General Changes
- Added support for BetterReload.
- Added new emotes and gave them default permissions.
- Removed the <item> tag, instead use ShowItem.
- Revamped /jc help
- /jc channels will now switch channels when clicking the channel name instead of suggesting the command
- Updated adventure to 4.19.0.
- Updated DiscordSRV to 1.29.0.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed not being able to use Placeholders in sections with <message> in them.
- Fixed colors not working in emotes if the player does not have permission to use colors.
- Fixed permissions not working in emotes.
- Fixed an issue with silent filters on non-paper servers.
- Fixed version checking error on Paper 1.20.5+.
- Fixed MiniMessage tag settings not working in default channels.
- Fixed some permissions not being properly assigned in plugin.yml
API Changes
- Added getFormattedMessage() to ChannelMessageSendEvent, which gets the fully formatted chat message before it is sent.
- Removed JadedChat.isPaper()
Note: due to changes in how bungee messages work, if you are using that feature then all of your servers will need to update to 0.6 for it to work again.
- Added the "all" setting for chat formats, which allows the use of all MiniMessage tags.
- Added support for translating hex color codes in the &#xxxxxx format to MiniMessage.
- Added tab completion to the /jc test subcommand.
- Added the < server > placeholder, which will display the server name configured in config.yml
- Fixed issue with MySQL being disabled.
- Improved legacy to MiniMessage conversion.
- Fixed old bungee messages being displayed when joining an empty server.
- Fixed the "perWorld" channel setting not loading from config files.
API Changes:
- Renamed "color()" to "colorTags()", "decorations()" to "decorationTags()", and "events()" to "eventTags()" in and Deprecated the previous names.
- Added "allTags()" as a method in and, which gives a format access to all MiniMessage tags.
- Added ChatChannel#formats(), which returns a collection of all formats in a channel.
Note: This update includes several important fixes. If you downloaded 0.4, you absolutely should be upgrading to this version.
- Added a new channel setting: "per-world". When set to true, messages are only sent to players in the same world as the sender.
- When enabled, JadedChat will now log chat to MySQL.
- Fixed not being able to send chat messages on some server versions.
- Fixed messages not being sent through DiscordSRV when enabled.
- Fixed some legacy chat colors not translating properly.
⚠️ If UTF-8 characters are not working, add the "-Dfile.encoding=UTF8" startup flag to your server.
This update is a major stepping stone in the path to release, adding support for most commonly used versions, and a proper api. This update contains some substantial internal changes, so if you notice something not working quite right, make sure to open an issue here.
- Added support for Spigot servers.
- Added support for versions 1.8-1.18
- Added "/jc list" as an alias for "/jc channels"
- Added "/jc test", which allows you to test chat formats in a channel. Usage: /jc test [channel] [format] [message]
- Fixed legacy color codes sometimes not translating.
- Fixed bungee messages being sent to all servers, not just online servers.
- Fixed the default configuration showing "STAFF" as the display name for the global channel.
API Changes:
- Renamed to
- Renamed to
- Added the ChatChannelBuilder object, which allows you to easily build ChatChannel objects.
- Added the ChatFormatBuilder object, which allows you to easily build ChatFormat objects.
- Added the saveToFile(String fileName) method to ChatChannel objects, which saves a configuration file containing the channel's settings to the channels folder.
- Renamed various method names in and
- Added the method JadedChat.loadChannel(ChatChannel channel) method, which registers a channel with JadedChat.
- Added the method JadedChat.channelExists(String channelName) method, which checks if a channel with a given name already exists. Useful for checking if a channel configuration file exists before trying to recreate the ChatChannel object.
- Added the method JadedChat.getChannel(Player player), which gets the ChatChannel object that the player is currently in.
- Added the method JadedChat.getDefaultChannel(), which gets the default chat channel.
- Added the method JadedChat.setChannel(Player player, ChatChannel channel), which sets the ChatChannel the player is using.
- Added the method JadedChat.getChannel(String channelName), which gets a ChatChannel based on it's name.
- Added the method JadedChat.getLoadedChannels(), which returns a collection of all channels that have been loaded by JadedChat.
- Added the ChannelSwitchEvent, which is called every time a player switches channels.
- Added the ChannelBungeeSendEvent, which is called every time a channel message is sent over bungeecord. Has an optional data parameter that can be used by plugins to send additional data.
- Added the ChannelBungeeReceiveEvent, which is called every time a channel message is received from bungeecord. Has an optional data parameter than can be used by plugins to send additional data.
- Added the ChannelMessageSendEvent, which is called every time a message is sent to a channel.
- Added the "range" setting to channels, which changes how close a player must be to hear a chat message.
- Added the "displayName" setting to channels, which changes how a channel appears in /channel and /jc channels
- Legacy color codes (using &) are now translated to the MiniMessage format before a message is processed.
- Added autocomplete to /jc and /channel
- Fixed not being able to disable the first join message in config.yml
- Fixed not being able to disable emotes in emotes.yml
- Ability to disable to emotes system by setting "enabled" to false in emotes.yml
- Allow players to use <item> in private messages.
- Ability to set a special join message when a player joins for the first time in config.yml
- Fixed anyone being allowed to use formatted chat in private messages.
- Fixed emotes.yml not being reloaded with /jc reload.
- Fixed [Air] not being formatted properly when using <item>