- Added support for Minecraft 1.20.6 🐺, 1.21 ⚔️, 1.21.3 💰 and 1.21.4 🪵 (closes #31)
- Added the Bogged to the dig up animation
- Added additional proxy chest items that hold the actual items to the unrendered chest item in the foot slot, preventing Minecraft from stripping away empty item slots and thus messing up the armor and tools save order. Additionally, HandItems are now also stored in the foot slot (index 4 and 5) instead of a separate chest item in the legs slot
- Added update function to convert the pre-1.20.5 armor and tools save format to the new post-1.20.6 format
- Added slot information to the pre-1.20.5 save format, including a user-callable function to add this to already saved entities to prevent Minecraft from throwing away important data when upgrading a world to 1.20.5+
- Added support for new item component and particle syntax (Thanks @Sashiro)
- Copied the contents of the legacy folders to their new names and removed unused code
- Adjusted exclude tag to account for boat ID renames
- Updated menu trigger to use advancements instead and added menu message header
- Fixed single layer snow no longer producing snow particles
- Fixed mainhand to offhand handling always clearing new mainhand data before overwriting the old mainhand, even if the new data could not be transferred to the offhand
- Fixed attempting to play the block break animation for unsupported blocks on non-solid blocks like air
- Changed play animation on unsupported blocks setting to off by default to prevent unwanted block updates (#16)
- Removed spawnanimations:welcome tag
- Update to Minecraft 1.20.4 🦇
- Added version range in pack.mcmeta
- Fixed charged creeper glow not getting hidden (closes #17)
- Added a mod version with the exclusive addition of a global settings menu and config file, when installed alongside MidnightLib ⚙️ (closes #15)
- Added Catalogue support
- Added custom Data Pack ModMenu badge using ModMenu Badges Lib
- Added ingame Edit value button for the activation distance slider
- Restructured data pack
- Added recovery function for worn armor and tool items, that appends newly post-spawn items to the already existing data for hiding worn armor and tools, even when one container item was overwritten (closes #6)
- Added new icon
- Added automatic mob height detection
- Added native support for chest, trapped chest, ender chest, beacon and hopper blocks to prevent unnecessary block updates
- Reformatted ingame menus
- Added global
/function #tschipcraft:menu
command - Fixed Farm incompatibility (closes #10)
- Fixed tall entities stopping their dig up animation when a block gap is between the starting and the destination block
- Fixed teleporting mobs up 0.5 blocks even when the animation aborts beforehand
- Fixed broken suffocation checks
- Added an additional exclusion criteria check for mob crushers
- Fixed FallDistance reset triggering every tick, even when the entity is already protected with Invulnerable:1b
- Fixed not retaining Silent NBT tag when set to 0b
- Fixed broken damage trigger in mc1.19.4 and above
- Reformatted tag lists
- Added new custom license
- Update to Minecraft 1.20 🐪 (closes #9)
- Fixed incorrect ignore tags
- Worn armor and tools will now get hidden with the entity before digging up (fixes #2, #3 and #5) 🎢
- Dig out speed for entities is now altered based on slowness and speed effects
- Added settings menu
- Added an activation range slider - Entities closer to the player than the specified value will play the animation
- Added two activation modes:
- Classic: Out of range mobs will stay hidden until a player is in range
- Vanilla: Out of range mobs will spawn normally
- Added fallback block break animation to unsupported blocks
- Added exclusion criteria
These mobs will now get ignored by the data pack
- Mobs with passengers
- Mobs riding another entity
- Mobs with the levitation or glowing effect
- Burning mobs
- Mobs attacking another entity
- Damaged mobs If a hidden mob meets an exclusion criterion, it plays the animation independent of player position
- Mobs now get temporary invulnerability instead of resistance to prevent them flashing red (closes #1)
- Added lava drip particles to emerging Striders
- Increased dig up y distance for Enderman to account for their height
- Added hide feedback system for better interactivity with the settings menu
- Added version checker system
- Removed legacy test
- Removed unnecessary how to use message
- Updated /trigger menu logic
- Added nether bricks, lava and slime blocks to supported blocks
- Restructured data pack from ground up
- This data pack now follows the Smithed and essential MC Datapack Discord Server Conventions to ensure data pack compatibility!
- Added a wiki!