- Yuushya Townscape
- Arts & Crafts
- Flower Pots Plus
- Extended Drawers
- Extended Drawers Addon
- Create: Nuke
- VMod
- Automobility
- The Bumblezone
- Create Vibrant Vaults
- [Let's Do] Vinery
- Sounds ~
- Simple Voice Chat
- Collective
- Create Design n Decor
- End's Delight
- Exposuire
- Extract Poison
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- Farmer's Delight
- [Let's Do] Bakery
- Modernfix ~
- Respite Creators
- Storage Delight
- Tool Trims Mod
- Xerca Music
- Armourer's Workshop
- c2me
- Camera Utils ~
- Create Big Canons
- Delightful Creators
- Every Wood Compat
- Jade Addons
- Modern Delight
- Small Ships
- You're in Grave Danger
- Hybrid Aquatic
- Better Beacon Placement
- Chat Heads ~
- Companion
- Copycats+
- CreativeCore
- Crying Ghasts
- MmmMmmMmmMmm
- Dynamic FPS ~
- Just Enough Effect Descriptions ~
- Just Enough Items
- Macaw's Furniture
- Macaw's Windows
- Moonlight
- More Mob Variants
- Resourceful Lib
- TCD Commons
- Model Fix ~
- Better Stats
- Friends and Foes
- Immediately Fast ~
- Armourer's Workshop
- Beacon Overhaul
- Chunks Fade In
- Easy Anvils
- Easy Magic
- Easy Shulker Boxes
- Inventorio
- Better Trims
- TCDCommons API
- Roughly Enough Config Screens
- Modern Kitchen
- Moonlight Lib
- Modernfix
- [Let's Do] Bakery
- Just Enough Breeding
- Jade Addons
- Faster Random
- Dynamic FPS
- CorgiLIB
- Collective
- Cicada LIB
- Camera Utils
- Better Statistics Screen
- Tool Trims Mod
- Sounds
- Macaw's Roofs
- Jade
- Friends and Foes
- Fish of Thieves
- Exposure
- Create Vibrant Vaults
- Copycats Plus
- C2ME
- Azure LIB
- Journey Map
- Every Wood Compat
- The Bumblezone
- 3D Skin Layers
- Show Me Your Skin
- Create: Crystal Clear
- Create: Vibrant Vaults
- Capes
- Wavey Capes
- Modern Lights
- Japan Props
- Entity Texture Features
- Entity Model Features
- Chipped
- Wakes
- Moog's End Structures
- AzureLib
- Basic Weapons
- Camera Utils
- Chat Heads
- Collective
- Comforts
- Complete Config
- Crate Delight
- Create Ore Excavation
- Create Slice & Dice
- Create: Food
- Create: Metalwork
- Cultural Delights
- Dynamic FPS
- End's Delight
- Every Compat
- Exposure
- Fish of Theives
- Faster Random
- Friends&Foes
- Friends&Foes Flowery Mooblooms
- Hybrid Aquatic
- Immersive Melodies
- Just Enough Items
- Indium
- ModernFix
- Roughly Enough Config Screens
- Simple HUD Enhanced
- Simple Voice Chat
- Sodium
- SmartBrainLib
- Terralith
- The Bumblezone
- [Let's Do] Vinery
- [Let's Do] Bakery
- The Bumblezone
- DistantHorizons
- Every Wood Compat
- Supplementaries
- ChatPatches
- Collective
- Create: Food
- GeckoLib
- JourneyMap
- [Let's Do] API
- [Let's Do] Bakery
- [Let's Do] Vinery
- [Let's Do] Nether Vinery
- Macaw's Lights and Lamps
- Moonlight
- Tool Trims Mod
- Amendments
- AzureLib
- Balm
- BetterAdvancements
- Brewin and Chewin
- Crate Delight
- Create Crafts and Additions
- Dynamic FPS
- End's Delight
- M.R.U.
- PuzzlesLib
- SmallShips
- Find
- The Bumblezone
- Simple Voice Chat
- Create Metal Work
- Iris
- [Let's Do] Vinery
- Macaw's Fences
- Macaw's Doors
- Macaw's Lights
- Simple HUD Enhanced
- Sophisticated Core
- Sophisticated Storage
- Sophisticated Backpacks
- AzureLib
- Bad Optimizations
- Collective
- Copycats
- CorgiLib
- Indium
- Moonlight Lib
- Sodium
- Zoomify
- Find
- Sophisticated Core
- Sophisticated Backpacks
- Sophisticated Storage
- Sounds
- Inventory Management
- NiftyCarts
- Clickthrough 2.0
- Tom's Simple Storage Mod (Unstable)
- ClickThrough
- The Bumblezone
- CorgiLib
- Every Compat
- [Let's Do] Brewery
- [Let's Do] Candlelight
- Simple Voice Chat
- Animatica
- Bad Optimizations
- Bookshelf
- Chat Heads
- Copycats
- Entity Culling
- ImmediatelyFast
- Iris
- Ksyxis
- [Let's Do] Nether Vinery
- ModernFix
- Slice and Dice
- Sodium
- Tom's Simple Storage
- YetAnotherConfigLib
- ModernKeyBinding
- Advancement Frames
- Alternate Current
- Amendments
- AudioPlayer
- AzureLib
- Camps. Castles. Carriages.
- Chat Heads
- Collective
- Create Deco Additions
- Create: Diesel Generators
- Creative Core
- Create: Steam 'n' Rails
- Create: Numismatics
- Create: Food
- Create: Metalwork
- Entity Culling
- Exposure
- Fabric APIR
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- Jade
- Immediately Fast
- Immersive Aircraft
- Immersive Melodies
- Ksyxis
- MCA Reborn
- Macaw's Paths and Pavings
- Macaw's Trapdoors
- Man of Many Planes
- Modern Kitchen
- Moonlight Lib
- Packet Fixer
- Simple Voice Chat
- Resourceful Lib
- Puzzles Lib
- Simple Voice Chat Radio
- Storage Labels
- Terralith
- The Bumblezone
- Tool Trims
- Weapons Expanded
- Yung's API
- Yung's Better Jungle Temples
- YetAnotherConfigLib
- You're in Grave Danger
- Zoomify
- [Let's Do] API
- [Let's Do] Bakery
- Amendments
- Animal Feeding Trough
- Audio Player
- Collective
- Camps. Castles. Carriages.
- Crate Delight
- Create Deco Additions
- Create Design n' Decor
- Create: Dreams & Desires
- Eureka!
- Every Compat
- Farmer's Delight
- Fish of Thieves
- Faster Random
- Immediately Fast
- Moonlight Lib
- Modern Kitchen
- MmmMmmMmmMmm
- Noisium
- Pineapple Delight
- Simple Voice Chat
- Storage Delight
- Weapons Expanded
- YetAnotherConfigLib
- [Let's Do] Mods