Smooth Server

Smooth Server


This modpack will optimize your cheap server performance. Check the Free Minecraft Hosts List (FMHL)!

Server LightweightOptimization

Createda year ago
Updateda month ago

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Big Update:

  • Created 1.20.6 Fabric version of modpack.
  • Removed Starlight

Missing mods that aren't available to 1.20.6 such as: Carpet, Carpet-Fixes, Memory Leak Fix & Lazy DFU. (expect less optimization)

Big Update:

  • Created 1.20.5 Fabric version of modpack.
  • Removed Starlight

Missing mods that aren't available to 1.20.5 such as: Carpet, Carpet-Fixes, Memory Leak Fix & Lazy DFU. (expect less optimization)


  • Updated mods
  • Added mod: Slumber
  • Updated Fabric Loader version (0.15.11).

Missing mods that aren't available to 1.20.1 such as: Carpet fixes. (expect less optimization) Crashes the game

Minor update :

  • Updated mods
  • Updated Fabric Loader version (0.15.11).
  • Added missing mods.

Missing mods that aren't available to 1.20.3. (expect less optimization) FerriteCore & ThreadTweak


  • Updated mods.
  • Updated Fabric Loader version (0.15.11).

Missing mods that aren't available to 1.20.2 such as: Carpet fixes. (expect less optimization) Crashes the game


  • Updated mods
  • Updated Fabric Loader version (0.15.11).

Missing mods that aren't available to 1.20.4 such as Async Locator. (expect less optimization)


  • Updated mods
  • Updated Fabric Loader version (0.15.9).

Missing mods that aren't available to 1.20.4 such as Async Locator. (expect less optimization)

13/Avr/24 20:52 Central European Time CET UTC+1


  • Updated ServerCore.
  • Updated Fabric Loader version (0.15.9).

Missing mods that aren't available to 1.20.2 such as: Carpet fixes. (expect less optimization) Crashes the game

13/Avr/24 20:46 Central European Time CET UTC+1


Missing mods that aren't available to 1.20.2 such as: Carpet fixes. (expect less optimization) Crashes the game

3/Mar/24 20:37 Central European Time CET UTC+1

Big Update:

  • Created 1.20.4 Fabric version of modpack.

Missing mods that aren't available to 1.20.4 such as: Async Locator and Alternative Current. (expect less optimization)

3/Mar/24 20:21 Central European Time CET UTC+1


Missing mods that aren't available to 1.20 such as: Carpet fixes. (expect less optimization)

org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.throwables.InvalidInjectionException: Critical injection failure: @Inject annotation on cf$onAbsorptionChanged could not find any targets matching 'Lnet/minecraft/class_1657;method_52544(F)V' in net.minecraft.class_1657. Using refmap carpet-fixes-refmap.json [PREINJECT Applicator Phase -> carpet-fixes.mixins.json:playerFixes.PlayerEntity_absorptionMixin from mod carpet-fixes -> Prepare Injections ->  -> handler$bog000$carpet-fixes$cf$onAbsorptionChanged(FLorg/spongepowered/asm/mixin/injection/callback/CallbackInfo;)V -> Parse]

20/Jan/23 16:01 Central European Time CET UTC+1

Big Update:

  • Created 1.20 Forge version of modpack.
  • Removed No Unused Chunks

Missing mods that aren't available to 1.20 such as: Radon and Alternative Current. (expect less optimization)

Missing language javafml version [47,) wanted by alternate_current-mc1.20-1.7.0.jar, found 46

17/Dec/23 18:50 Central European Time CET UTC+1

Big Update:

16/Dec/23 16:46 Central European Time CET UTC+1

Minor update :

  • Updated mods
  • Added missing mods (Alternate Current, Chunky, CCME, Starlight)

Missing mods that aren't available to 1.20.3. (expect less optimization)

16/Dec/23 16:04 Central European Time CET UTC+1

Minor update :

  • Updated & Added mods & Fabric API.
  • Removed No Unused Chunks

16/Dec/23 16:36 Central European Time CET UTC+1

Big Update:

  • Created 1.20.3 version of modpack.

Missing too much mods to be considered a smooth server modpack...

11/Dec/23 23:12 Central European Time CET UTC+1

Minor update :

  • Updated mods
  • Added missing mods

Missing 2 mods that aren't available to 1.20.2. (expect less optimization)

11/Dec/23 23:01 Central European Time CET UTC+1

Minor update :

  • Updated mods & Fabric API.

11/Dec/23 22:54 Central European Time CET UTC+1

Minor update :

  • Updated mods & Fabric API.

30/Sep/23 19:28 Central European Time CET UTC+1

Minor update :

  • Updated mods
  • Added missing mods

Missing mods that aren't available to 1.20.2. (expect less optimization)

18/Nov/23 19:24 Central European Time CET UTC+1

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