Streamer Friendly

Streamer Friendly


This is a modpack designed for players who prefer a highly optimized and stable experience. Designed for Youtubers / streamers, it also has the replay mod and essential features such as world map / minimap.

Client LightweightOptimization

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Createda year ago
Updateda year ago

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What mods does this modpack include?

This modpack includes common optimization mods that have been tested to be safe with your worlds and compatible with each other. It also includes commonly used features: in-game map and mini map, replay mod for recording, Fabrishot for taking clearer screenshots (Press F9 instead of F2).

How does this modpack compare to Fabulously Optimized and Simply Optimized?

Fabulously Optimized is known for its awesome experience and Optifine-parity features. This modpack shares many optimization mods with Fabulously Optimized but removes many QoL(Quality of Life) features such as connected textures, better grass and dynamic lights. You can add these yourself though.

Simply Optimized shares a common goal with this pack - to be performance-focused. However, Simply Optimized uses many mods that are still in alpha state and the pack itself is quite experimental. This pack however is designed for people who wants a generally stable experience, especially for Youtubers and streamers since they rely heavily on the stability.

Apart from the above, this modpack also adds replay mod to record gameplay. If you don't need it, either disable/delete it from your launcher, or uncheck the "Record Singleplayer" / "Record Multiplayer" checkbox when you select a world or a server. Fabrishot provides a great way to make clear screenshots and you can simply press F9 in-game. The large screenshot will be saved with your ordinary screenshots under your .minecraft/screenshots folder.

Bug Report and More

Feel free to reach out to me at GitHub Issues if anything goes wrong. This pack is still in its early state and an official discord server and more are on the way.

This modpack includes the mods Xaero's World Map and Xaero's Minimap (Fair-play Edition). They are developed by Chocolate Minecraft, and you can visit their official website here. They are a fantastic addition to this modpack.

The Full Bright resource pack is developed by Vanilla Tweaks. You can get more cool resource pack modifications here.


External resources

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID