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JadedChat is a feature-rich JSON chat plugin for Paper servers running Minecraft 1.8 or later. It allows you to fully customize your chat easily using the MiniMessage format and PlaceholderAPI. It also contains an API to allow developers to have better control over chat without interfering with other plugins. It can be as simple or complicated as you desire, doing everything from just simple chat formatting to large multi-channel systems with regex chat filtering and BungeeCord support.

⚠️ This plugin is in early development. The API is likely to change between now and a full release.


  • Unlimited number of chat channels.
  • Separate chat formats for each chat channel.
  • Ability to toggle using colors, decorations (bold, italics, etc) per chat format.
  • Configurable text replacements with the "emote" system.
  • Custom Join/Quit Messages
  • Private Messages with Social Spy
  • Regex filtering
  • Cross-server chat using BungeeCord
  • DiscordSRV support
  • LuckPerms support
  • Display held items in chat using <item>


  • Java 17 or newer
  • Server Software with Spigot API.
  • Minecraft 1.8 or later
  • PlaceholderAPI


Command Aliases Permission Node Description
/jadedchat /jc jadedchat.admin Main plugin command
/jadedchat channels /jc list Lists all currently loaded chat channels.
/jadedchat reload Reloads plugin configuration files.
/channel < channel > [ message ] /chat, /ch None Allows a player to switch chat channels
/message < player > < message > /msg, /whisper, /w, /tell, /pm, /dm None Allows a player to privately message another player.
/reply < message > /r None Replies to the most recently received private message.
/socialspy /spy, /ss jadedchat.socialspy Allows you to spy on private messages.


Permission Description
jadedchat.showitem Gives the player access to < item >
jadedchat.filter.view Gives the player access to view filtered chat messages
jadedchat.bypass.regexfilter Allows the player to bypass the regex filter
jadedchat.bypass.repeatfilter Allows the player to bypass the repeat message filter

Planned Features

  • Per-channel chat cooldowns
  • Logging Chat to MySQL
  • MOTD when joining the server
  • Automated announcements


This plugin is still in early development. Due to this, we do not yet have any proper avenues of support set up. In the meantime, create an issue here and I will respond as soon as possible.


External resources

Project members



Technical information

Project ID