This Version fixes the problem that I had while playing minecraft in version 1.21. The problem was that the new texture didn't show on the creepers in the versions of which were 1.20.5-1.21.3. This version fixes that and narrows how much versions of minecraft it can run it won't run versions numbers 49 and above. Removed: Dependancies if I haven't already.Also 50 versions of minecraft. Note: It can run versions from 1.13 or above until 1.22.3 (I think). It will also have the name of revamped creepers 4.1 though it is updated.
This is a Tweak to the V4. Also this pack works up from 1.13
Major Update: The pack is now supported up to many different Version of minecraft
This version of revamped creepers is for version 1.21.3.
Added: Support to 1.21.3 only. Also I removed the dependencies.
Added: 2 pixels to the eyes to make them look better.
Bad News: Fresh Animations is now a dependency. Good News: Fresh Animations is optional. Fresh Animations:
The First Ever Version of Revamped Creepers.