Pack version was updated to 16 from 12.
Added 2 new items:
- Sonic Screwdriver / Звуковая Отвёртка
- Swords (Diamond and Iron for now.)
Updated description [important]
- Added the YHUTAS, cobalt, clover express, dream tea signs.
- Fixed Signs icon textures.
- Updated pack version to 12.
- Changed pack.png.
- Added VHS Boombox (or Бумбокс).
- Needs a Note Block to be renamed.
- Fixed Radio model (Floating model now is not Floating model. Don't try to fly again, Radio!)
- Localised all items to english.
- Added new items:
- VHS Cassette
- Gold Trophy
- Califone CAS1500
- VHS Camera
- VHS Radio
- VHS Mobile
- Spray
- Opened Spray
- Reordered files for easier developing in future.
- Remade models of Archaeology Frames.
- Modmenu support.
- PlasmoVoice 2.0.0 support.
- Fixed widgets GUI.
- Fixed moss model.
VHS Cassette
- Needs an iron bars to be renamed into "Кассета" or "VHS Cassette".
VHS Camera
- Needs an Observer to be renamed into "Кинематографическая Камера" or "VHS Camera".
VHS Radio
- Needs a sculk sensor to be renamed into "Рация" or "VHS Radio".
VHS Mobile
- Needs an Observer to be renamed into "Старый Телефон" or "VHS Mobile".
Califone CAS1500
- Needs a note block or hopper to be renamed into "Califone CAS1500".
Gold Trophy
- Needs a gold block to be renamed into "Кубок" or "Gold Trophy".
Opened Spray
- Needs all dyes to be renamed into "Открытый Спрей" or "Opened Spray".
- Needs Red, Yellow, Purple, White, Black dyes and glow ink sac to be renamed into "Спрей" or "Spray".
- Added Califone CAS1500.
- Temporarily deleted Present.
- Changed description for Release Candidates.
Califone CAS1500
- Added Present.
- Needs chest to be renamed in "Present" or "Подарок"
How it looks
- Added emissive texture to radio.
- Localised vhs radio and vhs camera.
- New texture for VHS Camera.
- More PlasmoVoice 2.0.0 ALPHA Support.
- New color for Spray: Glow Ink Sac.
- Localised more items: Toolbox, Ancient Sword, Wind Trident, Men, Women, Radio, Jukebox, Microphone, Blue Pot, Milk Pot, Mini Pot, Ceramic Pot, White Pot(all), Big Pot, Loot Pot, Mini Loot Pot, Megaphone, Gravestone, Beans, Orange Moss, Tray, Soda Machine, Waffle, Cafe Bin, Cosmo Cosmetics Sign, Old Camera, Street Bin, CSS Table, Beach Chair, Park Bench, Chair, Blue Can, Candle On A Metal.
How new Textures looks
- Localized more items: Men, Women, Radio
- New item: VHS Radio (needs a sculk block to be renamed)
- Added new items: Spray, VHS_Camera.
- PlasmoVoice 2.0.0 Support.
- Localized Cosmo Cane.
📹VHS Camera
- Doesn't have a texture for now.
- Needs observer to be renamed.
- Any dye. "Opened Spray"
- Purple, Red, Yellow, White, Black dyes "Spray"
- Translated items. Now you can write in English items from this list:
- Blaze Burner
- Toolbox
- Router
- Train Hat
- Metal Fence
- Ladder
- Stack of Papers
- Book Stack
- Archaeology Frame
- Archaeology Frame 2
- Cosmo Rug
- Engineer's Table
- Crystal Plate
- Grandfather Clock
The list of all items you can see in main page.
- Reordered model files for easier developing.
- Remade model of archaeology frame (both).
- Now it's not floating.
- Now it looks like normal block and don't glitching.
- Now it looks like normal block in hands.
- Drops and firstperson are okay.
What's happened to Archaeology Frames
- Fixed Cosmo Rug model.
- Fixed Blaze Burner model.
- Fixed Street Bin model.
- Changed Camera model settings.
- Fixed Blue Pot model.
- Support Modmenu.
- Fixed widgets UI.
- New pack.png.
- Migrated all models to new file for easier developing.
- Added new item: "gold trophy" (on the gold block).
- Changed the update name to "Rewards&Holiday".
- Now when this is the snapshot version, description will have a "Experimental 2.2 Snapshot".
- Fixed moss error texture.
🏆New Item
Gold block:
- gold trophy
- Changed the name of the metal fence to "Металлический Забор".
- Fixed grammatic fails in train hat.
- Now beans is "Бобы"
📋New items
- Свеча на Подставке
- Added some UI improvements
- Changed moss model
- Added more decorations
- Fixed minor bugs
- Changed names of debug stick and spawner in ru_ru.lang
- New texture for debug stick
- Support for 1.20 snapshots (Anyway you need to wait optifine releases in cause you will have the visual bugs. For example moss model is error)
- Added support for PlasmoVoice
- Added ! in name for easier finding pack in the list
- Now on grass will be some flowers and stones
- Now leaves are bushy
- New splashes
List of new decorations:
Carved Pumpkins:
- Роутер
- Шляпа Паравозника
- Мусорная Корзина
- Мусорное Ведро
- Камера
- Космо-Плакат
Iron bars:
- metal fence
Rabbit stew:
- Beans
- Рыжий Мох
- Вафли
Red wool:
- Кресло
Spruce planks:
- Skameyka / Скамейка
- Пляжное Кресло
- Стремянка
- Листы Бумаги
- Стопка Книг
- Археологическая Рамка
- Археологическая Рамка 2 (with glass)
Blue Carpet:
- Космо-Ковёр
Crafting table:
- Стол Инженера
Amethyst (any):
- Кристалл на Подставке
- Старинные Часы
Note block:
- Граммофон
- Радио
- Микрофон
- Синяя Ваза
Bucket (any):
- Белая Ваза (and 2,3,4)
- Коричневая Ваза
- Маленькая Коричневая Ваза
New interface. Now every button (except for selecting servers and worlds) will match the style of the hotbar and deep slate.
New 3D scenery. Ceramic Vase, Tomb, Antique Sword, Milk Vase, Large Jug and others - all this can now be done renaming items.
Resource pack version changed to 1.19 or more.
New preview in the selection of resource packs.
New splashes in the main menu.
Inside the resource pack there is now a shader that makes it possible to create eye blinks on skins This will work on all skins that were drawn from the original shader guide (by Godlander) May conflict with some mods/resource packs.
Grass now has variability Grass can be not only like grass, but also with all sorts of flowers or clover.
The leaves have become lush. A classic improvement where the foliage becomes more lush.
Now wandering around the world you will not see the terrible glitches of cows, zombies and horses.
Fixed some typos in splashes.
Now you will not have emo textures in the sand fence.
For the resource pack to work properly, you must have Optifine and 1.19 installed.
Any textures, models, etc. may be changed/removed in future versions.
The resource pack has secret models.