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The perfect quality of life mod setup!

Information and disclaimer(s):

The server side version can crash your game when playing on a vanilla server, use only client-side version instead if doing so! This modpack may contain copyrighted content, due to its size im unable to check every single mod etc. I can remove certain files if pointed out.

The Leaf's Better Minecraft modpack, something you truly need.

Ever wanted to feel like your game is running on life support? Maybe you're struggling with preformance? I got you! This modpack provides great functionality along with great preformance! More on the contents and important information is below! Make sure to also visit the gallery page for some screenshots. Im not a writer tho i try to make your life better a lot here with this pack :).

Including but not limited to:

Other stuff:

Once i sent my friend this modpack, he was doubting it but really liked it. You really should give it a try, but an important thing is you try and not mess with it too much, its kinda fragile but you can always re-download it here :). Sadly it is incompatible with create we all know and love but it is a small price to pay for this masterpiece. If you need support with this modpack please do not hesitate to dm me on discord, my username is LeafForge.

In-game screenshot.

A Nvidia graphics card is needed for the mod Nvidium that allows for huge render distances with good preformance.

In-game screenshot

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID