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Simple One-time-use elytra Plugin offering multiple elytra zones

Table of contents


Download the Plugin, put it in plugins/ and restart the server


Zone define the areas in which Players get the elytras.

Creating Zones

To create a Zone, open the GUI with /elytrafly and click on New Zone. Follow the Instructions in the Chat to create the Zone

Video of a zone being added

Deleting Zones

To delete a Zone, simply right-click the Zone in the Zone GUI, opened with /elytrafly, to delete it.

Deleted zones are not recoverable!

Video of a zone being deleted

Restricting zones

Zones can be restricted to specific players/permission groups

  • Every Zone has a unique Permission attached to it specifying what players are allowed to use the zone
  • The permission is constructed from and the unique name of the zone, lowercase and with whitespaces replaced with -
    • Example: Zone Test Zone has the permission

ElytraFly only enforces the Permissions when the restricted flag of the zone is set to true
This can be done in the Zone GUI


Do not edit the config while the server is running! The plugin will simply overwrite the config on shutdown!

Everything there is to configure about this Plugin is done in the GUI opened with /elytrafly

To open the Settings, click on the Workbench in the lower left corner of the GUI

Video of the Settings Menu

Setting Description
Boost If boost is activated, Player with the elytrafly.boost permission can use the F key to boost themselves in mid-air
Boost Strength Boost Strength defines how long the Boost will last. every level is approximately half a second of boost
Max Boosts How many boosts a Player can use per flight. -1 for infinite, 0 for none
Boost Delay How many seconds player have to wait until they can boost again
Prefix Changes the Prefix of the Plugin

Video showing the Name of the Elytra being changed

Boost Designs

ElytraFly offers an extensive Design builder to customize the boosts to your liking. The Builder offers functionality to change colors, add fades, flickers and trails to your boosts.

Video showing the Design builder


You can easily define the colors of your elytra just by clicking items!

Video showing how easily colors are changed


Permission Description
elytrafly.gui Allows to access the GUI and other admin functionality
elytrafly.boost Allows Players to boost themselves in mid-air using their off-hand swap key
elytrafly.boost.bypass Allows Players to bypass the boost limit
elytrafly.delay.bypass Allows Players to bypass the delay for boosts Allows Players to use all zones, even if they are restricted Allows players to use a zone if it's restricted (The zones name is fully lowercase and Whitespaces are translated to -)


Elytrafly offers first-class Support for multiple popular plugins, like Luckperms or PlaceholderAPI


You can use Luckperms Meta Variables to fine-tune specific Settings of Elytrafly per player. Refer to the wiki for a guide how to use them

Variable name Description
elytrafly.max-boosts How many boosts a Player/Group can use per Flight
elytrafly.boost-delay How long the delay between boosts is for the Player/Group


ElytraFly offers an expansion for PlaceholderAPI to display additional information to Players

Note You do not need to worry about enabling the Placeholders, ElytraFly will register them automatically when PlaceholderAPI is being detected on the Server

Placeholder Description
zones_count The total of zones set on the server
current_zone The name of the zone in which the Player is standing (null if not standing in a zone)
allow_boosts If the Player is allowed to boost himself
max_boosts The maximum boosts the Player is allowed to use
delay The delay that is set for the Player between boosts


This Repository is licensed under GPL v3

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