Just Enough Breeding
  • Lithostiched
  • ModernFix
  • MonoLib
  • Moonlight Lib
  • Ping Wheel
  • Roughly Enough Items
  • Storage Drawers
  • Supplementaries
  • The Bumblezone
  • Unusual Fish Mod
  • Xaero's Minimap
  • XaeroPlus
  • YetAnotherConfigLib

Removed Mods:

  • Easy Elytra Takeoff
  • Clumps (Forge) - (neccesary for mod compat)
  • Canary (compat issues with Supplementaries causing crashes)

Added Mods:

  • Connector Extras
  • Building But Better
  • Macaw's Roofs
  • InfiniCore
  • Icarus
  • Resourceful Config
  • Common Network
  • Roughly Enough Professions
  • Better Ladders
  • Invisible Armor Items
  • Immersive Armors
  • Selfexpression
  • MC Dungeons Armors
  • MC Dungeons Weapons
  • Simply Swords
  • Clumps (Fabric) - (neccesary for mod compat)
  • Better Combat
  • Lootr
  • Laewind's Third Person
  • VillagersPlus
  • Ctov - VillagersPlus Compat
  • Colorful Trims
  • Create: Armor Trims
  • Simple Rich Discord Presence
  • Better Than Mending

defaultconfigs/ (these have to me moved manually to the "worldname/serverconfig/ folder to take effect on existing worlds):

  • openpartiesandclaims-server - added additional entries for missing Handcrafted blocks and new entries for Let's Do Furniture


  • /roughlyenoughitems - added some default configs and spent multiple hours creating collapsible groups, mainly for Chipped and other large-quantity mods. Will easily cut REI index size in half and make it easier to navigate.
  • icarus - configured Icarus items to be vanilla-like, such as durability, flight speed and not being slowed by armor etc. You can still do loops, but will require rockets to gain speed.
  • minieffects-client - moved the minified icon to the right, due to overlap with Curios UI
  • simplyswords_main/general - disabled gem sockets for unique weapons
  • supplementaries-common - disabled cannon and lumisene for now.

config/paxi/ (datapacks & resourcepacks):

  • dragons bbb disabler - disables the crafting of the layer blocks from the Building But Better mod, as there is no config to do so. If you still want to use layer blocks, consider using Copycats+ instead, as they work on contraptions, and can take on the appearance of any block. Check "dragons copycat disabler" for the recipe disabling files if you want to use those.
  • dragons curios tweaks - Simplified some of the files and removed the "elytra slot" in favor of the new "backpack slot".
  • dragons infinicore tweaks - Changes the recipe to be more complex and utilizing Create.
  • dragons create stripping - Adds Create Mechanical Saw stripping recipes for modded logs.
  • dragon claw assets - Adds Simple Discord Rich Presence support for modded dimensions, will be used in the future for modpack-specific assets.

Notes: Slight oversight on my end, in that I did not recall that the Twigs mod added world generation. I took a look into it, and there is no configuration files for the mod, so I am removing it from the pack as a result. A shame, cause the blocks it adds are interesting, but I would rather not risk a bunch of missing blocks in the future in your worlds.

Removed Mods:

  • Twigs

Notes: New Forge Version: 47.3.0

Updated the mods, added some performance boosting ones, and replaced the [Let's Do] legacy mods with their new variants.

Every Compat will add in all those missing pieces to your color palette choices.

You can also go to the Bumblezone now.

As usual, no new biomes added to overworld, so the main world wont get destroyed if mods wont be available in the future.

As far as shader stability goes, I spent a couple hours testing a few things, and digging around issue trackers for some mods. It seems there is currently an issue when enabling/disabling shaders when in the presence of particular blocks, specifically, it seems Create-related blocks. This will result in a crash to desktop, but it does not seem to affect the game when those objects are not being rendered, such as being far enough away, or in a separate dimension. So maybe refrain from hot-swapping between shaders being enabled/disabled while around Create blocks for the time being (if you encounter client-crashing behaviour).

I also decided to remove Distant Horizons from the pack, as it does not seem to have great compatibility with Embeddium at the moment. If you still insist on using DH, you can still tinker with your local client.

Updated Mods:

  • Bridging Mod
  • Chat Heads
  • Chipped
  • Cloth Config API
  • Create
  • Create Mechanical Extruder
  • Create: Connected
  • Create: Framed
  • Create: Steam 'n' Rails
  • CTOV
  • Elytra Slot
  • Embeddium
  • GraveStone Mod
  • Harvest with ease
  • Inventory Profiles Next
  • Iris & Oculus Flywheel Compat
  • Jade
  • Lithostiched
  • MmmMmmMmmMmm
  • Moonlight Lib
  • Necronomicon API
  • Overflowing Bars
  • Puzzles Lib
  • Sinytra Connector
  • Storage Drawers
  • The Aether
  • Trade Cycling
  • Xaero's Minimap
  • XaeroPlus
  • YUNG's API

Removed Mods:

  • Distant Horizons
  • Just Enough Items
  • Spark
  • Starlight
  • [Let's Do] Bakery

Added Mods:

  • Attribute Fix
  • BadOptimizations
  • Bartering Station
  • Better Archaeology
  • Effect Descriptions
  • End's Delight
  • Every Compat
  • Log Begone
  • Mini Effects
  • Nether's Delight
  • packet fixer
  • Roughly Enough Items
  • The Bumblezone
  • Too Fast
  • Transmog
  • Twigs
  • YetAnotherConfigLib
  • [Let's Do] Bakery Farm & Charm Compat
  • [Let's Do] Brewery Farm & Charm Compat
  • [Let's Do] Candlelight Farm & Charm Compat
  • [Let's Do] Farm & Charm
  • [Let's Do] Furniture
  • [Let's Do] NetherVinery
  • [Let's Do] Wilder Nature


  • copycats-common - Copycats+ - enabled copycat_block and disabled copycat_ghost_block
  • modified configs for the various added shaders. These wont replace your personal edits once the files exist in the shaderpacks folder, so your personal edits are safe.
  • wildernature.toml - [Let's Do] Wilder Nature - Disabled Bison and Raccoon as Alex's Mobs already adds similar mobs.

Datapacks/resourcepacks (found in paxi folder under config):

  • Motschen's Better Leaves


  • Added Bliss Shader
  • Added BSL Shaders Classic
  • Added BSL Shaders Original
  • Added Complimentary Unbound
  • Added Euphoria Patches
  • Added Insanity Shader
  • Added Photon Shader
  • Updated Complimentary Reimagined

Notes: Updated mods to most recent versions. Unable to update Distant Horizons until an upcoming version due to Oculus incompatibility.


  • Let's Do API
  • Let's Do Bakery
  • Let's Do Vinery
  • Alex's Mobs
  • Amendments
  • Balm
  • Bridging Mod
  • Building Wands
  • Chat Heads
  • ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Village
  • Citadel
  • Collective
  • Comforts
  • Crafting Tweaks
  • CraftTweaker
  • Create
  • Create Mechanical Extruder
  • Create: Connected
  • Create: Copycats+
  • Create: Framed
  • Create: Steam 'n' Rails
  • Curios API
  • Death Backup
  • Deeper and Darker
  • Ding
  • Distant Horizons
  • Double Doors
  • Easy Elytra Takeoff
  • Elytra Slot
  • Embeddium
  • Entity Culling
  • Extreme sound muffler
  • Geckolib
  • GraveStone Mod
  • Harvest with ease
  • ImmediatelyFast
  • Immersive Aircraft
  • Iris & Oculus Flywheel Compat
  • Item Obliterator
  • Jade Addons
  • Jade
  • Just Enough Breeding
  • Just Enough Items
  • Kiwi
  • Lighty
  • Lithostiched
  • MmmMmmMmmMmm
  • ModernFix
  • Moonlight Lib
  • Noisium
  • Observable
  • Open Parties and Claims
  • Packed Up
  • Ping Wheel
  • Puzzles Lib
  • Resourceful Lib
  • Sinytra Connector
  • Small Ships
  • Smarter Farmers
  • Storage Drawers
  • SuperMartjin642's Core Lib
  • Supplementaries
  • Tom's Simple Storage Mod
  • Trade Cycling
  • Unusual Fish Mod
  • Xaero's Minimap
  • Xaero's World Map
  • Xaero Plus


  • iChunkUtil
  • Cobweb

Datapacks/resourcepacks (found in paxi folder under config):

  • dragons copycat disabler (added the layered sloped pieces to be removed from stonecutter)

Notes: Spent some time updating mods. Have been using Distant Horizons on our private server, which seems to run alright now with the mods in the pack. I disabled it from rendering by default for anyone who can't use it, but it is easy to enable. Even with the flywheel compat mod, I still get poor performance in my own Create factory, but it is at least included by default now.


  • Amendments
  • Balm
  • Bookshelf
  • Bridging Mod
  • Chat Heads
  • ChoiceTheorems Overhauled Village
  • Collective
  • CraftTweaker
  • Crafting Tweaks
  • Create: Connected
  • Copycats+
  • Deep Aether
  • elytraslot
  • Embeddium
  • Entity Culling
  • Forgified Fabric API
  • Geckolib
  • ImmediatelyFast
  • Item Obliterator
  • Jade
  • Just Enough Items
  • Kiwi
  • Kotlin for Forge
  • Lithostiched
  • Macaw's Lights and Lamps
  • ModernFix
  • MonoLib
  • Moonlight Lib
  • Packet Fixer
  • Ping Wheel
  • polymorph
  • Puzzles Lib
  • Sinytra Connector
  • Small Ships
  • Supplementaries
  • TerraBlender
  • Tom's Storage
  • Xaero's Minimap
  • Xaero's World Map
  • XaeroPlus
  • Let's Do Addon
  • Let's Do API
  • Let's Do Bakery
  • Let's Do Vinery


  • Lazurite (no longer required)


  • Iris & Oculus Flywheel Compat
  • Distant Horizons (disabled by default, but tested it on our live server, which works okay with the settings applied. If you insists on generating chunks faster, you can change it to "I paid for the whole CPU" - or whatever that option is called :3 )


  • embeddium-options
  • DistantHorizons (disabled by default)
  • keybindings (moved some keybinds around)

Datapacks/resourcepacks (found in paxi folder under config):

  • Patch's Iron Bars Fix v1.0

Notes: Enhanced Mob Spawners has a current bug with spawn eggs that use the wrong naming convention, which resulted in no eggs dropping from Alex's Mobs, BetterEnd and BetterNether. To address this, Enhanced Mob Spawners is no longer responsible for dropping eggs, and instead handed over to Egg Hunter Enchantment. To blacklist mob eggs, Item Obliterator is now utilized, with a config available for most of the problematic/boss spawn eggs. The eggs still drop, but you wont be able to pick them up. Also added some new alternate custom datapack recipes to help with TPS lag.


  • Amendments
  • Collective
  • Curios API
  • ImmediatelyFast
  • Kiwi
  • Moonlight Lib
  • Polymorph
  • Resourceful Lib


  • Create Mechanical Extruder
  • Create: Connected
  • Create: Framed
  • Egg Hunter Enchantment
  • Item Obliterator
  • Necronomicon API


  • spawnermod (set egg drop chance to 0% due to buggy blacklist implementation, use new enchantment instead to get eggs)
  • item_obliterator (added blacklist for boss spawn eggs and other high hp mobs)

Datapacks (found in paxi folder under config)

  • dragons create oxidized (adds water filling recipes to convert copper blocks to oxidized states)
  • dragons vanilla tweaks (added spawner crafting recipe using "1 nether star, 4 netherite scrap, 4 obsidian" + alternative coarse dirt mixing recipe for bulk processing + coarse dirt stamping into dirt)
  • dragons create mechanical extruder (tweaks the normal recipes to generate faster and adds additional recipes)

Notes: Fix for mistake in open parties and claims defaultconfigs, which crashed new worlds on load.


  • Amendments
  • Chat Heads
  • Embeddium
  • Kiwi
  • Moonlight Lib


  • Immersive Aircraft
  • Small Ships

Datapacks (found in paxi folder under config)

  • dragons create tweaks (updated, you can now get betterend and betternether nuggets with Create again)
  • dragons small ships disabler (disables crafting of cannons and cannon balls)
  • dragons immersive aircraft disabler (disables crafting of bomb bay and other weapons)

Notes: Mainly removing JEED due to a reported bug that breaks the UI on servers when there are more than 5 potion effects active. Also updated mods for good measure (you should be able to add it manually on your client, if you insist on using it still).


  • Amendments
  • Chat Heads
  • Collective
  • Create: Steam 'n' Rails
  • Double Doors
  • Embeddium
  • Fast Paintings
  • Jade
  • Kiwi
  • MmmMmmMmmMmm
  • MonoLib
  • Moonlight Lib
  • Mouse Tweaks
  • Nether Depths Upgrade
  • Open Parties and Claims
  • Puzzles Lib
  • XaeroPlus
  • YUNG's API
  • YUNG's Better Jungle Templtes
  • Let's Do API
  • Let's Do Bakery
  • Let's Do Vinery


  • JEED (bug with more than 5 potion effects on servers causing UI problems with item descriptions going blank etc.)

Notes: Swapping out Colytra with Elytra slot + curios config for a dedicated elytra slot. This was done because Colytra doesn't work well with the Create backtank, essentially deleting the embedded elytra if you put the backtank down for refilling of air. Most elytra are compatible with this elytra slot. Added more paintings and updated mods to newer versions. Tried some selectable painting mods, but none of them work with fast paintings.

Also added a "dragons create tweaks" mixing recipe as an alternate way to make a Create-based cobblestone generator, hopefully with less lag.

Also disabled Spark debugging in the config and added it to defaultconfigs folder. Remember that any datapack changes have to be replaced into an ongoing world manually, byt replacing the save files' datapack folder contents.


  • Amendments
  • Chat Heads
  • Collective
  • Embeddium
  • Embeddium (Rubidium) Extra
  • ImmediatelyFast
  • Lighting Wand
  • MmmMmmMmmMmm
  • Moonlight Lib
  • Oculus
  • Sinytra Connector
  • TerraBlender
  • The Aether


  • Colytra
  • Decorative Blocks (forked)
  • TexTrue's Embeddium Options


  • Decorative Blocks (original author)
  • Macaw's Paintings
  • Dark Paintings
  • Bookshelf
  • Elytra Slot
  • Noisium

Datapacks (found in paxi folder under config)

  • dragons curios tweaks (adds an elytra slot separate from the back slot)
  • dragons create tweaks (added cobblestone generator recipe, combining lava and water in a mixer)

Notes: When we made the transition from Fabric to Forge, we lost BetterEnd and BetterNether. With the power of Sinytra Connector, those are now back. It is recommended that you reset The End and Nether dimensions for this.

Also adding another Fabric mod we used before, discontinuous beacon beams, which I had been using clientside since the Forge transition.

Adding Tom's Simple Storage Mod, but with modified config and custom datapack to make it more balanced when used alongside Create. You will still need to use Create if you want to sort items, but can use the interface to access all your items, or, use it as a messy bulk storage solution.

Decided to add BetterF3 alongside my personal config. It is clientside, so can easily be disabled.

I forgot about CraftTweaker adjusting the blast resistance of the train rails and other related blocks, so I had to re-add CraftTweaker, as I could not find a way to adjust the blast resistance without the mod. Added the same changes to the Steam 'N' Rails stuff where relevant, so you wont have to claim all your rail lines, and set up perms, just to protect it from random creeper explosions etc.


  • Caelus API
  • Clumps
  • Collective
  • Curios API
  • Create Deco
  • Steam 'N' Rails
  • Customizable Elytra
  • Double Doors
  • ImmediatelyFast
  • Kiwi
  • ModernFix
  • Packet Fixer
  • Rechiseled
  • Searchables
  • ServerCore
  • XaeroPlus
  • Let's Do Addon Compat
  • Vinery
  • The Aether


  • Tom's Simple Storage Mod

  • Tom-s Create Storage (resource pack)

  • CraftTweaker (needed for blast resistance of train tracks)

  • BetterF3

  • Macaw's Lights and Lamps

  • Deep Aether

  • AeroBlender

  • TerraBlender

  • Unusual Fish Mod

  • Nether Depths Upgrade

  • Rainbow Reef

  • Sinytra Connector Fabric mods:

  • bclib

  • BetterEnd

  • BetterNether

  • Discontinuous Beacon Beams

Datapacks (found in paxi folder under config)

  • dragons tom disabler (removes crafting of some blocks that would replace Create functionality, or is simply too overpowered.
  • dragons macaw disabler (removes crafting of slab light blocks, since you can achieve the same affect with copycat blocks, and that even works with any light block, even modded ones it seems)


  • Updated CraftTweaker scripts by splitting it into the respective mods that get modified, and removed stuff that is now handled by datapacks.
  • CraftTweaker now adjusts blast resistance of all tracks and related blocks for Create Steam 'N' Rails
  • Changed colums of basic backpack from 9 to 4, but, revered the recipe to default, and moved shulker box requirement to the next tier instead, so you can make early game backpacks, while shulkerboxes are still larger than those, and required for backpacks with more space than the shulker boxes.
  • Renamed "dragons other tweaks" datapack to "dragons packedup tweaks", and updated the contents to reflect the packedup change mentioned above.
  • Added "dragons other tweaks" datapack to re-introduce the backpack recipe override that replaces the chest with a shulkerbox.

Notes: Took a look at the datapacks, and converted all Crafttweaker stuff into datapacks instead. Also did a datapack to disable some copycats+ stonecutter recipes, as the config that is supposed to do so, only affects 3x3 crafting recipes. Some of the recipes are a bit too much in my opinion, but you can use your own config and not use the datapack if you prefer access to everything. We wanted to keep this modpack closer to the vanilla building style, which is more approachable to most people, and hopefully, reduce performance issues.


  • Crafttweaker (datapacks add the recipes now)


  • Anvil Never Too Expensive

Datapacks: (found in paxi folder under config)

dragons vanilla tweaks datapack

  • Cobblestone and black dye to make deepslate
  • Cobblestone and ender pearl to make end stone
  • Blackstone and gold nugget to make gilded blackstone
  • Cobblestone and nether wart to make end netherrack
  • Smelting nether quartz to get calcite

dragons create tweaks

  • Flint block washing to get iron nugget (you get a LOT of flint from gravel washing, and it seemed like such a waste, so why not add it to the production chain instead of burning it?

dragons copycat disabler

  • Datapack to remove excessive stonecutter recipes for Copycats+ config, until the mod gets fixed.

Changed: -spawnermod config defaults. Will require manual override. New config disables eggs from ender dragon, wither and warden. also reduced egg chance to 1.5, but can still drop without player interaction.


  • Added open parties and claims support for most interactions, with sensible groups that you can use to disable specific interactions with stuff like Create trains, seats, storages, etc. You find them in the "defaultconfigs" folder, if you want to apply it in an ongoing world/server.


  • Amendments
  • Chipped
  • Curios API
  • Embeddium
  • Expanded Storage
  • Forgified Fabric API
  • ModernFix
  • Moonlight Lib
  • The Aether
  • Xaero's Minimap
  • Xaero's World Map
  • XaeroPlus
  • YUNG's Better Dungeons


  • Let's Do Addon Compat (should fix Create mixers making wine with proper NBT tags for aging)


  • Open Parties and Claims default config

Notes: Since the conversion from Fabric to Forge, there was no convenient way to automate blue dye, outside cornflowers, so I addressed that by adding a lapis recipe similar to redstone dust. This also enables you to automate the creation of lapis for decorative uses.

We experienced getting swarmed by some of Alex's Mobs, so I adjusted the spawn weights, see the "changed" section.

Had also been waiting to see what the copycat panels from Create would spark in terms of other mods or if they would add more into Create itself. Added the Create: Copycats+ mod, and configured it to be a bit more sensible. This can fill in the gaps of your build, if you want slabs, stairs etc. out of a specific block from e.g. Chipped and the like. Similar to the basic copycat panels from Create, these adhere to the same rules and logic, so they can be used in schematics and also try to visualize any connected textures. Very nice. Use at own risk and personal moderation, as performance impact of overusing these is currently unknown. From what I could tell though, multiple authors worked on this, whom all were doing their own copycat extension mods, so it appears to be a bit more reliable in terms of future updates etc.


  • Dragon's Create Tweaks (new Create filling recipe to get lapis similar to redstone) - Paxi datapack was updated, but needs manual replacing.

  • Amendments

  • CTOV

  • Steam 'n' Rails

  • Curios API

  • EnderPack

  • Forgified Fabric API

  • Moonlight Lib

  • Open Parties and Claims


  • MonoLib
  • Create: Copycats+ (config was adjusted to reduce copycat bloat, and complexity, feel free to adjust your own prefereferences)


  • alexsmobs default config (less crimson musquito, mimicubes and straddlers)

Notes: Adding storage drawers and expanded storage for anyone having trouble with making a Create sorting system. Use at your own discretion, as your storage will be lost if those mods stop getting updates (as unlikely as that is).


  • Extreme sound muffler
  • Storage drawers
  • Expanded storage
  • MmmMmmMmmMmm
  • animate the player
  • Emotecraft
  • Ping Wheel
  • screenshot to clipboard
  • No Chat Reports
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