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Fabric Maxed is a combination of mods to make FPS as high as possible


Benchmark was made on GamerPotion's FPS Tester with build-in config Benchmark Benchmark2

⚙️ Also try Fabric Boosted if you also want Quality of Life Mods


🟡 Final - Definitive Version (no longer updated)
🟢 Realese - Stable Versions with all listed mods
🟠 Beta - Unstable Versions with some missing mods
🔴 Alpha - Test Builds with many missing mods

MC Version Fabric Boosted Version Stage
1.21 2.0.0-Beta1 🟠 Beta
1.20.6 1.3.0 🟢Release
1.20.4 1.2.5 🟢Release
1.20.2 1.1.3 🟡Final
1.20.1 1.0.5 🟡Final


Q: What is so special about Fabric Maxed?
A: Fabric Boosted provides the best possible performance and optimalization

Q: My game crashed what should I do?
A: Join Discord and write about it on support channel.

🧾Mod List

🚀Performance Mods
Mod Name Desription
Sodium Main performance mod
Sodium Extra More settings to Sodium
Lithium Optimization to game physics, mob AI
FerriteCore Reduces RAM usage
Entity Culling Stops rendering invisible entities
More Culling Stops rendering invisible things
ImmediatelyFast Optimizes rendering various things
Memory Leak Fix Fixes multiple memory leaks
Enhanced Block Entities Renders certain things as models instead of entities
Nvidium Provides Nvidia rendering engine
Krypton Optimizes networking stack
FastAnim Speeds up entity animation calculations
ThreadTweak Improves and tweaks thread scheduling
Concurrent Chunk Management Engine Improves chunk performance
Noisium Optimises world generation performance
Very Many Players Improves game performance at high playercounts
BadOptimizations Collection of mostly micro optimizations
Mod Name
Fabric API
Cloth Config API
⭐Exclusive Mods
Mod Name Versions
FastAnim 1.20.1 - 1.20.2
Starlight 1.20.1 - 1.20.4
Exordium 1.20.1 - 1.20.4
LazyDFU 1.20.1 - 1.20.6

Project members




Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID