Re-attempt at publishing all files, last deploy failed due to CurseForge having stability issues.
- Update to 1.21.5
- Fix rendering issue of the left/right shortcut lists introduced last release
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- Update to 1.21.5
- Fix rendering issue of the left/right shortcut lists introduced last release
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Big test release before 1.21.5
This release tests 2 new things before 1.21.5 is out, lets hope everything is going well (: (decent chance for something to go wrong).
- First attempt of switching the release tooling from mcpublish to me.modmuss50.mod-publish-plugin. If you read this on Modrinth/Curseforge it seems to have worked
- Start bundling libs as JarInJar mods. First attempt here with a new GUI library TRender based on CottonMC/LibGui
- As a byproduct of that, 1.19.3, 1.17.1 and 1.16.5-forge will no longer receive updates of my mods due to their unsupported nature
- Fully reworked config screen made with TRender, fixing issues with the whitelist/blacklist screens not working
- Fix item name colors getting changed client-side #237
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