


This plguin adds new enchants to your game, such as healthsteal, bleed, autosmelt, and more!

Server EquipmentGame MechanicsMagic

Created10 months ago
Updated10 months ago

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Superenchantments is a feature-packed Minecraft plugin that takes enchantments to a whole new level! This plugin, compatible with version 1.8, introduces a plethora of exciting enchantments to enrich your gameplay experience. From wreaking havoc with lightning strikes to teleporting at will, and even wielding a powerful jetpack, the possibilities are endless.

Available Enchantments:

Blindness - Blind your target Healthsteal - Steal a specified amount of health from a player when you hit them Bleed - Make the target slowly bleed out Fire - Ignite the target on fire Lightning - Strike lightning when you hit a player, or right click and summon lightning Teleport - Right click with a sword to teleport somewhere Jetpack - Hold sneak and move around, with your own jetpack Explosive - Press sneak and let an explosive go off under your feet Excavator - Mine multiple blocks at once Autosmelt - Autosmelt ores when mined Freeze - Temporarily freeze a player when you hit them Confusion - Make your target have confusion/nausea

Frequent Updates:

Superenchantments is a plugin that is actively maintained and consistently updated by the dedicated development team. With every update, more enchantments and features are added, ensuring that your Minecraft adventures stay fresh and exhilarating.

Available Commands:

/superenchantment or /senc - Use this command to access and apply the various enchantments to your gear. /removeenchantment or /remenc - Remove unwanted enchantments from your items with ease. /listenchants or /listenc - Display a list of all available enchantments in the plugin.

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