Disable Mob Griefing

Disable Mob Griefing


Small plugin to allow griefing toggles per mob (actually entity), super useful if you enjoy working villager farms but hate pesky enderman and creepers.

Server Game Mechanics Mobs

Created10 months ago
Updated10 months ago

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Small plugin to allow griefing toggles per mob (actually entity), super useful if you enjoy working villager farms but hate pesky enderman and creepers "decorating" your beautiful world.

config file that allows enabling/disabling griefing
command that allows toggling griefing (need op permissions)
command to view current griefing status per mob

To view current setting: /mobgriefing|mg <entity>
To set entity setting: /mobgriefing|mg <entity> true|false

Default config: (comments are NOT generated, here for context)
# only ops can run commands
require_op: true
# verbose console output
verbose: false
# creeper explosions
creeper_griefing: true
# ender crystal explosions
ender_crystal_griefing: true
# ender dragon destroying blocks
ender_dragon_griefing: true
# enderman picking up/placing blocks
enderman_griefing: true
# sand/gravel falling (came up in testing)
falling_block_griefing: true
# ghast griefing
fireball_griefing: true
# player falling onto farmland (possibly others)
player_griefing: true
# rabbit eating carrots
rabbit_griefing: true
# sheep eating grass
sheep_griefing: true
# silverfish entering blocks
silverfish_griefing: true
# villager harvesting crops
villager_griefing: true
# wither spawn explosion
wither_griefing: true
# wither ranged attack
wither_skull_griefing: true

allow checking of require_op and verbose via command
allow toggling of verbose (and maybe require_op? seems "dangerous") via command\

Not tested:
custom mobs (in theory as long as the mob is of a type defined in EntityType, it should work)

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