End Portal Timer

End Portal Timer


End Portal Timer helps server owners control when players are able to access the End Portal and fight the Ender Dragon.

Server AdventureGame MechanicsManagementUtilityWorld Generation

Created9 months ago
Updated11 days ago

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End Portal Timer helps server owners control when players are able to access the End Portal and fight the Ender Dragon. You can set a time limit for when the portal will become active, preventing players from rushing to the End too quickly. When the portal is inactive, players attempting to use it will receive a customizable message informing them of when it will become available.

This plugin is ideal for server owners who wish to schedule a grand Ender Dragon battle with many players for a more immersive and challenging experience. It also caters to those who prefer a more leisurely pace and want to ensure that players enjoy the game's content without rushing through it.

  • /endportaltimerreload (default op) - Reloads the configuration of the plugin.


# Change this to true if you already configured the values below
enabled-plugin: false

# Date, time, and timezone when the end portal will be accessible
# Sample value for timezone is Asia/Singapore
# You can check the available timezone values here https://docs.trifacta.com/display/DP/Supported+Time+Zone+Values
date: "2023-03-15"
time: "12:00:00"
timezone: "Asia/Singapore"

# Block access to the end portal frame
blockEndPortal: true

# The format of the message to send to players when they attempt to use the end portal and when the portal is accessible
messageFormat: "&7Hey there, just wanted to give you a heads up that the end portal is currently disabled. But no need to fret, it will be accessible again on &a%endportaltimer_date% %endportaltimer_time% %endportaltimer_timezone%. &7This gives us plenty of time to gear up and prepare to fight the ender dragon together! Keep on mining and building, and we'll take on the ender dragon in no time."
accessibleMessage: "&bEnd Portal is now accessible!"

Hey there! Your feedback, suggestions, and bug reports would be super helpful in the thread. I would be really grateful if you could share your thoughts and help me improve the plugin. Don't be shy, let me know what you think!

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