+ Add permission checking on gui text
- Now when the player doesn't have the required permission for an action (for example, remove a player from his claim), an error message will be displayed instead of clickable message
+ Add "Weather" setting
- Now you can disable raining/snowing/thundering in your claims
+ Add /aclaim set-chat <true/false>
- To enable/disable chat message when you enter/leave a claim
+ Add /aclaim set-protection-message <ACTION_BAR/TITLE/SUBTITLE/CHAT>
- To change where the message is sent for the protection
+ Optimize async functions
+ Optimize guis menu
+ Fix an issue on PlaceEvent and BreakEvent
- The plugin doesn't cancel some blocks (spawner for example when you have a plugin for that) so i change the priority
+ Fix an issue on Permissions
- The /aclaim reload incorrectly loaded permissions for players
+ Fix an issue on auto-purge
- The auto-purge only accepted one character for the number
+ Optimize /claims gui
+ Add placeholder
- Add placeholder "%claim-name%" for messages "remove-member-success" and "add-member-success" in the language file
- Add placeholder "%owner%" for message "access-claim-not-owner-lore" to display the owner in the 2nd filter of /claim list
+ Modify /claim command
- For the commands : ban, unban, owner, add, remove, you are no longer required to put the name of the claim if you are in it
- Then now, the tab completion will contains the name of your claims and the players
+ Remove heads cache for guis
+ Fix an issue on guis
- The custom item action was not executing
+ Fix an issue on autoclaim, automap and see
- Players could claim, display the map and see chunks in disabled worlds
+ Add filter on /claim list
- Now you can see the claims of which you are member
+ Fix an issue on /claim see
- Error in particle name for version <= 1.20.4
+ Add /claim owner <*/claim-name> <new-owner>
- You can now transfer ownership of your claims
- Permission : scs.command.claim.owner
+ Add bans gui
- You can now see the banned players from a claim
+ Add /claim bans [<claim-name>]
- You can open the bans gui of a claim
+ Add /aclaim ban <claim-name> <player>
- You can now ban a player from a protected area
+ Add /aclaim unban <claim-name> <player>
- You can now unban a player from a protected area
+ In the previous update, I made it so that a player had to be logged in to be added to a claim, now they no longer need to be logged in
/!\ To make sure Guis & Config are correctly updated you should delete the guis/ folder and the config file /!\
+ Fix some issues on Protection :
- The dispensers destroyed itemframes/paintings/armorstands (with arrows, snowballs or fireballs)
- Riding a boat destroyed itemframes/paintings/armorstands
- Explosions destroyed itemframes/paintings/armorstands
- Projectiles destroyed the decorations pot
- Players could steal liquids with an empty bucket
- Liquids could flow into a claim when we put a stair in the water
- Players could trample crops in a claim
- Players could shear sheeps in a claim
- Beds could be placed on the border of a claim, so one part of the bed is outside and the other part is inside
- Players could change the text on signs
- Players could take liquid from a cauldron in a claim
- Some blocks could explode like Respawn Anchor
- Players couldn't attack aggressive mobs when "Damages" setting was disabled
- Players could click on a dragon egg in a claim
+ Fix some issues when adding/removing claim members/bans :
- SQL error when concatening String
- The targeted player was not found even though he was connected (on offline mode server)
+ Change the "Open containers" setting to "Interact with blocks" setting
- You can add any blocks that are interactive, not only containers
- Now in config.yml it's blocked-interact-blocks instead of blocked-containers
+ Change the "Interact with armor stands" to "Interact with entities" setting
- You can add any entities that are interactive, not only armor stands
- You can use in config.yml : blocked-entities to set up blocked entities
+ Remove "Break paintings" and "Use itemframes" settings (useless because of "Destroy" setting and "Interact with entities" setting)
- Add "/aclaim add-blocked-entity <entity-type>"
- Add "/aclaim remove-blocked-entity <entity-type>"
- Change "/aclaim add-blocked-container" to "/aclaim add-blocked-interact-block"
+ Add a purge system
- You can set up the purge system, every how long the server must purge claims, and how long the player must be disconnected for their claims to be deleted
# Autopurge claims
# auto-purge-checking is in minutes (every x minutes the plugin will purge the claims)
# auto-purge-time-without-login accepts this format : 5s, 5m, 5h, 5d, 5w (5 is for example)
auto-purge: true
auto-purge-checking: 60
auto-purge-time-without-login: 14d
+ Fix teleportations for Folia
- Some teleportations didn't work
+ Fix "Items" setting
- Claim owners could not use items in their own claim when the setting was disabled
+ Add local placeholder %remaining-claims%
- You can use this placeholder for messages in the language file "create-claim-success" and "create-radius-claim-success"
+ Optimize claims owner gui
- Separation of sorting methods
+ Fix admin claim (protected areas)
- Admin claims were created under the player's name and didn't appears as a protected area