Made effect enchantments behave as you would think, such as effects on armor (positive effects mostly) giving you that effect just by wearing the armor
Fixed a bug with some effect enchants not showing up (You will need to delete plugin/UberEnchant/enchantments/default/vanilla_effects.yml or swap the alias and entry name such as if the alias of slowness is slow, change slowness to slow and slow to slowness.)
Fixed and properly implemented Locale
Fixed some other bugs
Added where any missing locale entries will use the default English entry and have a warning about it in console
Added ability to disable custom effect enchantments appearing in enchantment table via config
Added ability to change/set/add/remove types and amounts for floor bonus blocks
Added a little randomness to custom enchants levels in enchantment table to look more natural
added back custom enchants
Fixed some code
Fixed enchantment table stuff
Fixed /udel not working right
Fixed some potion effect enchantments not working properly
Fixed '/uclear enchant' not clearing custom enchantments
Added ability to add more enchant bonus with blocks under enchant table as a floor bonus
Vanilla max bonus is 15-22 bookshelves
Custom enchantment tables mechanics adds ability to use iron blocks, gold blocks, emerald blocks, diamond blocks, and netherite blocks for bonus
9 blocks max for floor bonus
Iron adds 0.25 per block for max 2.25 added bonus
Gold adds 0.5 per block for max 4.5 added bonus
Emerald adds 0.75 per block for max 6.75 bonus
Diamond adds 1.0 per block for max 9 bonus
Netherite adds 2.0 per block for max 18 bonus
Added support for Minecraft 1.17.1 and up with latest features
Added ability to create enchanted books using the '/uadd enchant' command while not holding an item
Fixed '/uadd enchant' to properly add stored enchants to enchanted books instead of just enchanting them like an item
Fixed the 'uber.add.enchant.all' permission node
Moved custom enchantment table and anvil mechanics configuration to their own folder 'mechanics/anvil.yml' and 'mechanics/enchantment_table.yml' (UberEnchant will automatically save and transfer your current values if any are set)
Added the ability to allow specific enchantments in the enchanting table via enchantment_table.yml config
Fixed renaming items on anvil
Added ability to use color codes/hex color in anvil with renaming, uses same format as the '/uset name' command for colors
added config value for enabling color renaming in anvil
Various code cleanup
- Added custom Anvil and Enchantment table mechanics (Custom UberEnchantments appear in vanilla enchantment table as possible extra enchantments and vanilla enchantments can appear as higher levels than vanilla if set in configs Anvils can combine custom UberEnchantments on items and books as well as upgrade vanilla enchantments higher than vanilla, defined in configs)
- Custom mechanics can be disabled via config (On by default)
+ Major Update
+ Added custom UberEnchantment Api
+ Moved effects on items to be default custom enchantments
+ Moved enchantments.yml to "uberenchant/enchantments/default/vanilla_enchantments.yml"
+ Added config file for custom default enchantments found under "uberenchant/enchantments/default/vanilla_effects.yml"
Please send feedback, especially for the api.
Javadocs can be found at
An example plugin utilizing the api can be found at
I now have a discord server for developers and those who need help with my plugins
Send me a private message here on bukkit, currently invite only!