- Made the %own-name% and %partner-name% placeholders work everywhere in the gui. You will have to change the old %player% placeholders in the guis.yml if you are updating from an older version as %player% is no longer going to work. (you can find the default config on github: https://github.com/Artillex-Studios/AxTrade/blob/master/src/main/resources/guis.yml)
- Fixed that the tax placeholders were not rounded when using currencies that only support whole numbers.
- Added taxes! Now you can set up taxes (per currency) in the currencies.yml. By default taxes are disabled, nothing will change if you don't enable them. (https://github.com/Artillex-Studios/AxTrade/blob/master/src/main/resources/currencies.yml#L30)
- Added a new placeholders for currency items: %tax-amount%, %tax-percent%, %tax-fee%
- Added the ability to use the %player-name% and %own-name% placeholders on confirm items (thanks, kxtsoo)
- Reworked some internals related to currencies, and the api has changed a little bit, make sure to update if you are a developer using it, also now custom currencies will be automatically registered in the currencies.yml.
- Added a setting (enabled by default) that prevents adding more items if the player's inventory is full.
- Added /axtrade preview - you can use it to test how the gui looks without a second account
- Added AxTradeAbortEvent and AxTradeCompleteEvent (thanks, @rexlManu)
- Fixed sometimes gui closing instantly if the player was moving when the trade was started (thanks, @Sneyzi)
- A lot of internal changes, nothing should be affected, but if anything behaves differently, please report it to us!
- There are some major changes to the currency processing system, make sure to read
- The plugin now ends the trade, sends a request to the currency plugins that were used in the trade and the difference in the new version is that AxTrade now waits for a response, this way we can garantee that no trade can finish without people getting their currencies. This is most useful for mysql/remote currency plugins where transactions might fail and in the past we had no way to detect fails.
- AxTrade can now also reverse this process, so if 2 currencies successfully got sent and the third failed, AxTrade will give the first 2 currencies back to the players and abort the trade.
- This new system has been tested on production servers for a few days and it seems to be stable.
- Make sure to report issues if you notice anything odd!
- Disabled item pickup while trading
- Improved movement detection, trades should no longer abort for small camera movements
- Made the %own-head% and %partner-head% placeholders work for all items (they can be used in the texture part of player heads)
- Added a toggle for trade summaries (enable-trade-summaries)
- Made it possible to add clickable /trade accept & deny messages, this will require you to manually update your existing config to this format: https://github.com/Artillex-Studios/AxTrade/blob/master/src/main/resources/lang.yml#L47-L54 (the old format will continue to work, but that will not be clickable)
- Added a new "trade expired" message, don't forget to translate or customize it after updating. (if you want to)
- Made it possible to use player heads in the guis (you can use the %own-head% and %partner-head% placeholders in the texture section of player heads), check the commented out exampes in the default guis.dyml (https://github.com/Artillex-Studios/AxTrade/blob/master/src/main/resources/guis.yml#L39)
- Fixed an issue with sign guis not working on spigot
- Added AxTradeRequestEvent api event
- Added EcoBits support
- Made all the command error messages customizable
- Made commands work with Geyser Floodgate players
- Fixed a warning that appeared on startup when using paper 1.20.5 and 1.20.6
- Fixed commands double registering when reloading the plugin
- Now if the player doesn't have enough slots, the items will be dropped instead of deleting them
- This is quite a major update, it makes it possible to use multiple currencies from plugins that support it, more info: https://docs.artillex-studios.com/axtrade-multi-currency-plugins.html
- A converter will be run at startup that changes parts of the currencies.yml, it should be safe, no need to back it up
- If you are using the UltraEconomy or CoinsEngine hook in the gui you will have to change the currency section to the same as the wiki
- Added RedisEconomy support