Midnight MC

Midnight MC


A simple modpack i made for me and my friends

Client and server AdventureCombat LightweightMagicMultiplayerTechnology

Createda year ago
Updateda year ago

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Midnight MC

This is a Modpack i made for me and my friends to play, if you want you can download it, but i am only posting it here so that my friends can easily download it.

The Modpack is made around a vanilla+/adventure theme, you will find lots of mobs, biomes, bosses, ores. There is a lot to this Modpack to discover but it still is in development, so don't expect much for now, i will try to make it better with time so please give me your feedback.

Discord Server

Join our portuguese discord server here: https://discord.gg/6rn7RKE


Magic House Built by Brunin, Guh and Rafa

Medieval House Built by Fallen

Nether Fortress with the Yung's Better Nether Fortress mod

Amber Land biome from the BetterEnd mod

Foggy Mushroomland biome from BetterEnd mod

Nether Gauntlet boss from the Bosses of Mass Destruction mod

Night Lich boss from the Bosses of Mass Destruction mod

The entrance to the Akira island made by OCatona, Saymir and Delage

Insanity Shaders(Used in the Images): https://modrinth.com/shader/insanity-shader

Attribution Requirements:

Fabric Enchantments: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/fabric-enchantments

Combat Enchantments: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/combat-enchantments

Effective: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/effective

Vanilla Tweaks: https://vanillatweaks.net/picker/resource-packs/

Xali's Enchanted Books: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/xalis-enchanted-books

Falling Leaves: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/falling-leaves-fabric

Illuminations: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/illuminations

Xaero's Minimap (Fair-Play Edition): https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/xaeros-minimap-fair-play-edition

External resources

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID