


A minimally intrusive QOL modpack based on Adrenaline.

Client LightweightMultiplayer

1 follower
Created2 years ago
Updated2 years ago

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Noradrenaline is a minimal modpack forked from Adrenaline with subtle quality-of-life features. It is designed to stay nearly indistinguishable from vanilla.

➕ Features

🏳️‍🌈 Quilt!

Noradrenaline uses the Quilt Modloader, whereas Adrenaline uses Fabric.

Beware! Quilt is in beta development. As always, keep (and test!) a solid backup and restore strategy.

🔥 Extreme Optimization!

Noradrenaline is built upon Adrenaline, a highly optimized modpack. Adrenaline claims "It can improve the framerate up to ten times!"

🧩 Few QOL Mods!

Noradrenaline bundles...

Simple Voice Chat is tucked away for convenience.

Noradrenaline includes configuration that maintains a low profile that cuts out more conspicuous mod features and options. It is designed to achieve the most Vanilla feel right from the start.

⏩ Quick Updates!

Noradrenaline will attempt to stay up to date with Adrenaline.

❓ Frequently Asked Questions

🔧 How do I install it?

Noradrenaline is installed like Adrenaline.

Here is a quick video that shows how to install it. The process should be very similar on most launchers. Make sure you have all the dependencies for it! All are linked in the description of the video.

📦 Can I make a modpack with this?

Yes, you can! Feel free to use this in any way you want! If you are making something public with this like a modpack, all I ask for is credit somewhere. You don't have to give credit - after all it's just a Minecraft modpack, but I spend lots of time maintaining this and it would help a ton. If you do want to give credit, just put this website in there.

Adrenaline, and by extension, Noradrenaline

💬 How can I provide feedback?

If you want to talk about the pack or have any questions, please use the discussions page! If you are asking for a feature to be added or giving a bug report, use the issue tracker. Thanks!

♻️ Versioning

Noradrenaline uses Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.

Versions for older Minecraft releases will try to replicate the latest stable version. This makes it super simple, but older versions may have less features as many mods can be missing.

This goes for newer, alpha versions as well. However, they will continue to be updated with multiple alpha stages until it has the same mods as the previous version.

I stop support for older versions over time, but it isn't mandatory to update as they should still be very stable.

👍 Thank you!

Thank you UltraStorm for maintaining and documenting Adrenaline!

We thank you CaffeineMC team for the wonderful optimization mods like Sodium and Lithium - this pack wouldn't exist without you all.

We thank you amazing modders for developing the other mods in this pack - it helps quite a lot.

And thank you for choosing Noradrenaline - enjoy the modpack. Don't forget to check out Adrenaline, and perhaps build your own modpacks from it!

External resources

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID