Mainly a maintenance update, with bug and crash fixes, along with a couple new features here and there, as well as 1 additional mod to deal with the increase in villager trading enchantments.
Updated Mods:
- [Let's Do] Bakery
- [Let's Do] Brewery
- [Let's Do] Candlelight
- [Let's Do] Farm & Charm
- [Let's Do] NetherVinery
- [Let's Do] Vinery
- [Let's Do] WilderNature
- Amendments
- Balm
- Chat Heads
- Cobweb
- Collective
- CraftTweaker
- Create: Connected
- Create: Copycats+
- Curios API
- Death Backup
- Deep Aether
- Double Doors
- Dragon Drops Elytra
- Embeddium (Rubidium) Extra
- EnderPack
- Entity Culling
- Euphoria Patches
- Every Compat (Stone Zone)
- Every Compat (Wood Good)
- Farmer's Delight
- Forgified Fabric API
- Fusion (Connected Textures)
- Icarus
- ImmediatelyFast
- Immersive Aircraft
- Inventory Profiles Next
- Jade 🔍
- Kiwi 🥝
- KleeSlabs
- Lithostitched
- MmmMmmMmmMmm
- ModernFix
- MonoLib
- Moonlight Lib
- Open Parties and Claims
- Packed Up (Backpacks)
- Packet Fixer
- Patchouli
- Resourceful Config
- Selfexpression
- Supplementaries
- The Aether
- The Bumblezone
- Tom's Simple Storage Mod
- Trade Cycling
- Xaero's Minimap
- Xaero's World Map
- XaeroPlus
Added Mods:
- Villager See, Villager Do
(located in the "config/paxi/datapacks/ folder, these will automatically be applied in singleplayer, but require manual transfer into the world save datapacks folder in a server environment):
- dragons_create_tweaks - added mixing recipe for dripstone, as an alternative to laggy dripstone farms, making the block more viable for building larger projects.
- dragons copycat disabler is no longer needed, as the configs for the mod now properly disable the stonecutting recipes as intended, and has been removed.
- Updated complimentary to latest version
Server installs and updates do not seem able to utilize the "defaultoptions" configs, so moving forward, the contents of the folder will be present in the config folder itself as well. Hopefully, this should also make it clearer which configs are changed, and may need manual overrides. Since you already have to make manual backups each update with ATlauncher anyway, I don't see this as a major problem. I will keep maintaining the "defaultoptions" setup however, as it makes testing easier, and can be used as your backup, in case you want to revert some configs.
TPA+ delay has been adjusted, so the delay triggers after a command is executed instead. The old config would trigger the cooldown, regardless of whether you teleported or not.
Modified some default player settings for Open Parties and Claims, so that villagers will behave as expected, without the need to first allow it. You can also interact with the enchanting table by default.
The Ender Dragon will now drop 1 elytra to the player who does the final hit. Previously, I had been trying out a datapack that would modify the loot table, but this solution would override loot added by mods. This solution is good enough. Since flying machines are also modded into the game, getting an elytra to help exploring the vastly expanded End dimension only seems reasonable. Finding an elytra in an End City, is still possible, but just much harder due to the additonal biomes etc.
Heracles has been added as a quest system, to be used in the future as a way to gain information about the features of the modpack. Currently, there are no quests.
Updated Mods:
- [Let's Do] Vinery
- Balm
- ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Village
- CraftTweaker
- Every Compat (Wood Good)
- Fusion (Connected Textures)
- KleeSlabs
- Lithostitched
- Moonlight Lib
- Ping Wheel
- TrashSlot
Added Mods:
- Dragon Drops Elytra
- Heracles
- Presence Footsteps
(located in the "config/paxi/datapacks/ folder, these will automatically be applied in singleplayer, but require manual transfer into the world save datapacks folder in a server environment):
- added: dragons heracles book (adds a recipe to acquire the quest book)
- dragons create mechanical extruder - made some adjustments to account for Limestone and Scoria recipe duplicates
Open Parties And Claims
exception for interaction with the following items: minecraft:written_book, minecraft:writable_book changed from "none" to "every"
exception for dropped item access by the following entities: minecraft:villager changed from "none" to "every"
exception for dropped item access by the following entities: minecraft:fox changed from "none" to "every"
exception for dropped item access by the following entities: minecraft:piglin changed from "none" to "every"
exception for block access by the following entities: minecraft:villager changed from "none" to "every"
exception for interaction with the following entities: minecraft:villager, minecraft:wandering_trader changed from "none" to "every"
exception for interaction with the following blocks: minecraft:enchanting_table changed from "none" to "every"
defaultoptions - (config/defaultoptions/extra/config):
(these have to me moved manually to the "config/ folder to take effect on an existing modpack instance. If the configs don't exist on launch, defaultoptions will do it for you however):
Inventory Profiles Next
["TPA++ Configuration".Cooldowns] "Global Cooldown" = 900