Release for the BTSC modpack
Fixed all Issues related to the Optifine Parity changed in EMF
Added & Fixed Zombie variants
Backport to 1.8.9
Updated to 1.21
- Added Crafter
Full release!!!
Updated GUI colors
Updated logo
Updated pack.mcmeta
Updated version numbering (based on Sodium)
Added support for multiple versions
- 1.20–1.20.1
- 1.20.2–1.20.4
- 1.20.5–1.20.6
Added and Updated Many Cit Items, Armor & Cosmetics
- Added TV Nauta Head
- Added Hatsune Miku Hair
- Added Maid Armor
- Added Invisible armor
- Added Legacy Spectral Armor
- Added Legacy Spectral Items
- Added Template Armor
- Added Expanded Entity Armor Model
- Updated Spectral Items
- Updated Spectral Armor
Added Cem Entities
- Added TV Nauta Creeper
- Added Chato
- Added Member Zombies
- Added Fancy Creeper
- Added SandinnyMC Ears and Tails
- Added ItsNotMega Backpack
Added Mod support
- The Changelog would be eternal if I added these
- Added mod support to Cosmetic armor (Forge) & Extended Combat
- Added Invisible armor with proper sprites
- Fixed Maid Armor sprites
- Fixed Template Armor sprites
Known Issues
- There are mods that still need support
- Fresh Animations is not supported
- Added Extended Entity Armor Model
- This allows to have more depth in the armor by using all cubes/parts in the inner_armor or armor_layer_2 model
- Due to the fact that this is new, there isn't a proper template except for the template armor in the cit folder
Known Issues
- Not that many mods are supported
- The sprites for the CIT armor items are the same
- These second issue will be fixed in beta-3
First Beta
- Updated GUI colors
- Updated logo
- Added support for multiple versions
- 1.20–1.20.1
- 1.20.2–1.20.4
- 1.20.5–1.20.6
- Added Many Cit Items, Armor & Cosmetics
- Tweaked Spectral Items
- Tweaked Spectral Armor
- Added TV Nauta Head
- Added Hatsune Miku Hair
- Added Cem mobs
- Added TV Nauta
- Added Chato
- Added Member Zombies
- Added Fancy Creeper
Known Issues
- Not that many mods are supported
- The sprites for the CIT armor items are the same
- Fresh animations is not yet supported
- These second issue will be fixed in beta-3
First Beta
- Updated GUI
- Added Many Cit Items, Armor & Cosmetics
- Tweaked Spectral Items
- Tweaked Spectral Armor
- Added TV Nauta Head
- Addded Hatsune Miku Hair
- Added Cem mobs
- Added TV Nauta
- Added Chato
- Added Member Zombies
- Added Fancy Creeper
This is the old 2.0.2, but I've changed my mind with how I handled versions Next version will be the actual 2.0 as it actually does a tremendous amount of changes that make it a more complete resource pack
First version, meant for the version 0.4.0 of the SMP