Escheridia V1.2.0
Massive shader update
- Updated godray distribution to make off-screen transitions less harsh
- Reworked water, underwater lighting now renders above ground
- Translucents like ice can now render shadows on their surface
- Added full LabPBR resourcepack support
- Added hardcoded emssions for emissve blocks (LabPBR also supported
- Godray color now changes when it passes through water
- Reworked bloom to be full-screen bloom to reduce the jarring transition from bloom to no bloom
this one is a big one
- added screenspace godrays (these ONLY work for objects on screen. they are not volumetric
- Added underwater lighting
- Updated underwater fog
- resolved some rare cases of visual issues with water fog
- Added Interleaved Gradient Noise for shadow filtering (replaces the old noise method)
- Fixed some cases where some objects would be the incorrect color or very over exposed
- Adjusted some of the values within the default tonemap. KNOWN ISSUES
- different godray sample counts give different visual results
- Godrays can occasionally flicker (likely not fixable)
- water color is bright in caves during the day
- corrected an issue that resulted in block entites being translucent
- improved the transition of lighting throughout the times of day
- fixed an issue with clouds not rendering inbetween night and sunrise time frames
- the fog will now fade out on transition from night - sunrise
- the lighting now properly transitions from night-sunrise