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More basic adjustments, and even more balancing to Mythic Metals.

I am currently working on a bigger update, which is custom made Simply Swords weapon compatability with other mods and missing compats for Mythic Metals, using Knaves' Needs source code as a base. I have currently finished the textures for all copper weapons for Mythic Metals (example images below). Once they are added in a will begin working on Durasteel, then move to other mods like Majrusz's Progressive Difficulty (Enderium).

Copper Twinblade Copper Halberd Copper Sai

  • Updated Eldritch Mobs Modifications

More stuff, like complete rebalancing of Mythic Metals and Midas Hunger by using it's source code.


added a few particle mods and killed dynamic surroundings

Changed a bit, shields changed a lot, more mods added and removed, hopefully just better overall.

Moooooore stuff, like balancing, mods, and optimizations.Multiplayer might be broke tho lmao.

A lot of stuff changed, again.

- Fixed the stuttering and extreme lag woo!!!!! Stuff got removed as a result though, but we got more structures!

  • Removed You Thief! Just wasnt the greatest
  • Fixed Arfifact village spawn chest being 50% instead of 5%
  • Added LambDynamicLights

Did a lot of stuff, but didnt write patch notes unfortunately. It's better though, I hope.

  • Fixed some items not being removed
  • Reduced Rapier's attack speed slightly

Redid the whole pack from the ground up!

Backported to 1.20.1 for more mods, and shuffled the list around as well. Way too many changes to list, but while the core concept of the pack is the same, a lot of other things have changed.

= Broke Mob Captains due to the removal of an item used in Dunes & Drought, this has now been fixed and that item has been removed.

  • Removed Dunes & Drought due to annoying ass trading spices.

A few more structures, removed a few, and added a TON of new Biomes!

  • Added Camps. Castles. Carriages., because more structures yes.
  • Added Explorations, i bet you cant guess if its structures or not.
  • Added both Formations mods.
  • Added Bridging Mod, for more convenient building.
  • Added Biolith, for modded biome distribution and Cavernous compat
  • Added Biomes O' Plenty, added much more overworld and underground biomes.
  • Added Hellion's Sniffer+, as it now works with Cavernous thanks to Biolith.
  • Added Spider Caves, as it now works with Cavernous thanks to Biolith.
  • Added Underground Jungle, as it now works with Cavernous thanks to Biolith.
  • Added Regions Unexplored, more biomes yes.
  • Added Underground Villages, Cavernous already has some, but more variation is nice.
  • Removed all of Moog's Structure mods, while they are cool, they cause easy early op loot and land deformations.
  • Removed Warp Totems as Lodestone Warp is more than enough.
  • Removed Things as it's ore doesn't generate with Cave Biome Mods.

+ Made tons of changes to Mob Captains, including balancing, modded mob support, and new items!

  • Added Amethyst Equipment, an extra simple use for a useless item.
  • Added Simple Copper Pipes, giving another use to Copper.
  • Added Deeper and Darker, as a nice little thing to do regarding the warden.
  • Added Stack Refill, as a quality of life to better your inventory.
  • Added Legacies and Legends, for more adventures and things to find!
  • Added Patched, for reasons.
  • Added Variable Spawner Hardness, to make torchers a more viable option.
  • Added Dunes & Drought, to spice up the desert even more.
  • Added Artifacts and Trinkets, for treasure hunters like myself.
  • Added Balanced Weapons, to give some useless enchantments a use. + Added Goblin Traders, little buddies that give big loot! nvm they crash the game when traded with lmfao.
  • Added AppleSkin, for QOL food elements.
  • Added Nullscape, End version of Incendium.
  • Added Structory, even more structures oh god!
  • Added Structures Rebalanced, for more structures to fill in the gaps.
  • Added Better Sniffers, because normally they are just worse fishing lmao.
  • Added Lodestone warps, as an alternative to Warp Totem as Go Home was removed.
  • Removed Better Loot due to another mod replacing it.
  • Removed Riot due to causing entities to deal damage to each other when too close.
  • Removed Tiny Skeletons due to crashes.
  • Removed Go Home, hopefully temporarily, while trying to fix the attack speed bug.
  • Removed Herobrine, for real this time. From The Fog has lost it's novelty. = Nerfs to Weaponworks' longer range weapon's damage, due to close range combat becoming a lot easier with any of them equipped. This should hopefully give players a reason to carry multiple weapons, like shorter ranged ones for long range mobs, and longer ranged ones for short ranged ones, allowing a lot more depth to which weapons you choose.
  • Removed Sniffers+ and Underground Jungle due to compatability issues with Cavernous.

+ Fully moved and uploaded to Modrinth!

  • Removed Basic Weapons, putting Weaponworks in it's place.
  • Added When Dungeons Arise! which adds giant beautiful structures to travel in.
  • Added Bosses of Mass Destruction, more fights, more fun.
  • Added Cavernous, glorious underground cave biomes and secrets to uncover!
  • Added Hybrid Aquatic, for making your fishing and ocean adventures more fun!
  • Added Repurposed Structures, and all of it's compatibility packs.
  • Added Katter's Structures, more to spice up the world.
  • Added Wabi-Sabi Structures, more buildings in the world to explore.
  • Added Philip's Ruins, old structures with the potential to hold valuable loot.
  • Added DNT Structures, yet even more structures.
  • Added Just Another Structure Pack, I think I have a problem with structure mods.
  • Added Medieval Buildings, because yes we need to overcomplicate the world with too many structures.
  • Added Forgotten Temples, because underground structures are very different from above ground ones.
  • Added Structory Towers, can you guess its another structure mod?
  • Added Unnamed Deserts, breathing more life into those barren biomes.
  • Added Olden Guns, because who doesn't want to shoot a skeleton with a Musket?
  • Added Riot, giving players a new shield for end game.
  • Added Crossbow Expansion and Crossbow Enchants, allowing more creative use of the weapon.
  • Added Enchantments Plus, for more creative weapon setups.
  • Added Go Home, travel back to your base with ease!
  • Added Guard Villagers, they can help defend villages, or you can fight them to steal their gear!
  • Added Useful Mobs, giving more pointless mobs a purpose.
  • Added Swimming Horses, cross rivers with ease!
  • Added Mob Armor Trims, allowing mobs with armor to have more fashion.
  • Removed Variants and Ventures, replacing with with Mob Variants.
  • Removed Fast Quit due to exit without saving and crashing issues.
  • Removed Get It Together Drops! so my items will stop phasing through walls.
  • Fallen Knights and Enderminies from Ender Zoology have been removed.
  • Removed Sound Physics Remastered due to conflictions.
  • Removed Infinity Caves due to causing errors with every cave mod known to man.
  • Removed Dungeons+: Towers and Spawners as they were extremely difficult with little to no reward.
  • Removed Profundous due to conflictions.
  • Removed Bountiful due to possible conflictions, still testing.
  • Removed Herobrine.

And more that I probably forgot to write down!

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