The default config files have been rewritten for better understanding and showcasing more possbilities
API Changes
- Added new Custom Placeholder that allows you to create custom placeholder with a call event to let it either return to what will it do
- Added more javadocs to the functions This may corrupt the current addons make sure to update to this version
Introducing the new Channels Feature! Add Places or Players or both if you would like! Into each other and priortize them from top to bottom according to the importance of each channel!
GlobalSending: true
- "OmarOmar93"
- "HoneySalted"
- "Notch"
- "World"
- "Lobby"
- "world"
- "world_nether"
- "world_the_end"
Debug Mode - (Implemented in Channels only Currently)
The New Debug mode is what prints out more information about WorldChatter! like, Warnings, Errors and infos for each action happening inside the plugin!
enabled: true
info: "&7[&9WorldChatter Debugger &r| Info&7]&r "
warning: "&7[&9WorldChatter Debugger &r| &eWarning&7]&e "
error: "&7[&9WorldChatter Debugger &r| &4Error&7]&4 "
- The Built-in Placeholders of WorldChater are now using { } instead of this symbol % to make both WorldChatter and PlaceHolderAPI Work Together without interfering.
are implemented to get the non formatted name of those instead of the aliases formatting them and with multiverse-core a brand new placeholder called{player_mvworld}
- Added a new Hex code translator for MiniMessage
- Changed how cancelling event works in Spigot and Bungeecord by removing receptients instead of cancelling the event
- Delayed the chat events to be the lowest priority in both proxies to be able to let the other plugins work.
- Listeners are Addons are now isolated in the API Meaning you can create addons or Listeners (creating listeners no longer requires an addon!)
- Added event cancel check before executing WorldChatter's Chat System (Bungeecord and Spigot)
- Lots of code optimization.
- Lots of Under-the-hood Changes.
Bug fixes!
- Fixed bugs found by the community related to the Following [Plugin incompatibility with Events, Join and Quit and Others i forgot cuz they were alot of bugs.]
Added Luckperms Support to WorldChatter!
Meaning you can use {player_prefix}
or {player_suffix}
Improved Anti-Swear
Since 3.0 release it got it's first upgrade! it now has 2 new addtions
sensitivity: 80 # Sensitivity threshold (percentage)
minimum: 2 # minimum characters to detect
It has a new algorithm to detect swear words more effectively and that lead into reducing 700 words to 60!
Avoid people from repeating the same text over and over!
AntiRepeat: # Prevents users from sending the same message
enabled: true
messageLimit: 2 # Amount of stored messages
sensitivity: 20 # Sensitivity threshold (percentage)
Added Support for 1.21.3 and 1.21.4!
Replaced the %wc_player_place%
and %wc_player_name%
Now they're {player_place}
and {player_name}
for better differentiation
Lots of under-the-hood changes!
This is where it takes WorldChatter's PlaceHolder to a new level!
if you want to customize how to return the placeholders like players & places, now you can with 2 new placeholders!
and %wc_player_name%
enabled: true
world: "&aOverworld&r"
OmarOmar93: "<gradient>OmarOmar93</gradient> &o&eTest Omar Yes"
This if you want to get the player's place for an example but it returns just "World" you can change it to whatever you like!
Same goes to player's names!
It doesn't support PlaceholderAPI's Placeholders, but it works with it, well you're already editing a placeholder 💀
- Lots of under-the-hood improvements!
[+] Added Server Switch Message for Bungee and Velocity!
enabled: true
global: true # false is just the current server & previous server / true all the servers
premessage: "&a%player_name% &ehas switched from &6%previous_server% &eto &f%current_server%"
comessage: "&a%player_name% &ehas arrived from &6%previous_server%"
- [+] Added custom sound format support for 1.10.X!
- [=] Lots of under-the-hood optimizations
- [=] Lots of bug fixes related to bungee and velocity!
API Changes
[=] The old createWCAddon function is now set to be deprecated.
- [-] Removed Broadcast System due to unbelievably amount of bugs Note: it will be converted into an Isolated Add-on!
- [=] Heavily fixed LOTS OF ISSUES related to Multiverse-Core
- [=] Fixed API Glitches and command not showing all addons!
- [+] Added new getRawPlace() Function to Get the raw place's name instead of Multiverse-Core's alias World!
Oh, a new update? Nu uh a new WorldChatter.
Let's talk about Everything in a list
- WorldChatter now supports Velocity
- WorldChatter now supports "Multiverse-Core"
- New built-in Sound Player for Bungeecord & Velocity (BETA)
- Added Support for Placeholders and MiniMessage everywhere.
- Chat Formatter Supports now MiniMessage!
- Implemented brand new WorldChatterAPI
- Implemented new Update Checker!
- Re-vamped Anti-Swear and added Unicode detection.
- Re-vamped User Mention!
- Improved Broadcast System!
- Re-vamped Config System
- Lots of code improvements and more optimized.
- Advanced Formatter is now Replaced with "MiniMessage" MiniMessage's Documentation
- WorldChatter doesn't support "Protocolize" anymore No need for it now.
- MiniMessage supports from 1.7.X to the latest version!
- Spigot is still using its own Sound Player THE OLD CONFIG WON'T WORK WIKI Page
QOL Stuff
- Every single chat have been improved if you wanna leave an empty string you can just write "" in the config and it won't send it
- Every Previous Features that didn't support AdvancedFormat and HexColors now Do! Except ChatFormat Still
- Lots of Code Optimizations.
- Lots of bug fixes.
Note: The New Config System got Delayed due to these problems found in the previous versions!
API Changes
updateChecked Function
Now it can check if the build is development build or not
Improved Update System
It will detect the BETA/ALPHA Versions or the full release versions of the plugin.
- Added HexColor Support to LockMessage
- Added AdvancedFormat Support for Chat Clear
- Plugin now Supports 1.1
- Few Tweaks
- Fixed Custom Join/Quit and Greetings not reloading bug
- Fixed Update System Bug. - Added Accents Remover for Anti-Swear
- Added "NoPermissionMessage" in Messages Config so that when a player who doesn't have permission will send it Supports colors and AdvancedFormat
Improved Config System
More Comments getting added and it's way smarter now!
Improved Update System
It will detect the BETA/ALPHA Versions or the full release versions of the plugin.
API Changes
updateChecked Function
Now it can check if the build is development build or not
Bug Fixes and Small Changes