- Create Goggles
- Create Interiors
- Create Numismatics
- Create Design n' Decor
- Create Big Canons
- Create Dreams and Desires
- Valkyrien Skies
- Eureka! Ships for Create
- Clockwork
- Basic Shields
- Dark Paintings
- Emote Tweaks
- Exline's Furniture
- Farmer's Knives
- YDM's Scorpions
- [Let's Do] Candlelight
- [Let's Do] Herbal Brews
- [Let's Do] Brewery
- Memory Usage Screen
- Nvidium (Conflicted with Valkyrien)
- Sound Physics Remastered (Conflicted with Create)
- Farmer's Respite (Conflicted with Valkyrien)
- Let Sleeping Dogs Lie (Conflicted with Valkyrien)
- Playdate
- Amendments
- AzureLib
- BadOptimizations
- Collective
- Create: Slice and Dice
- Yet Another Config Lib
- The Bumblezone
- Expanded Delight
- Ember's kiln
- Dynamic FPS
- Faster Random
- Jade Addons
- Iris Shaders
- Hybrid Aquatic
- Journey Map
- ModernFix
- MoreCulling
- More Delight
- More Mob Variants
- Packet Fixer
- Server Core
- Roughly Enough Config Screens
- Rechiseled
- Rechiseled Create
- Smart Brain Lib
- Storage Delight
- Create Fabric
- Create Steam 'n' Rails
- Music Sync
- Very Many Players
- Fast Anim
- Exordium
- Packet Fixer
- Ksyxis
- Fast Paintings
- Video Tape
- Faster Random
- Observable
- StutterFix
- Disable Portal Checks
- Safe(ish) Respawn
- CullLessLeaves (Redundant)
- Mo' Zombies
- Zombie Horse Spawn
- Skeleton Horse Spawn
- Ambient Fireflies
- MCA Config.
- MixinConflict Helper
- ClickThrough
- Better Advancements
- Nvidium
- Leaves Be Gone
- Immediately Fast
- Memory Leak Fix
- Blanket
- More Culling
- More Culling Extra
- Enhanced Block Entities
- ServerCore
- Mobtimizations
- JustEnoughSpeed
- Let Me Despawn
- Not Enough Recipe Books
- Krypton
- Jade Addons
- Noisium
- Get It Together Drops
- Fast Quit
- Spark
- Alternate Current
- Animatica
- Bad Optimizations
- Bobby
- Debuggify
- Accelerated Decay
- Bits & Chisels
- Guinea Pigs
- McEmote
- Better Babies
- More Geodes
- BeetleBox
- Create More Armor
- Variant Tools and Weaponry