- + Removing ItemsAdder support
- + Removing placeholders from PlaceholderAPI in guis
- + Removing gui fully configurable system
- + Add a new permission system
- + Add claim sale messages option (in config.yml)
- + Add /claim buy : to buy the claim you're standing at
- + Fix a lot of issues on /scs command
- + Remove all config command on /scs
- + Add /scs config-reload to reload only the config file
- + Fix an issue on chunks loader when claims are loading
- + Add a player cache in the database (correctly this time)
- + Fix an issue on Pl3xmap support
- + Guis optimization
- + Fix config issue on groups
- + Change "Visitors" setting
- Now visitors can not enter physically into the claim
- + Add "claim-distance" and "max-chunks-total"
- Players can not claim if there are some claims near to them
- Players can not claim if max-chunks-total is reached (different of max-chunks-per-claim)
- + Add placeholders
- %scs_player_claim_distance% : get the claim distance of a player
- %scs_player_max_chunks_total% : get the max chunks total of a player
- + Add "/claim kick [<*|claim-name>] <player>"
- Kick physically a player from a claim
- + Add kick method to the API
- + Modify "/claim ban"
- Now the banned player is kicked from the claim too
- + Add "/scs <player|group> set-claim-distance <target-player|target-group> <claim-distance>"
- + Add "/scs <player|group> set-max-chunks-total <target-player|target-group> <max-chunks-total>"
- + Optimize claim methods
- + Fix a bossbar issue
- + Adding bossbar style setting
- + Move bossbar messages to language file
- + Deleting the /aclaim command
- + Adding the /parea command (to manage protected areas)
- + Adding the /scs command (to manage plugin settings and players)
- + Adding the merge system
You can merge two claims into one
- + Adding the chunks system
You can have many chunks in only one claim
- + Adding max-chuns-per-claim setting for groups/players
- + Adding /claim chunks <claim-name> to manage chunks
- + Adding /claim addchunk <claim-name> to add a chunk to one of your claim
- + Adding /claim delchunk <claim-name> <chunk> to remove a chunk from one of your claim
- + Adding a main gui menu for claim
- + Adding /claim main <claim-name> or just /claim if you are in the claim
- + Remove /sclaim (replacing by /claim sell and /claim cancel)
- + Adding /claim sell <claim-name> <price>
- + Adding /claim cancel <claim-name>
- + Adding /scs admin
Total management of claims
Total management of protected areas
Management of plugin settings
Start manually a claims purge
- + Adding /scs player main <player> <claim-name> to open the main gui of a player's claim
- + Adding preload-chunks setting in config.yml to preload chunks on server starting
- + Adding keep-chunks-loaded setting in config.yml to keep chunks loaded even if there is no player in
- + Adding /scs set-preload-chunks <true/false> to change the value of preload-chunks setting
- + Adding /scs set-keep-chunks-loaded <true/false> to change the value of keep-chunks-loaded setting
- + Adding /scs <player/group> set-max-chunks-per-claim <player/group> <value> to change the value of max-chunks-per-claim for a player/group
- + Optimize radius claim (loading chunk asynchrously)
- + Add a player cache (to optimize player research)
- + Add a player head texture cache (to optimize claims gui)
+ Fix issues on claim map and claim radius on Folia
+ Add /aclaim reset-all-player-claims-settings (To reset settings of all players claims to default values)
+ Add /aclaim reset-all-admin-claims-settings (To reset settings of all admin claims to default values)
+ Add /aclaim player unclaim <player> <claim-name>
- To unclaim a player's claim
+ Modify /aclaim ptp <player> <claim-name> to /aclaim player tp <player> <claim-name>
- Better way to use
+ Passage of commands completely asynchronously
+ Claim map completely redone (delete your language file to correctly update, only map messages)
+ Add Pl3xmap support
- Now you can use Pl3xmap to see the map with claims
+ Fix a issue on spigot 1.20
- AsyncScheduler issue
+ Add the messages on add/remove ban/unban on gui
+ Add the permissions scs.setting.<setting>
- To allow players to enable/disable a setting in their claims, use '*' to allow all settings
- + Optimize some functions (main functions)
- + Optimize gui functions
- + Placeholders now in asynchronously
- + Enter/Leave message now in asynchronously
- + GUIs now in asynchronously
- + TabCompleter now in asynchronously
- + Adding Bluemap markers now in asynchronously
- + Adding Dynmap markers now in asynchronously
- + Adding JavaDocs in source code
- + Updated code for clarity and fluidity
+ Add "BOSSBAR" on protection-message setting
- You can send the protection message in a timed bossbar
+ Add "Fly" setting for claims
- You can now fly in your claims (you can disable it for visitors)
+ Add /claim fly
- To enable claim fly
+ Add /claim autofly
- To enable claim auto-fly (enable fly automaticaly when you enter a claim where you can fly)
+ Add "claim-fly-disabled-on-damage" setting in config.yml
- To enable/disable the deactivation of claim fly when the player takes damage
+ Add "claim-fly-message-auto-fly" setting in config.yml
- To enable/disable the message in the chat when the auto-fly enable the fly
+ Add /aclaim set-claim-fly-disabled-on-damage <true/false>
- To change the setting "claim-fly-disabled-on-damage" in config.yml
+ Add /aclaim set-claim-fly-message-auto-fly <true/false>
- To change the setting "claim-fly-message-auto-fly" in config.yml