Minecraft: Java Edition
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Published last week
Updated 18 hours ago
An immersive (sound, weather, animation and graphic upgrades) pack that's easy to start with (deploy starter base & vein mining), but deep to master (tech). Contains nice world generation and extra structures, more tool, armor and weapon options, aircrafts, foods, corpse (gravestone), more mobs and quality of life changes like keybind bundles, faster ladders, slot cycler, 50% players sleep requirement, inviting others to your single player world and dad jokes :).
This pack started where we, as a bunch of Python students, played the "Kuriboh's Family Server Pack", but quickly wanted to make many changes of our own while keeping everyone synchronised for each playing session.
Notable Features:
- Inviting others: Open your world to LAN, then a new (different every time) server address will be generated for you into your chat.
- Distant Horizons will grant you distant terrain vision
- You can climb up to 3 blocks (press and release shift (sneak) while jumping to a ledge to hold on and pull yourself up.)
- You can jump over fences & walls
- Hold your attack button (Mouse 1) in to continuously attack effectively.
- Only 50% or more of players need to sleep to skip the night.
- R-Click in an inventory to sort the entire inventory. (ideal when opening new chests)
- Cannot harm any tamed pets, unless you attack while sneaking.
- Special boss music when fighting the Wither or Ender Dragon
- Zoom (default key = "V")
- Colored Tooltips
- Suspicious Sand/Gravel look "sus", like the should.
- Languages can be instantly changed.
Full Mod List (Latest Release - v2):
- Advanced Peripherals
- Almanac
- Alternate Current
- Amber
- AmbientSounds
- AppleSkin
- Architectury
- Armor Statues
- Armor of the Ages
- Artifacts
- Arts & Crafts
- Athena
- BadOptimizations
- Balm
- Beautiful Enchanted Books
- Better Animations Collection
- Better Archeology
- Better Babies
- Better Climbing
- Better Combat
- Better Third Person
- BetterThanMending
- CC: Tweaked
- Caelus API
- Camerapture
- Carry On
- Chipped
- Chisel Reborn
- Chunk Loaders
- Clean Tooltips
- ClientSort
- Cloth Config v15 API
- Clumps
- Collective
- Common Networking
- CommonCapabilities
- Controlling
- Cool Rain
- CoroUtil
- Corpse
- Corpse Curios Compatibility
- Crafting Tweaks
- Crafting+
- CreativeCore
- Cryonic Config
- Curios API
- Curios API
- Cyclops Core
- Daily Dad
- Data API
- DisplayCase
- Distant Horizons
- Double Doors
- Dynamic Crosshair
- Dynamic FPS
- Döner kebab mod
- Easy Anvils
- Easy Magic
- Easy Piglins
- Easy Villagers
- Elytra Slot
- EnhancedVisuals
- Entity Model Features
- Entity Texture Features
- EntityCulling
- Every Compat
- Explorer's Compass
- Explorify
- Explosive Enhancement
- Fallingleaves
- Farmer's Delight
- Ferrite Core
- Forge Config API Port
- FramedBlocks
- Fusion
- GeckoLib 4
- Geophilic
- GlitchCore
- Guard Villagers
- Icarus
- ImmediatelyFast
- Immersive Aircraft
- IntegratedCrafting
- IntegratedDynamics
- IntegratedTerminals
- IntegratedTunnels
- Inventory Essentials
- Iris
- ItemPhysicLite
- Jade
- JamLib
- JinxedLib
- Just Enough Items
- KeyBind Bundles
- Kotlin for Forge
- LanguageReload
- Leaves Be Gone
- Let Me Despawn
- Liteminer
- Lithium
- LittleFrames
- LittleTiles
- Lootr
- Luminous Monsters
- Magnum Torch
- MidnightLib
- Mineblock's Repeated Utilities
- ModernFix
- Modular Routers
- Moonlight Lib
- More Crafting Tables
- More Culling
- Mouse Tweaks
- Moving Elevators
- Nature's Compass
- Noisium
- NotEnoughAnimations
- Nyf's Spiders
- OctoLib
- Ore Growth
- Perception
- Pick Up Notifier
- Ping Wheel
- Player Animator
- Polymorph
- Prefab
- Pretty Rain
- Puzzles Lib
- Quad
- Rainbows
- Rechiseled
- Redstone Pen
- Reese's Sodium Options
- Relics
- Resourceful Lib
- Resourcefulconfig
- Resourcify
- Right Click Harvest
- Satisfying Buttons
- Searchables
- Server Sleep
- Silent Gear
- Silent Lib
- Slot Cycler
- Sodium
- Sodium Extra
- Sophisticated Backpacks
- Sophisticated Core
- Sophisticated Storage
- Sound Physics Remastered
- Sounds
- Sparkweave Engine
- Starter Kit
- Stoneworks
- SuperMartijn642's Config Library
- SuperMartijn642's Core Lib
- Supplementaries
- TerraBlender
- Terralith
- TrashSlot
- Variants&Ventures
- Vegan Hostile Mob Drops
- Visual Workbench
- Visuality: Reforged
- WI Zoom
- Wall-Jump TXF
- WaterMedia
- Waves
- Waystones
- What Are They Up To
- Xaero's Minimap
- Xaero's World Map
- YetAnotherConfigLib
- e4mc
- nofriendlyfire
- notblue's Vegan Recipes
- §dBoss Music Mod