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Fabric Boosted is a combination of great performance, many quality of life mods and almost all optifine features


Benchmark was made on GamerPotion's FPS Tester with build-in config Benchmark

🚀 Also try Fabric Maxed for max performance


🟡 Final - Definitive Version (no longer updated)
🟢 Realese - Stable Versions with all listed mods
🟠 Beta - Unstable Versions with some missing mods
🔴 Alpha - Test Builds with many missing mods

MC Version Fabric Boosted Version Stage
1.20.6 1.3.0-Alpha2 🔴 Alpha
1.20.4 1.2.5 🟢Release
1.20.2 1.1.6 🟡Final
1.20.1 1.0.17 🟢Release


Q: What is so special about Fabric Boosted?
A: Fabric Boosted provides great performance and many QoL features which makes your gameplay a lot easier.

Q: My game crashed what should I do?
A: Join Discord and write about it on support channel.

🧾Mod List

🚀Performance Mods
Mod Name Desription
Sodium Main performance mod
Sodium Extra More settings to Sodium
Lithium Optimization to game physics, mob AI
FerriteCore Reduces RAM usage
Entity Culling Stops rendering invisible entities
More Culling Stops rendering invisible things
ImmediatelyFast Optimizes rendering various things
Exordium Renders GUI at lower framerate
Memory Leak Fix Fixes multiple memory leaks
Enhanced Block Entities Renders certain things as models instead of entities
Nvidium Provides Nvidia rendering engine
Krypton Optimizes networking stack
LazyDFU Makes the game boot faster
ThreadTweak Improves and tweaks thread scheduling
ModernFix Improves performance, reduces memory usage, and fixes many bugs
Very Many Players Improves game performance at high playercounts
Concurrent Chunk Management Engine Improves chunk performance
Noismium Optimises world generation performance
BadOptimizations Collection of mostly micro optimizations
💡Optifine Features Mods
Mod Name Desription
Continuity Connected textures
Capes OptiFine capes
Logical Zoom Zoom feature
Entity Texture Features Custom & random entity textures
Animatica Animated textures
Custom Entity Models Custom Entity Models
CIT Resewn Custom item texures
LambDynamicLights Dynamic Lights system
OptiGUI Custom GUIs
FabricSkyboxes Custom Skyboxes
Iris Shaders Shaders mod
💎Quality of Life Mods
Mod Name Desription
VoxelMap Minimap & Worldmap Mod
Shulker Box Tooltip Preview window of a shulker box contents
More Chat History Increases the maximum length of the chat history
Boosted Brightness Allows to set brightness beyond default levels
TalkBubbles Adds bubbles above your head when you chat
Durability Viewer Armor and Tool durability HUD
Color Me Outlines Configurable block highlight
Better Ping Display Displays each player's ping in the player list
Chat Heads Adds player heads next to chat messages
Remove Reloading Screen Makes resource packs load in the background
Essential Better screenshots, cosmetics & free server hosting
Roughly Enough Items Provides all item list and recipes
No Chat Reports Makes chat unreportable
FastQuit Saves world in background
Don't Clear Chat History Keeps chat history after leaving worlds or servers
Litematica Schematic mod
Clean F3 Removes useless information from the debug screen
Bobby Allow render distances greater than server's set
ToroHealth Damage Indicator
EpicForceCloseLoadingScreen Instantly closes loading terrain screen
⚙️Utility Mods
Mod Name Desription
Mod Menu Adds a mod menu to view the list of mods
Puzzle GUI to configure OptiFine alternatives.
Reese's Sodium Options Better look of Sodium options
Indium Sodium addon providing support for the Fabric Rendering API
Spark Performance profiler for Minecraft clients
Not Enough Crashes After crash gives a way to keep playing
Auth Me Authenticate yourself and re-validate your session
Simple Discord RPC Discord RPC mod
Fast-ip-ping Speeds up server pinging in menu
🔧Fix Mods
Mod Name Desription
ToolTipFix Fixes tooltips from runnning off the screen
AntiGhost Removes ghost blocks
Model Gap Fix Fixes gaps in Block Models and Item Models
Debugify Fixes minecraft bugs found on the bug tracker
MixinTrace Adds a list of mixins in the stack trace to crash reports
Mod Detection Preventer Makes servers impossible to detect installed mods
Mod Name
Fabric API
Fabric Language Kotlin
Cloth Config API
Architectury API
⭐Exclusive Mods
Mod Name Versions
GraphUtil 1.20.1
DashLoader 1.20.1
Custom Scoreboard 1.20.1 - 1.20.2
FastAnim 1.20.1 - 1.20.2
Starlight 1.20.1 - 1.20.4


Remove Reloading Screen
Don't Clear Chat History (Permission)

External resources

Project members




Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID