Updated the date format for better clarity.
# Date Format: MONTH-DAY-YEAR
date: "12-31-2024"
time: "12:00:00"
timezone: "Asia/Singapore"
If you're already using the plugin, you don't need to switch to this updated version.
As always, feedback, suggestions and bug report is much appreciated. You can join our discord server https://discord.com/invite/GCxYsMG3u6
Added Hologram Display when a player tried to place the ender eye on the end portal frame. (thanks @SnowCutieOwO for the suggestion!) Make sure to have DecentHologram installed to use this feature.
Config update (copy and paste this to your config):
# Cooldown in seconds. You can adjust this value as needed.
hologramCooldown: 1
# The format of the message to send to players when they attempt to use the end portal and when the portal is accessible
- "&fEnd Dimension will be accessible on:"
- "&6%endportaltimer_date% %endportaltimer_time% %endportaltimer_timezone%"
Updated the link of the timezone database. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones