- Now godrays option appears.
- Default Blocklight color now is yellow. (You can change it in light options.)
- Adjust in Realistic and pollution color scheme for a more realistic sky color.
- pt-BR and pt-PT have better translations now.
- Shader default godray is "Depth based" now.
- Redstone torch does not shine brighter anymore.
Version code: FN3.2
Based in MakeUp 9.1b.
3.0 New features:
Enhanced gloss in metals and some blocks.
Blocks that shine brighter now:
Sand, Grass, Iron, Gold, Diamond, Cooper, Emerald, Netherite, Lapis, Amethist, Quartz, Bedrock, Redstone block, Glass borders, Nether bricks, Red nether bricks, all rails and Redstone torch.
More blocks are waving now.
Blocks that wave now:
Kelp, Sugar cane, Sea Pickle, All corals and dead corals, Nether wart and Cherry leaves.
Honey block reflects light now.
Two new color profiles: Realistic and Realistic (Pollution)
Disclaimer: Water render is bugged when using antialiasing, big black artifacts appear on screen. Will be corrected in 3.1
Does not work in 1.13 - 1.15.
Based in MakeUp 9.1a
Version code: FN3
2.1 Changes
Updates inherited from original MakeUp:
Support was added to some blocks of the following mods (thanks to DadamaldaDad):
- Create + addons like Big Cannons, Dreams & Desires (including some legacy blocks), Deco, Encased, Framed, Enchantment Industry, Bitterballen (sunflower only)
- Deeper & Darker
- L_Ender's Cataclysm
- Farmer's Delight + Vegan Delight
- Sophisticated Backpacks
- Naturalist
- Minor adjustments have been made to some blocks (thanks to DadamaldaDad).
A problem with the sky color in older versions of Minecraft that was introduced recently has been fixed.
It works in 1.12.2 now!
Bugged in 1.13 - 1.15
Based in MakeUp 9.1a
2.0 New features:
Two new profiles:
- MAX: Max graphics, better bloom, AO and clouds.
- Only shadows: No effects, only shadows.
More shadow distance for quality (very low performance impact)
Based in MakeUp 9.0c
Bugged sky color in 1.15 and below will be fixed.
Profile Only shadows can run in Intel HD 4000! (30fps 768p 4 chuncks)