The Aether - Fabric - 1.20.1-1.5.2-beta.7
- Fix crash caused by later version of Accessories.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.20.1-1.5.2-beta.6
- Fix dungeon tooltips for loot appearing twice.
- Fix incorrect length for Aether discs' redstone signal output.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.20.1-1.5.2-beta.5
- Fix a crash between portal sounds and other mods' sound mixins.
- Fix armor stands not dropping accessories.
- Fix accessories not being unequippable from armor stands.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.20.1-1.5.2-beta.4
- Fix another mixin incompatibility.
- Fix trivia lines overlapping in loading screens.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.20.1-1.5.2-beta.3
- Fix missing embedded Porting Lib module causing mixin crashes in some situations.
- Fix Cumulus music mixin incompatibility.
- Fix a mixin accessor warning.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.20.1-1.5.2-beta.2
- Fix boss bars and boss music not working properly.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.20.1-1.5.2-beta.1
- Port 1.20.1-1.5.2 from NeoForge to Fabric.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.21.1-1.5.6
- Fix client config option
"Disables the Aether's Moa Skins button from appearing in GUIs"
not working properly.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.21.1-1.5.5
- Skyroot Buckets, Skyroot Water Buckets, and Skyroot Milk Buckets now have a
capability. - Item slot data for the Altar and Freezer are now transferred to the client.
- Fix a crash from mobs dropping accessories.
- Fix buckets not having the
item component by default. - Fix a crash with the music manager.
- Fix the Slider ignoring players that aren't in line of sight.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.21.1-1.5.4
- Added a new client config option
"Disables the Aether's Moa Skins button from appearing in GUIs"
for disabling the Moa Skins button; this config will only apply for players who do not have any skins.
- Added a message when damaging the Sun Spirit with an Ice Crystal to indicate it can be damaged by conventional means as well.
- Update es_es translation.
- Update fr_fr translation.
- Update ja_jp translation.
- Update ms_my translation.
- Update ru_ru translation.
- Update sk_sk translation.
- Update sv_se translation.
- update uk_ua translation.
- Fix using the accessories menu hotkey
will no longer override opening a mount's inventory. - Fix Hammer of Kingbdogz cooldown bar not displaying when equipped to the offhand.
- Fix gloves not disappearing from the Smithing Table menu's armor stand after removing.
- Fix
in the wrong location. - Fix a config-loading crash from the Aether's day cycle system.
- Fix not being able to create Immersive Portals' portals from the Aether to the Overworld.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.21.1-1.5.3
- Fix crash when fighting the Sun Spirit with Twilight Forest installed.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.21.1-1.5.2
- Fix Aerogel Walls culling adjacent block faces that they shouldn't.
- Fix double drops related NPE crash.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.21.1-1.5.1
- Added a new common server option
"Overworld-length Aether time cycle"
for changing the Aether's time from 3-times the length of the Overworld's day cycle to the same length as it. - Added a new common server option
"Syncs time cycles"
for making the Aether's time sync with the Overworld's when it hits noon after eternal day has been banished. - Added a new common client option
"Disables Aether's clouds"
for configuring whether clouds should render in the Aether dimension. - Added a new tag
for Aether ores. - Compatibility with Immersive Portals.
- Update de_at translation.
- Update en_ud translation.
- Update es_es translation.
- Update es_mx translation.
- Update fr_fr translation.
- Update it_it translation.
- Update ja_jp translation.
- Update ko_kr translation.
- Update lol_us translation.
- Update ms_my translation.
- Update pl_pl translation.
- Update ru_ru translation.
- Update sk_sk translation.
- Update sv_se translation.
- Update tok translation.
- Update uk_ua translation.
- Update zh_cn translation.
- Fix mount mid-air jumps being triggered when jumping from the ground.
- Fix Sun Spirit and Fire Minion audio not playing.
- Fix the Aether Portal trigger sound not playing.
- Fix some discs playing in stereo mode.
- Fix Slider velocity being slower than it should be.
- Fix Aerwhales getting stuck on overhangs.
- Fix movement keys that cancel each other still disabling the Shield of Repulsion without moving.
- Fix TNT Presents having incorrect gravity.
- Fix Dart Shooters not accepting Infinity in creative mode.
- Fix Aether materials not working with new armor trims.
- Fix Skyroot Poison and Remedy Buckets not being in the
tag. - Fix Skyroot Buckets not being in the
tag. - Fix a crash when trying to load a loot modifier asynchronously.
- Fix Supplementaries compatibility.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.4
- Update Cumulus to 2.0.0. This includes a rework to the menu registration and the movement of world preview system code from Aether to Cumulus. The Aether/Minecraft Theme button is also now replaced by Cumulus' Menu List button.
- Fix Altar and Freezer output not working correctly.
- Fix the eternal day check for sleeping in the Aether.
- Fix Valkyrie Lance being enchantable with Sweeping Edge.
- Fix meat drops from Aether animals not being cooked when killed with Fire Aspect in one hit.
- Fix a desync with the Aether tool debuff config in multiplayer.
- Fix an edge case with the Slider's movement math breaking down at high health numbers.
- Fix Shield of Repulsion deflection not working properly.
- Fix a potential edge case with the Shield of Repulsion overriding other mods cancellation of
. - Fix the optional Shield of Repulsion tooltip being incorrect.
- Fix compatibility support for the Tips mod.
- Fix some configs being checked earlier in mod-loading than necessary to make crash logs more clear in incompatibility edge cases.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.3
- Fix eternal day not functioning correctly.
- Fix Silver Dungeons sometimes not generating with aerclouds.
- Fix an incorrect tooltip for Gravitite Armor.
- Fix first-person Shield of Repulsion rendering for players without slim arms.
- Fix projectiles getting stuck on top of the Slider.
- Fix glove modifiers being hardcoded to a specific slot.
- Fix cape textures not being correctly separated per-player.
- Fix Moa Skins not registering on the client.
- Fix incorrect enchantment selection for Valkyrie Lance.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.2
- Fix a null crash from the helper for moving accessories from Curios to the new system.
- Fix a null crash from Moa Skin loading.
- Fix Zephyr Snowballs having incorrect shooting trajectory.
- Fix the Sentry's hitbox being larger than it should be.
- Fix Valkyrie Queens not unlocking the full Silver Dungeon when defeated.
- Fix first-person glove rendering for players without slim arms.
- Fix incorrect lengths for some discs in their
files. - Fix missing mod logo images.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.1
- Port 1.20.4-1.5.1 to 1.21.1.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.20.1-1.5.2-beta.6
- Fix dungeon tooltips for loot appearing twice.
- Fix incorrect length for Aether discs' redstone signal output.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.20.1-1.5.2-beta.5
- Fix a crash between portal sounds and other mods' sound mixins.
- Fix armor stands not dropping accessories.
- Fix accessories not being unequippable from armor stands.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.20.1-1.5.2-beta.4
- Fix another mixin incompatibility.
- Fix trivia lines overlapping in loading screens.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.20.1-1.5.2-beta.3
- Fix missing embedded Porting Lib module causing mixin crashes in some situations.
- Fix Cumulus music mixin incompatibility.
- Fix a mixin accessor warning.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.20.1-1.5.2-beta.2
- Fix boss bars and boss music not working properly.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.20.1-1.5.2-beta.1
- Port 1.20.1-1.5.2 from NeoForge to Fabric.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.6
- Fix client config option
"Disables the Aether's Moa Skins button from appearing in GUIs"
not working properly. - Fix rendering for potted plants being broken.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.5
- Fix accessories not being unequippable from armor stands.
- Fix chests of other mods sometimes having no loot due to a conflict.
- Fix a crash from mobs dropping accessories.
- Fix a crash with the music manager.
- Fix the Slider ignoring players that aren't in line of sight.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.4
- Added a new client config option
"Disables the Aether's Moa Skins button from appearing in GUIs"
for disabling the Moa Skins button; this config will only apply for players who do not have any skins. - Added a message when damaging the Sun Spirit with an Ice Crystal to indicate it can be damaged by conventional means as well.
- Update es_es translation.
- Update fr_fr translation.
- Update ja_jp translation.
- Update ms_my translation.
- Update ru_ru translation.
- Update sk_sk translation.
- Update sv_se translation.
- Update uk_ua translation.
- Fix bushes not being solid in Fast Rendering.
- Fix Hammer of Kingbdogz cooldown bar not displaying when equipped to the offhand.
- Fix using the accessories menu hotkey
will no longer override opening a mount's inventory. - Fix gloves not disappearing from the Smithing Table menu's armor stand after removing.
- Fix a config-loading crash from the Aether's day cycle system.
- Fix missing Purple Banner recipe.
- Fix loot table ID and registry issues.
- Fix issues with missing datapacks on world creation.
- Fix the Moa jumps attribute not working.
- Fix not being able to create Immersive Portals' portals from the Aether to the Overworld.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.3
- Fix a bug with the Aether's time not being set properly in various situations.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.2
- Fix Aerogel Walls culling adjacent block faces that they shouldn't.
- Fix missing recipes for Banners.
- Fix double drops related NPE crash.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.1
- Added a new common server option
"Overworld-length Aether time cycle"
for changing the Aether's time from 3-times the length of the Overworld's day cycle to the same length as it. - Added a new common server option
"Syncs time cycles"
for making the Aether's time sync with the Overworld's when it hits noon after eternal day has been banished. - Added a new common client option
"Disables Aether's clouds"
for configuring whether clouds should render in the Aether dimension. - Added a new tag
for Aether ores. - Compatibility with Immersive Portals.
- Update de_at translation.
- Update en_ud translation.
- Update es_es translation.
- Update es_mx translation.
- Update fr_fr translation.
- Update it_it translation.
- Update ja_jp translation.
- Update ko_kr translation.
- Update lol_us translation.
- Update ms_my translation.
- Update pl_pl translation.
- Update ru_ru translation.
- Update sk_sk translation.
- Update sv_se translation.
- Update tok translation.
- Update uk_ua translation.
- Update zh_cn translation.
- Fix Skyroot Swords and Pig Slayers not applying their custom mob drop modification abilities.
- Fix mount mid-air jumps being triggered when jumping from the ground.
- Fix dismount prevention when flying not working properly.
- Fix Sun Spirit and Fire Minion audio not playing.
- Fix the Aether Portal trigger sound not playing.
- Fix some discs playing in stereo mode.
- Fix Slider velocity being slower than it should be.
- Fix Aerwhales getting stuck on overhangs.
- Fix movement keys that cancel each other still disabling the Shield of Repulsion without moving.
- Fix TNT Presents having incorrect gravity.
- Fix TNT explosions not triggering other TNT blocks.
- Fix Dart Shooters not accepting Infinity in creative mode.
- Fix Aether materials not working with new armor trims.
- Fix the Skyroot Bed item model rendering as a Cyan Bed.
- Fix the Remedy effect overlay not displaying.
- Fix Skyroot Poison and Remedy Buckets not being in the
tag. - Fix Skyroot Buckets not being in the
tag. - Fix a crash when trying to load a loot modifier asynchronously.
- Fix "UUID already exists" log-spam.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.5
- Update Cumulus to 2.0.0. This includes a rework to the menu registration and the movement of world preview system code from Aether to Cumulus. The Aether/Minecraft Theme button is also now replaced by Cumulus' Menu List button.
- Reimplement config screen.
- Fix weapon abilities not working.
- FIx Valkyrie Hoe not working.
- Fix Altar and Freezer output not working correctly.
- Fix the eternal day check for sleeping in the Aether.
- Fix eternal day values not persisting correctly.
- Fix Valkyrie Lance being enchantable with any enchantment.
- Fix meat drops from Aether animals not being cooked when killed with Fire Aspect in one hit.
- Fix Ambrosium Torches on walls dropping vanilla Torches.
- Fix Moa jump stats not syncing properly.
- Fix a desync with the Aether tool debuff config in multiplayer.
- Fix an edge case with the Slider's movement math breaking down at high health numbers.
- Fix Shield of Repulsion deflection not working properly.
- Fix a potential edge case with the Shield of Repulsion overriding other mods projectile hit cancellation.
- Fix the optional Shield of Repulsion tooltip being incorrect.
- Fix incompatibility crash with MixinSquared.
- Fix incompatibility crash with Tips mod.
- Fix compatibility support for the Tips mod.
- Fix missing datafixer logspam.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.4
- Fix eternal day not functioning correctly.
- Fix Silver Dungeons sometimes not generating with aerclouds.
- Fix an incorrect tooltip for Gravitite Armor.
- Fix first-person Shield of Repulsion rendering for players without slim arms.
- Fix projectiles getting stuck on top of the Slider.
- Fix glove modifiers being hardcoded to a specific slot.
- Fix cape textures not being correctly separated per-player.
- Fix Moa Skins not registering on the client.
- Fix effect overlay vignettes not rendering.
- Fix bosses using regular-styled boss bars.
- Fix entities not getting placed in structures.
- Fix a crash from incorrect class casting.
- Fix incorrect enchantment selections for Valkyrie Lance and Dart Shooters.
- Fix Valkyrie Lance having sweeping.
- Fix a crash with Tips by temporarily disabling some compatibility.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.3
- Fix a null crash from the helper for moving accessories from Curios to the new system.
- Fix a null crash from Moa Skin loading.
- Fix Zephyr Snowballs having incorrect shooting trajectory.
- Fix the Sentry's hitbox being larger than it should be.
- Fix Valkyrie Queens not unlocking the full Silver Dungeon when defeated.
- Fix first-person glove rendering for players without slim arms.
- Fix incorrect lengths for some discs in their
files. - Fix missing mod logo images.
- Fix crash that would occur when stripping blocks with a axe
- Fix shields not blocking damage
- Missing Translucency for Aerogel Blocks
- Fix crash when encoding various values like Status Effects
- Fix issues where Accessories Keybind would close any screen even within text box
- Adjust key press hook fixing issues with Gravitite ability
- Use Porting libs method for processing entity info which fixes entity not spawning (Example: Fabric port of Farmers Delight)
- Adjust fog rendering code when porting lib is installed to correct fog rendering mostly
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.2
- Fix inability to drop items leading them to be deleted
- Fix inability to choose aether specific Datapacks
- Fix issues where Ice Accessories did not freeze liquids
- Attempt to fix possible crash with syncing DataMaps
- Fix for not creating attached data when tracking lightning
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.1
- Port 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.1 from NeoForge to Fabric.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.5
- Fix accessories not being unequippable from armor stands.
- Fix chests of other mods sometimes having no loot due to a conflict.
- Fix a crash from mobs dropping accessories.
- Fix a crash with the music manager.
- Fix the Slider ignoring players that aren't in line of sight.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.4
- Added a new client config option
"Disables the Aether's Moa Skins button from appearing in GUIs"
for disabling the Moa Skins button; this config will only apply for players who do not have any skins. - Added a message when damaging the Sun Spirit with an Ice Crystal to indicate it can be damaged by conventional means as well.
- Update es_es translation.
- Update fr_fr translation.
- Update ja_jp translation.
- Update ms_my translation.
- Update ru_ru translation.
- Update sk_sk translation.
- Update sv_se translation.
- Update uk_ua translation.
- Fix bushes not being solid in Fast Rendering.
- Fix Hammer of Kingbdogz cooldown bar not displaying when equipped to the offhand.
- Fix using the accessories menu hotkey
will no longer override opening a mount's inventory. - Fix gloves not disappearing from the Smithing Table menu's armor stand after removing.
- Fix a config-loading crash from the Aether's day cycle system.
- Fix missing Purple Banner recipe.
- Fix loot table ID and registry issues.
- Fix issues with missing datapacks on world creation.
- Fix the Moa jumps attribute not working.
- Fix not being able to create Immersive Portals' portals from the Aether to the Overworld.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.3
- Fix a bug with the Aether's time not being set properly in various situations.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.2
- Fix Aerogel Walls culling adjacent block faces that they shouldn't.
- Fix missing recipes for Banners.
- Fix double drops related NPE crash.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.1
- Added a new common server option
"Overworld-length Aether time cycle"
for changing the Aether's time from 3-times the length of the Overworld's day cycle to the same length as it. - Added a new common server option
"Syncs time cycles"
for making the Aether's time sync with the Overworld's when it hits noon after eternal day has been banished. - Added a new common client option
"Disables Aether's clouds"
for configuring whether clouds should render in the Aether dimension. - Added a new tag
for Aether ores. - Compatibility with Immersive Portals.
- Update de_at translation.
- Update en_ud translation.
- Update es_es translation.
- Update es_mx translation.
- Update fr_fr translation.
- Update it_it translation.
- Update ja_jp translation.
- Update ko_kr translation.
- Update lol_us translation.
- Update ms_my translation.
- Update pl_pl translation.
- Update ru_ru translation.
- Update sk_sk translation.
- Update sv_se translation.
- Update tok translation.
- Update uk_ua translation.
- Update zh_cn translation.
- Fix Skyroot Swords and Pig Slayers not applying their custom mob drop modification abilities.
- Fix mount mid-air jumps being triggered when jumping from the ground.
- Fix dismount prevention when flying not working properly.
- Fix Sun Spirit and Fire Minion audio not playing.
- Fix the Aether Portal trigger sound not playing.
- Fix some discs playing in stereo mode.
- Fix Slider velocity being slower than it should be.
- Fix Aerwhales getting stuck on overhangs.
- Fix movement keys that cancel each other still disabling the Shield of Repulsion without moving.
- Fix TNT Presents having incorrect gravity.
- Fix TNT explosions not triggering other TNT blocks.
- Fix Dart Shooters not accepting Infinity in creative mode.
- Fix Aether materials not working with new armor trims.
- Fix the Skyroot Bed item model rendering as a Cyan Bed.
- Fix the Remedy effect overlay not displaying.
- Fix Skyroot Poison and Remedy Buckets not being in the
tag. - Fix Skyroot Buckets not being in the
tag. - Fix a crash when trying to load a loot modifier asynchronously.
- Fix "UUID already exists" log-spam.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.5
- Update Cumulus to 2.0.0. This includes a rework to the menu registration and the movement of world preview system code from Aether to Cumulus. The Aether/Minecraft Theme button is also now replaced by Cumulus' Menu List button.
- Reimplement config screen.
- Fix weapon abilities not working.
- FIx Valkyrie Hoe not working.
- Fix Altar and Freezer output not working correctly.
- Fix the eternal day check for sleeping in the Aether.
- Fix eternal day values not persisting correctly.
- Fix Valkyrie Lance being enchantable with any enchantment.
- Fix meat drops from Aether animals not being cooked when killed with Fire Aspect in one hit.
- Fix Ambrosium Torches on walls dropping vanilla Torches.
- Fix Moa jump stats not syncing properly.
- Fix a desync with the Aether tool debuff config in multiplayer.
- Fix an edge case with the Slider's movement math breaking down at high health numbers.
- Fix Shield of Repulsion deflection not working properly.
- Fix a potential edge case with the Shield of Repulsion overriding other mods projectile hit cancellation.
- Fix the optional Shield of Repulsion tooltip being incorrect.
- Fix incompatibility crash with MixinSquared.
- Fix incompatibility crash with Tips mod.
- Fix compatibility support for the Tips mod.
- Fix missing datafixer logspam.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.4
- Fix eternal day not functioning correctly.
- Fix Silver Dungeons sometimes not generating with aerclouds.
- Fix an incorrect tooltip for Gravitite Armor.
- Fix first-person Shield of Repulsion rendering for players without slim arms.
- Fix projectiles getting stuck on top of the Slider.
- Fix glove modifiers being hardcoded to a specific slot.
- Fix cape textures not being correctly separated per-player.
- Fix Moa Skins not registering on the client.
- Fix effect overlay vignettes not rendering.
- Fix bosses using regular-styled boss bars.
- Fix entities not getting placed in structures.
- Fix a crash from incorrect class casting.
- Fix incorrect enchantment selections for Valkyrie Lance and Dart Shooters.
- Fix Valkyrie Lance having sweeping.
- Fix a crash with Tips by temporarily disabling some compatibility.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.3
- Fix a null crash from the helper for moving accessories from Curios to the new system.
- Fix a null crash from Moa Skin loading.
- Fix Zephyr Snowballs having incorrect shooting trajectory.
- Fix the Sentry's hitbox being larger than it should be.
- Fix Valkyrie Queens not unlocking the full Silver Dungeon when defeated.
- Fix first-person glove rendering for players without slim arms.
- Fix incorrect lengths for some discs in their
files. - Fix missing mod logo images.
- Fix crash that would occur when stripping blocks with a axe
- Fix shields not blocking damage
- Missing Translucency for Aerogel Blocks
- Fix crash when encoding various values like Status Effects
- Fix issues where Accessories Keybind would close any screen even within text box
- Adjust key press hook fixing issues with Gravitite ability
- Use Porting libs method for processing entity info which fixes entity not spawning (Example: Fabric port of Farmers Delight)
- Adjust fog rendering code when porting lib is installed to correct fog rendering mostly
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.2
- Fix inability to drop items leading them to be deleted
- Fix inability to choose aether specific Datapacks
- Fix issues where Ice Accessories did not freeze liquids
- Attempt to fix possible crash with syncing DataMaps
- Fix for not creating attached data when tracking lightning
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.1
- Port 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.1 from NeoForge to Fabric.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.21.4-1.5.5
- Skyroot Buckets, Skyroot Water Buckets, and Skyroot Milk Buckets now have a
capability. - Item slot data for the Altar and Freezer are now transferred to the client.
- Fix a crash from mobs dropping accessories.
- Fix buckets not having the
item component by default. - Fix a crash with the music manager.
- Fix the Slider ignoring players that aren't in line of sight.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.21.1-1.5.4
- Added a new client config option
"Disables the Aether's Moa Skins button from appearing in GUIs"
for disabling the Moa Skins button; this config will only apply for players who do not have any skins. - Added a message when damaging the Sun Spirit with an Ice Crystal to indicate it can be damaged by conventional means as well.
- Update es_es translation.
- Update fr_fr translation.
- Update ja_jp translation.
- Update ms_my translation.
- Update ru_ru translation.
- Update sk_sk translation.
- Update sv_se translation.
- update uk_ua translation.
- Fix using the accessories menu hotkey
will no longer override opening a mount's inventory. - Fix Hammer of Kingbdogz cooldown bar not displaying when equipped to the offhand.
- Fix gloves not disappearing from the Smithing Table menu's armor stand after removing.
- Fix
in the wrong location. - Fix a config-loading crash from the Aether's day cycle system.
- Fix not being able to create Immersive Portals' portals from the Aether to the Overworld.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.21.1-1.5.3
- Fix crash when fighting the Sun Spirit with Twilight Forest installed.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.21.1-1.5.2
- Fix Aerogel Walls culling adjacent block faces that they shouldn't.
- Fix double drops related NPE crash.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.21.1-1.5.1
- Added a new common server option
"Overworld-length Aether time cycle"
for changing the Aether's time from 3-times the length of the Overworld's day cycle to the same length as it. - Added a new common server option
"Syncs time cycles"
for making the Aether's time sync with the Overworld's when it hits noon after eternal day has been banished. - Added a new common client option
"Disables Aether's clouds"
for configuring whether clouds should render in the Aether dimension. - Added a new tag
for Aether ores. - Compatibility with Immersive Portals.
- Update de_at translation.
- Update en_ud translation.
- Update es_es translation.
- Update es_mx translation.
- Update fr_fr translation.
- Update it_it translation.
- Update ja_jp translation.
- Update ko_kr translation.
- Update lol_us translation.
- Update ms_my translation.
- Update pl_pl translation.
- Update ru_ru translation.
- Update sk_sk translation.
- Update sv_se translation.
- Update tok translation.
- Update uk_ua translation.
- Update zh_cn translation.
- Fix mount mid-air jumps being triggered when jumping from the ground.
- Fix Sun Spirit and Fire Minion audio not playing.
- Fix the Aether Portal trigger sound not playing.
- Fix some discs playing in stereo mode.
- Fix Slider velocity being slower than it should be.
- Fix Aerwhales getting stuck on overhangs.
- Fix movement keys that cancel each other still disabling the Shield of Repulsion without moving.
- Fix TNT Presents having incorrect gravity.
- Fix Dart Shooters not accepting Infinity in creative mode.
- Fix Aether materials not working with new armor trims.
- Fix Skyroot Poison and Remedy Buckets not being in the
tag. - Fix Skyroot Buckets not being in the
tag. - Fix a crash when trying to load a loot modifier asynchronously.
- Fix Supplementaries compatibility.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.4
- Update Cumulus to 2.0.0. This includes a rework to the menu registration and the movement of world preview system code from Aether to Cumulus. The Aether/Minecraft Theme button is also now replaced by Cumulus' Menu List button.
- Fix Altar and Freezer output not working correctly.
- Fix the eternal day check for sleeping in the Aether.
- Fix Valkyrie Lance being enchantable with Sweeping Edge.
- Fix meat drops from Aether animals not being cooked when killed with Fire Aspect in one hit.
- Fix a desync with the Aether tool debuff config in multiplayer.
- Fix an edge case with the Slider's movement math breaking down at high health numbers.
- Fix Shield of Repulsion deflection not working properly.
- Fix a potential edge case with the Shield of Repulsion overriding other mods cancellation of
. - Fix the optional Shield of Repulsion tooltip being incorrect.
- Fix compatibility support for the Tips mod.
- Fix some configs being checked earlier in mod-loading than necessary to make crash logs more clear in incompatibility edge cases.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.3
- Fix eternal day not functioning correctly.
- Fix Silver Dungeons sometimes not generating with aerclouds.
- Fix an incorrect tooltip for Gravitite Armor.
- Fix first-person Shield of Repulsion rendering for players without slim arms.
- Fix projectiles getting stuck on top of the Slider.
- Fix glove modifiers being hardcoded to a specific slot.
- Fix cape textures not being correctly separated per-player.
- Fix Moa Skins not registering on the client.
- Fix incorrect enchantment selection for Valkyrie Lance.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.2
- Fix a null crash from the helper for moving accessories from Curios to the new system.
- Fix a null crash from Moa Skin loading.
- Fix Zephyr Snowballs having incorrect shooting trajectory.
- Fix the Sentry's hitbox being larger than it should be.
- Fix Valkyrie Queens not unlocking the full Silver Dungeon when defeated.
- Fix first-person glove rendering for players without slim arms.
- Fix incorrect lengths for some discs in their
files. - Fix missing mod logo images.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.1
- Port 1.20.4-1.5.1 to 1.21.1.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.20.1-1.5.2-beta.5
- Fix a crash between portal sounds and other mods' sound mixins.
- Fix armor stands not dropping accessories.
- Fix accessories not being unequippable from armor stands.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.20.1-1.5.2-beta.4
- Fix another mixin incompatibility.
- Fix trivia lines overlapping in loading screens.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.20.1-1.5.2-beta.3
- Fix missing embedded Porting Lib module causing mixin crashes in some situations.
- Fix Cumulus music mixin incompatibility.
- Fix a mixin accessor warning.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.20.1-1.5.2-beta.2
- Fix boss bars and boss music not working properly.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.20.1-1.5.2-beta.1
- Port 1.20.1-1.5.2 from NeoForge to Fabric.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.20.1-1.5.2-beta.4
- Fix another mixin incompatibility.
- Fix trivia lines overlapping in loading screens.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.20.1-1.5.2-beta.3
- Fix missing embedded Porting Lib module causing mixin crashes in some situations.
- Fix Cumulus music mixin incompatibility.
- Fix a mixin accessor warning.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.20.1-1.5.2-beta.2
- Fix boss bars and boss music not working properly.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.20.1-1.5.2-beta.1
- Port 1.20.1-1.5.2 from NeoForge to Fabric.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.20.1-1.5.2-beta.3
- Fix missing embedded Porting Lib module causing mixin crashes in some situations.
- Fix Cumulus music mixin incompatibility.
- Fix a mixin accessor warning.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.20.1-1.5.2-beta.2
- Fix boss bars and boss music not working properly.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.20.1-1.5.2-beta.1
- Port 1.20.1-1.5.2 from NeoForge to Fabric.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.21.1-1.5.4
- Added a new client config option
"Disables the Aether's Moa Skins button from appearing in GUIs"
for disabling the Moa Skins button; this config will only apply for players who do not have any skins. - Added a message when damaging the Sun Spirit with an Ice Crystal to indicate it can be damaged by conventional means as well.
- Update es_es translation.
- Update fr_fr translation.
- Update ja_jp translation.
- Update ms_my translation.
- Update ru_ru translation.
- Update sk_sk translation.
- Update sv_se translation.
- update uk_ua translation.
- Fix using the accessories menu hotkey
will no longer override opening a mount's inventory. - Fix Hammer of Kingbdogz cooldown bar not displaying when equipped to the offhand.
- Fix gloves not disappearing from the Smithing Table menu's armor stand after removing.
- Fix
in the wrong location. - Fix a config-loading crash from the Aether's day cycle system.
- Fix not being able to create Immersive Portals' portals from the Aether to the Overworld.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.21.1-1.5.3
- Fix crash when fighting the Sun Spirit with Twilight Forest installed.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.21.1-1.5.2
- Fix Aerogel Walls culling adjacent block faces that they shouldn't.
- Fix double drops related NPE crash.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.21.1-1.5.1
- Added a new common server option
"Overworld-length Aether time cycle"
for changing the Aether's time from 3-times the length of the Overworld's day cycle to the same length as it. - Added a new common server option
"Syncs time cycles"
for making the Aether's time sync with the Overworld's when it hits noon after eternal day has been banished. - Added a new common client option
"Disables Aether's clouds"
for configuring whether clouds should render in the Aether dimension. - Added a new tag
for Aether ores. - Compatibility with Immersive Portals.
- Update de_at translation.
- Update en_ud translation.
- Update es_es translation.
- Update es_mx translation.
- Update fr_fr translation.
- Update it_it translation.
- Update ja_jp translation.
- Update ko_kr translation.
- Update lol_us translation.
- Update ms_my translation.
- Update pl_pl translation.
- Update ru_ru translation.
- Update sk_sk translation.
- Update sv_se translation.
- Update tok translation.
- Update uk_ua translation.
- Update zh_cn translation.
- Fix mount mid-air jumps being triggered when jumping from the ground.
- Fix Sun Spirit and Fire Minion audio not playing.
- Fix the Aether Portal trigger sound not playing.
- Fix some discs playing in stereo mode.
- Fix Slider velocity being slower than it should be.
- Fix Aerwhales getting stuck on overhangs.
- Fix movement keys that cancel each other still disabling the Shield of Repulsion without moving.
- Fix TNT Presents having incorrect gravity.
- Fix Dart Shooters not accepting Infinity in creative mode.
- Fix Aether materials not working with new armor trims.
- Fix Skyroot Poison and Remedy Buckets not being in the
tag. - Fix Skyroot Buckets not being in the
tag. - Fix a crash when trying to load a loot modifier asynchronously.
- Fix Supplementaries compatibility.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.4
- Update Cumulus to 2.0.0. This includes a rework to the menu registration and the movement of world preview system code from Aether to Cumulus. The Aether/Minecraft Theme button is also now replaced by Cumulus' Menu List button.
- Fix Altar and Freezer output not working correctly.
- Fix the eternal day check for sleeping in the Aether.
- Fix Valkyrie Lance being enchantable with Sweeping Edge.
- Fix meat drops from Aether animals not being cooked when killed with Fire Aspect in one hit.
- Fix a desync with the Aether tool debuff config in multiplayer.
- Fix an edge case with the Slider's movement math breaking down at high health numbers.
- Fix Shield of Repulsion deflection not working properly.
- Fix a potential edge case with the Shield of Repulsion overriding other mods cancellation of
. - Fix the optional Shield of Repulsion tooltip being incorrect.
- Fix compatibility support for the Tips mod.
- Fix some configs being checked earlier in mod-loading than necessary to make crash logs more clear in incompatibility edge cases.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.3
- Fix eternal day not functioning correctly.
- Fix Silver Dungeons sometimes not generating with aerclouds.
- Fix an incorrect tooltip for Gravitite Armor.
- Fix first-person Shield of Repulsion rendering for players without slim arms.
- Fix projectiles getting stuck on top of the Slider.
- Fix glove modifiers being hardcoded to a specific slot.
- Fix cape textures not being correctly separated per-player.
- Fix Moa Skins not registering on the client.
- Fix incorrect enchantment selection for Valkyrie Lance.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.2
- Fix a null crash from the helper for moving accessories from Curios to the new system.
- Fix a null crash from Moa Skin loading.
- Fix Zephyr Snowballs having incorrect shooting trajectory.
- Fix the Sentry's hitbox being larger than it should be.
- Fix Valkyrie Queens not unlocking the full Silver Dungeon when defeated.
- Fix first-person glove rendering for players without slim arms.
- Fix incorrect lengths for some discs in their
files. - Fix missing mod logo images.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.1
- Port 1.20.4-1.5.1 to 1.21.1.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.4
- Added a new client config option
"Disables the Aether's Moa Skins button from appearing in GUIs"
for disabling the Moa Skins button; this config will only apply for players who do not have any skins. - Added a message when damaging the Sun Spirit with an Ice Crystal to indicate it can be damaged by conventional means as well.
- Update es_es translation.
- Update fr_fr translation.
- Update ja_jp translation.
- Update ms_my translation.
- Update ru_ru translation.
- Update sk_sk translation.
- Update sv_se translation.
- Update uk_ua translation.
- Fix bushes not being solid in Fast Rendering.
- Fix Hammer of Kingbdogz cooldown bar not displaying when equipped to the offhand.
- Fix using the accessories menu hotkey
will no longer override opening a mount's inventory. - Fix gloves not disappearing from the Smithing Table menu's armor stand after removing.
- Fix a config-loading crash from the Aether's day cycle system.
- Fix missing Purple Banner recipe.
- Fix loot table ID and registry issues.
- Fix issues with missing datapacks on world creation.
- Fix the Moa jumps attribute not working.
- Fix not being able to create Immersive Portals' portals from the Aether to the Overworld.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.3
- Fix a bug with the Aether's time not being set properly in various situations.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.2
- Fix Aerogel Walls culling adjacent block faces that they shouldn't.
- Fix missing recipes for Banners.
- Fix double drops related NPE crash.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.1
- Added a new common server option
"Overworld-length Aether time cycle"
for changing the Aether's time from 3-times the length of the Overworld's day cycle to the same length as it. - Added a new common server option
"Syncs time cycles"
for making the Aether's time sync with the Overworld's when it hits noon after eternal day has been banished. - Added a new common client option
"Disables Aether's clouds"
for configuring whether clouds should render in the Aether dimension. - Added a new tag
for Aether ores. - Compatibility with Immersive Portals.
- Update de_at translation.
- Update en_ud translation.
- Update es_es translation.
- Update es_mx translation.
- Update fr_fr translation.
- Update it_it translation.
- Update ja_jp translation.
- Update ko_kr translation.
- Update lol_us translation.
- Update ms_my translation.
- Update pl_pl translation.
- Update ru_ru translation.
- Update sk_sk translation.
- Update sv_se translation.
- Update tok translation.
- Update uk_ua translation.
- Update zh_cn translation.
- Fix Skyroot Swords and Pig Slayers not applying their custom mob drop modification abilities.
- Fix mount mid-air jumps being triggered when jumping from the ground.
- Fix dismount prevention when flying not working properly.
- Fix Sun Spirit and Fire Minion audio not playing.
- Fix the Aether Portal trigger sound not playing.
- Fix some discs playing in stereo mode.
- Fix Slider velocity being slower than it should be.
- Fix Aerwhales getting stuck on overhangs.
- Fix movement keys that cancel each other still disabling the Shield of Repulsion without moving.
- Fix TNT Presents having incorrect gravity.
- Fix TNT explosions not triggering other TNT blocks.
- Fix Dart Shooters not accepting Infinity in creative mode.
- Fix Aether materials not working with new armor trims.
- Fix the Skyroot Bed item model rendering as a Cyan Bed.
- Fix the Remedy effect overlay not displaying.
- Fix Skyroot Poison and Remedy Buckets not being in the
tag. - Fix Skyroot Buckets not being in the
tag. - Fix a crash when trying to load a loot modifier asynchronously.
- Fix "UUID already exists" log-spam.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.5
- Update Cumulus to 2.0.0. This includes a rework to the menu registration and the movement of world preview system code from Aether to Cumulus. The Aether/Minecraft Theme button is also now replaced by Cumulus' Menu List button.
- Reimplement config screen.
- Fix weapon abilities not working.
- FIx Valkyrie Hoe not working.
- Fix Altar and Freezer output not working correctly.
- Fix the eternal day check for sleeping in the Aether.
- Fix eternal day values not persisting correctly.
- Fix Valkyrie Lance being enchantable with any enchantment.
- Fix meat drops from Aether animals not being cooked when killed with Fire Aspect in one hit.
- Fix Ambrosium Torches on walls dropping vanilla Torches.
- Fix Moa jump stats not syncing properly.
- Fix a desync with the Aether tool debuff config in multiplayer.
- Fix an edge case with the Slider's movement math breaking down at high health numbers.
- Fix Shield of Repulsion deflection not working properly.
- Fix a potential edge case with the Shield of Repulsion overriding other mods projectile hit cancellation.
- Fix the optional Shield of Repulsion tooltip being incorrect.
- Fix incompatibility crash with MixinSquared.
- Fix incompatibility crash with Tips mod.
- Fix compatibility support for the Tips mod.
- Fix missing datafixer logspam.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.4
- Fix eternal day not functioning correctly.
- Fix Silver Dungeons sometimes not generating with aerclouds.
- Fix an incorrect tooltip for Gravitite Armor.
- Fix first-person Shield of Repulsion rendering for players without slim arms.
- Fix projectiles getting stuck on top of the Slider.
- Fix glove modifiers being hardcoded to a specific slot.
- Fix cape textures not being correctly separated per-player.
- Fix Moa Skins not registering on the client.
- Fix effect overlay vignettes not rendering.
- Fix bosses using regular-styled boss bars.
- Fix entities not getting placed in structures.
- Fix a crash from incorrect class casting.
- Fix incorrect enchantment selections for Valkyrie Lance and Dart Shooters.
- Fix Valkyrie Lance having sweeping.
- Fix a crash with Tips by temporarily disabling some compatibility.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.3
- Fix a null crash from the helper for moving accessories from Curios to the new system.
- Fix a null crash from Moa Skin loading.
- Fix Zephyr Snowballs having incorrect shooting trajectory.
- Fix the Sentry's hitbox being larger than it should be.
- Fix Valkyrie Queens not unlocking the full Silver Dungeon when defeated.
- Fix first-person glove rendering for players without slim arms.
- Fix incorrect lengths for some discs in their
files. - Fix missing mod logo images.
- Fix crash that would occur when stripping blocks with a axe
- Fix shields not blocking damage
- Missing Translucency for Aerogel Blocks
- Fix crash when encoding various values like Status Effects
- Fix issues where Accessories Keybind would close any screen even within text box
- Adjust key press hook fixing issues with Gravitite ability
- Use Porting libs method for processing entity info which fixes entity not spawning (Example: Fabric port of Farmers Delight)
- Adjust fog rendering code when porting lib is installed to correct fog rendering mostly
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.2
- Fix inability to drop items leading them to be deleted
- Fix inability to choose aether specific Datapacks
- Fix issues where Ice Accessories did not freeze liquids
- Attempt to fix possible crash with syncing DataMaps
- Fix for not creating attached data when tracking lightning
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.1
- Port 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.1 from NeoForge to Fabric.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.20.1-1.5.2
- Accessories inventory now supports displaying Quark backpack slots.
- Accessories inventory hotkey no longer overrides mount inventories.
- Update JEI integration to fix a console error.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.20.1-1.5.1
- Added a new common config option
"Randomize boss names"
for configuring whether boss bars display randomized names.
- Fix incorrect smelting speeds for Iron and Gold Accessories.
- Fix a missing lore description.
- Fix null crashes when trying to load Moa Skins.
- Fix a connection crash with LAN servers.
- Fix the map for locked blocks being immutable.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.20.1-1.5.0
- Added spawn prevention methods for Swets and Aechor Plants. The former can be stopped with a Swet Banner, and the latter can be stopped by planting Purple or White Flowers around.
- Added many new sounds in places they were previously missing: Valkyries, Cockatrices, Sun Spirit, Blue Aerclouds, Aether Portals, and more.
- Added boss fight music.
- Added a new piece of the Bronze Dungeon that can be found on the surface of islands to indicate that a dungeon can be found below.
- Added a recipe for smelting a Victory Medal into a Gold Nugget.
- Added repairing recipes for Crossbows and Flint and Steel Added Quark compatibility for Flamerangs working against the Slider and for Runic Etchings to recolor enchantment glints on Gloves.
- Added a new
"Aether Item Tooltips"
resource pack that can be enabled to detail item abilities in an item's tooltip. - Added a new client config option
"Reposition attack message above hotbar"
for moving the notification of using the wrong tool against the Slider from the chat section to above the hotbar instead. - Added a new server config option
"Configure Sun Altar dimensions"
for listing what dimensions the Sun Altar can be used in. - Added
fields to the Gold Dungeon's structure JSONs to allow for foliage configuration. - Added
fields to dungeon structure JSONs and created JSON files for all the dungeons' block processors. - Added
sound events (the latter of which is empty) for better resource pack configuration. - Added the
field to boss entity classes to allow addons to configure what block types convert from locked to unlocked when a boss is defeated. - Added a new disc.
- Added new Moa Skins for the Human Patreon Tier: Brown Moa, Red Moa, Green Moa, Purple Moa. Classic Moa has been renamed to Orange Moa.
- Added new Moa Skins for the Ascentan Patreon Tier: Medical Bot, Skeleton Moa.
- Added new Moa Skins for the Valkyrie Patreon Tier: Peacock Moa, Prehistoric Moa.
- Update ar_sa translation.
- Update en_ud translation.
- Update es_es translation.
- Update fr_fr translation.
- Update it_it translation.
- Update ja_jp translation.
- Update ms_my translation.
- Update pl_pl translation.
- Update ru_ru translation.
- Update sk_sk transaltion.
- Update sv_se translation.
- Update uk_ua translation.
- Update vi_vn translation.
- Update zh_cn translation.
- Allow the Valkyrie Queen to be damaged by ranged projectiles.
- Rework the balance of the Sun Spirit fight. When the boss is hit by an Ice Crystal, it now remains in a brief frozen state where the player can damage it directly by conventional means. Many values are also less random or less varied based on the boss's health or have been rebalanced in general according to the new boss behavior.
- Rework Valkyrie movement to be less floaty, allowing them to better navigate and lunge at the player in the tight corridors of the Silver Dungeon. They have also been given a cooldown for their lunge attack.
- Allow Fire Crystals to be damaged by players to reduce the projectile's lifespan.
- Rework Swet movement to be more floaty, to be more accurate to their behavior in older versions of the mod.
- Adjusted wool drops so that shearing a puffed Sheepuff will drop one extra wool block.
- Lowered blast resistance of Holystone Bricks
- Separate the effects of the
tag and"Disables Aether Portal Creation"
config, so that the latter only affects creation by water. This allows for properly configuring portal creation to use a custom item. - Releases are now run through an optimization plugin that leads to a slight reduction in JAR filesize.
- Improved music and sound quality.
- Fix the Valkyrie Queen destroying dropped items with lightning in more rare situations.
- Fix Aerwhales and Zephyrs spawning in places without full sky exposure.
- Fix Cloud Minions having unlimited speed potential.
- Fix incorrect glove position in first-person.
- Fix incorrect redstone duration for High disc.
- Fix Moas not checking if they're saddled before running some mount behavior.
- Fix some issues with winged mobs' pathfinding.
- Fix some issues with mobs failing to pathfind when first spawned.
- Fix Darts having weird behavior when shot inside liquid.
- Fix a crash when switching menu themes.
- Fix Ruined Aether Portals not using addons' custom grass blocks in custom biomes.
- Fix a rare issue with music overlapping.
- Fix a rare crash from Bronze Dungeon generation.
- Fix a rare crash when fighting the Valkyrie Queen.
- Fix a server crash from AetherArmorMaterials.
- Fix some crashes when checking to debuff equipment.
- Fix broken textures with Lootr.
- Fix a crash with Telepastries.
- Fix missing rarity text with Obscure Tooltips.
- Fix some mixin incompatibilities.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.20.1-1.4.2
- Fix issue with Moa following.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.20.1-1.4.1
- Rework the follow behavior for Moas now be controlled by shift right-clicking with a Nature Staff instead of by empty hand.
- Split some Moa Skin elements between the saddle layer and a hat layer.
- Make the Berry Bush model opaque with the fast graphics option.
- Fix Aerbunny boosts sometimes not resetting from jumping on Blue Aerclouds.
- Fix speed effects not working on Swets and Moas.
- Fix the wings of Phygs, Flying Cows, and Valkyries not flashing red when hit.
- Fix gloves letting the sleeve layer clip through them slightly.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.20.1-1.4.0
- Added a new placed feature
to use for bone meal on Enchanted Aether Grass instead of using the Vanilla-equivalent placed feature. - Added a new tag
to support pickaxe-like projectiles. This includes Quark's Pickarang. - Update sk_sk translation.
- More thrown items and projectiles are no longer deleted in the Aether void and will fall to the Overworld.
- Improve some of the debugging .mcfunctions for development.
- Fix code for falling out of the Aether having performance issues.
- Fix edge cases where some modded pickaxe-like items can't damage the slider.
- Fix Aerbunny rotation on head being choppy.
- Fix Dungeon Keys not being useable from the player's offhand.
- Fix trivia prefix not copying trivia text's styling.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.20.1-1.3.1
- Fixed Bronze and Silver advancement sounds not playing.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.20.1-1.3.0
- Added two new tags that are now used in relevant recipes:
. - Added a new registry
which makes it easier for addon developers to override advancement sounds like for dungeons. - Added a new placed feature
to use for bone meal on Aether Grass instead of using the Vanilla-equivalent placed feature. - Added descriptions for the Inebriation and Remedy effects that can be viewed with mods like JEED.
- Fixed the fuel duration message for REI not being localized without JEI installed.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.20.1-1.2.0
- Add a client config option
"Enables Hammer of Kingbdogz' cooldown overlay"
for disabling the Hammer of Kingbdogz' visual bar for cooldown. - Add translation keys for dimension and dungeon names.
- Add a new event
for addon developers. - Compatibility with REI.
- Compatibility with Combatify.
- Update de_at translation.
- Update en_ud translation.
- Update es_es translation.
- Update it_it translation.
- Update ja_jp translation.
- Update ms_my translation.
- Update pl_pl translation.
- Update ru_ru translation.
- Update sk_sk translation.
- Update sv_se translation.
- Update tok translation.
- Update uk_ua translation.
- Update zh_cn translation.
- Fix gloves not taking durability damage.
- Fix doorways being breakable with water.
- Fix dungeon entities being able to go through portals.
- Fix Thunder Crystals still being able to destroy items.
- Fix player passengers like Aerbunnies being able to be damaged by lightning weaponry.
- Fix the high disc having an incorrect redstone signal duration.
- Fix Aether Portals continuously breaking underwater.
- Fix more issues with the Invisibility Cloak not syncing properly on multiplayer.
- Fix a warning and crash with JER.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.20.1-1.1.0
- Allow the Book of Lore to be placed in Chiseled Bookshelves.
- Add a beta resource pack texture for the Lootr variant of Mimics.
- Add Swet Balls to the Forge tag for Slimeballs.
- Update sk_sk.
- Update uk_ua.
- Disable fire tick within the Aether dimension.
- Change how Moa age is internally tracked to make aging able to be displayed by mods that show mob age info.
- Allow Skyroot Buckets to be used as Furnace fuel.
- Change the model of Aerclouds to make their interior appear hollow.
- Disallow worlds from being opened by the world preview system if they have never been opened with the Aether mod.
- Disallow Fire Crystal damage from being negated by Fire Resistance.
- Fix performance overhead from biome checks for entities falling out of the Aether.
- Fix performance overhead from biome checks for converting block placements.
- Fix performance overhead from custom Tall Grass coloring.
- Fix inconsistent handling of damage modifiers with Holy Sword and Pig Slayer.
- Fix Aechor Plants being able to be leashed.
- Fix texture z-fighting on Phyg and Flying Cow wings at joints.
- Fix generic slot textures being used for Curios slots instead of charm and ring slot textures.
- Fix various mob and player layers not turning invisible when they should.
- Fix Parachutes not detecting block collision in all situations.
- Fix being able to jump on Blue Aerclouds before their effect is activated.
- Fix overlay vignette transparency bleeding into the transparency of the Hammer of Kingbdogz cooldown text.
- Fix health refilling to full on respawn even when other mods modify the respawn health amount.
- Fix all items being able to be renamed to an easter egg in the Book of Lore.
- Fix null log spam about Moa Eggs from JER.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.20.1-1.0.0
View the full changelog here:
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.20.1-1.0.0-beta.2.2
- Update ms_my translation.
- Update uk_ua translation.
- Update Patreon logomark.
- Fix server timeout from trying to access supporter data.
- Fix missing pixels on Stratus supporter skin texture.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.20.1-1.0.0-beta.2.1
- Update de_at translation.
- Update en_ud translation.
- Update es_es translation.
- Update es_mx translation.
- Update it_it translation.
- Update ja_jp translation.
- Update lol_us translation.
- Update ms_my translation.
- Update pl_pl translation.
- Update ru_ru translation.
- Update sk_sk translation.
- Update tok translation.
- Update uk_ua translation.
- Update zh_cn translation.
- Made Tips compatibility more consistent and compatible with the trivia config.
- Fix crash from null Moa Skin selection when refreshing selection screen.
- Fix config for disabling gloves requirement for armor abilities not working.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.20.1-1.0.0-beta.2
- Implement the fully functional system for Patreon Moa Skins.
- Add a notification message over the player's hotbar when trying to use an item that doesn't work in the Aether.
- Add a config option
"Crystal Fruit Leaves consistency"
to allow Crystal Fruit Leaves to be right-clickable for harvesting. - Add a config option
"Require gloves for set abilities"
to toggle whether Gloves are required with a set of armor for an armor set ability to work. - Add a translation key for localizing the name of the Aether Loot rarity type for compatibility with other mods like Loot Beams.
- Update ru_ru translation.
- Update uk_ua translation.
- Rewrite Slider AI to use goals instead of brains to fix some issues with performance.
- Improved the check for what tools are considered pickaxes for the Slider fight for better compatibility with other mods' tools.
- Changed what Note Block instrument sounds can be made from certain Aether blocks.
- Make Sliders and Valkyrie Queens check a block's hardness to see if it is breakable before trying to break it.
- Included vanilla blocks to the Plunderer's Remorse advancement.
- Prevent colors given to item names with commands from displaying in the Book of Lore.
- Fix a major performance issue resulting from the code for players falling out of the Aether.
- Fix the Slider trying to target killed players that have respawned outside the boss room.
- Fix silver hearts from Life Shards not shaking properly.
- Fix silver hearts from Life Shards rendering too far to the left in certain situations with other mods.
- Fix certain client statuses not being communicated to other clients, like total invisibility from the Invisibility Cloak.
- Fix the code for the Aether's boss health bars interfering with other mods' boss health bars.
- Fix the Lootr texture for Mimics showing up even when the Lootr config for using Vanilla textures is enabled.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.20.1-1.0.0-beta.1.4
- Add new Moa Skins (still work-in-progress).
- Add sounds for interacting using Swet Balls and Ambrosium Shards.
- Remove Pro Tips when the Tips mod is installed, and include all Pro Tips in Tips' selection instead.
- Update es_es translation.
- Update sk_sk translation.
- Split boss bar textures into separate files.
- Fix crash with Optifine installed.
- Fix extended reach breaking when interacting using the offhand.
- Fix Skyroot Boats and Skyroot Chest Boats not being dispensable.
- Fix armor renders not disappearing when switching out gloves in the Smithing Table.
- Fix an invisible multiplayer button still existing when the server button config is enabled.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.20.1-1.0.0-beta.1.3
- Add recipe for crafting the Grindstone with a Holystone Slab.
- Configurable official server button (off by default).
- Nerfed dart shooter damage and usage speed.
- Resized all body parts of the Moa's saddle model.
- Updated some lore entries to be more accurate to modern gameplay.
- Clean up
after Curios update.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.20.1-1.0.0-beta.1.2
- Fix a mod incompatibility crash on servers.
- Fix custom GUIs from mods like Catalogue and Controlling not working with the Aether.
- Fix the Invisibility Cloak not appearing to apply visibility to players who have joined the game after the user equipped the accessory.
- Fix a rare overlap with the Aether's music when switching from creative mode to survival mode.
- Fix Moa textures being broken in the programmer art resource packs.
- Fix text in the JEI recipe menus having shadows when it shouldn't.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.20.1-1.0.0-beta.1.1
- Add Golden Amber as a valid armor trim material.
- Add a "Portal text y-coordinate in loading screens" config option to change the position of the "Ascending to the Aether" and "Descending from the Aether" text.
- Fix servers randomly stalling out and crashing when trying to spawn an entity with an accessory.
- Fix the tooltips in the Moa Skins GUI rendering in the corner of the screen.
- Fix the Aether's title screen music not carrying over to options menus.
- Fix the Valkyrie Queen's dialogue screen showing up for all players in the vicinity.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.20.1-1.0.0-beta.1
This beta is a full port of 1.19.4-1.0.0-beta.6.1 to 1.20.1!
- Add Skyroot Hanging Signs.
- Add Zanite Gemstones and Enchanted Gravitite as valid armor trim materials.
- Add the ability to trimming Zanite Armor, Gravitite Armor, Neptune Armor, Phoenix Armor, and Obsidian Armor.
- Add the ability to trim gloves.
- Add accessory slots to Armor Stands, allowing them to be equipped with all visually displaying accessories.
- Add accessory slots to Zombies, Zombie Villagers, Husks, Skeletons, and Strays. All these mobs now have a chance to spawn with gloves alongside spawning with armor.
- Add accessory slots to Piglins and Zombified Piglins. Piglins can have a chance to spawn with Golden Gloves or Golden Pendants. These are also retained through zombification in the Overworld.
- Add Skyroot Bookshelf to
. - Add Aether Grass Block, Aether Dirt, and Aether Enchanted Grass Block to
. - Add Holystone Button to
. - Add Berry Bush and Bush Stem to
- Remove Starlight as a listed recommended dependency on mod distribution platforms. It is no longer needed for performance enhancements.
- Change mod compatibility for extinguishing Copper Lanterns from being for Supplementaries to Supplementaries Squared.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.21.1-1.5.3
- Fix crash when fighting the Sun Spirit with Twilight Forest installed.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.21.1-1.5.2
- Fix Aerogel Walls culling adjacent block faces that they shouldn't.
- Fix double drops related NPE crash.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.21.1-1.5.1
- Added a new common server option
"Overworld-length Aether time cycle"
for changing the Aether's time from 3-times the length of the Overworld's day cycle to the same length as it. - Added a new common server option
"Syncs time cycles"
for making the Aether's time sync with the Overworld's when it hits noon after eternal day has been banished. - Added a new common client option
"Disables Aether's clouds"
for configuring whether clouds should render in the Aether dimension. - Added a new tag
for Aether ores. - Compatibility with Immersive Portals.
- Update de_at translation.
- Update en_ud translation.
- Update es_es translation.
- Update es_mx translation.
- Update fr_fr translation.
- Update it_it translation.
- Update ja_jp translation.
- Update ko_kr translation.
- Update lol_us translation.
- Update ms_my translation.
- Update pl_pl translation.
- Update ru_ru translation.
- Update sk_sk translation.
- Update sv_se translation.
- Update tok translation.
- Update uk_ua translation.
- Update zh_cn translation.
- Fix mount mid-air jumps being triggered when jumping from the ground.
- Fix Sun Spirit and Fire Minion audio not playing.
- Fix the Aether Portal trigger sound not playing.
- Fix some discs playing in stereo mode.
- Fix Slider velocity being slower than it should be.
- Fix Aerwhales getting stuck on overhangs.
- Fix movement keys that cancel each other still disabling the Shield of Repulsion without moving.
- Fix TNT Presents having incorrect gravity.
- Fix Dart Shooters not accepting Infinity in creative mode.
- Fix Aether materials not working with new armor trims.
- Fix Skyroot Poison and Remedy Buckets not being in the
tag. - Fix Skyroot Buckets not being in the
tag. - Fix a crash when trying to load a loot modifier asynchronously.
- Fix Supplementaries compatibility.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.4
- Update Cumulus to 2.0.0. This includes a rework to the menu registration and the movement of world preview system code from Aether to Cumulus. The Aether/Minecraft Theme button is also now replaced by Cumulus' Menu List button.
- Fix Altar and Freezer output not working correctly.
- Fix the eternal day check for sleeping in the Aether.
- Fix Valkyrie Lance being enchantable with Sweeping Edge.
- Fix meat drops from Aether animals not being cooked when killed with Fire Aspect in one hit.
- Fix a desync with the Aether tool debuff config in multiplayer.
- Fix an edge case with the Slider's movement math breaking down at high health numbers.
- Fix Shield of Repulsion deflection not working properly.
- Fix a potential edge case with the Shield of Repulsion overriding other mods cancellation of
. - Fix the optional Shield of Repulsion tooltip being incorrect.
- Fix compatibility support for the Tips mod.
- Fix some configs being checked earlier in mod-loading than necessary to make crash logs more clear in incompatibility edge cases.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.3
- Fix eternal day not functioning correctly.
- Fix Silver Dungeons sometimes not generating with aerclouds.
- Fix an incorrect tooltip for Gravitite Armor.
- Fix first-person Shield of Repulsion rendering for players without slim arms.
- Fix projectiles getting stuck on top of the Slider.
- Fix glove modifiers being hardcoded to a specific slot.
- Fix cape textures not being correctly separated per-player.
- Fix Moa Skins not registering on the client.
- Fix incorrect enchantment selection for Valkyrie Lance.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.2
- Fix a null crash from the helper for moving accessories from Curios to the new system.
- Fix a null crash from Moa Skin loading.
- Fix Zephyr Snowballs having incorrect shooting trajectory.
- Fix the Sentry's hitbox being larger than it should be.
- Fix Valkyrie Queens not unlocking the full Silver Dungeon when defeated.
- Fix first-person glove rendering for players without slim arms.
- Fix incorrect lengths for some discs in their
files. - Fix missing mod logo images.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.1
- Port 1.20.4-1.5.1 to 1.21.1.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.3
- Fix a bug with the Aether's time not being set properly in various situations.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.2
- Fix Aerogel Walls culling adjacent block faces that they shouldn't.
- Fix missing recipes for Banners.
- Fix double drops related NPE crash.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.1
- Added a new common server option
"Overworld-length Aether time cycle"
for changing the Aether's time from 3-times the length of the Overworld's day cycle to the same length as it. - Added a new common server option
"Syncs time cycles"
for making the Aether's time sync with the Overworld's when it hits noon after eternal day has been banished. - Added a new common client option
"Disables Aether's clouds"
for configuring whether clouds should render in the Aether dimension. - Added a new tag
for Aether ores. - Compatibility with Immersive Portals.
- Update de_at translation.
- Update en_ud translation.
- Update es_es translation.
- Update es_mx translation.
- Update fr_fr translation.
- Update it_it translation.
- Update ja_jp translation.
- Update ko_kr translation.
- Update lol_us translation.
- Update ms_my translation.
- Update pl_pl translation.
- Update ru_ru translation.
- Update sk_sk translation.
- Update sv_se translation.
- Update tok translation.
- Update uk_ua translation.
- Update zh_cn translation.
- Fix Skyroot Swords and Pig Slayers not applying their custom mob drop modification abilities.
- Fix mount mid-air jumps being triggered when jumping from the ground.
- Fix dismount prevention when flying not working properly.
- Fix Sun Spirit and Fire Minion audio not playing.
- Fix the Aether Portal trigger sound not playing.
- Fix some discs playing in stereo mode.
- Fix Slider velocity being slower than it should be.
- Fix Aerwhales getting stuck on overhangs.
- Fix movement keys that cancel each other still disabling the Shield of Repulsion without moving.
- Fix TNT Presents having incorrect gravity.
- Fix TNT explosions not triggering other TNT blocks.
- Fix Dart Shooters not accepting Infinity in creative mode.
- Fix Aether materials not working with new armor trims.
- Fix the Skyroot Bed item model rendering as a Cyan Bed.
- Fix the Remedy effect overlay not displaying.
- Fix Skyroot Poison and Remedy Buckets not being in the
tag. - Fix Skyroot Buckets not being in the
tag. - Fix a crash when trying to load a loot modifier asynchronously.
- Fix "UUID already exists" log-spam.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.5
- Update Cumulus to 2.0.0. This includes a rework to the menu registration and the movement of world preview system code from Aether to Cumulus. The Aether/Minecraft Theme button is also now replaced by Cumulus' Menu List button.
- Reimplement config screen.
- Fix weapon abilities not working.
- FIx Valkyrie Hoe not working.
- Fix Altar and Freezer output not working correctly.
- Fix the eternal day check for sleeping in the Aether.
- Fix eternal day values not persisting correctly.
- Fix Valkyrie Lance being enchantable with any enchantment.
- Fix meat drops from Aether animals not being cooked when killed with Fire Aspect in one hit.
- Fix Ambrosium Torches on walls dropping vanilla Torches.
- Fix Moa jump stats not syncing properly.
- Fix a desync with the Aether tool debuff config in multiplayer.
- Fix an edge case with the Slider's movement math breaking down at high health numbers.
- Fix Shield of Repulsion deflection not working properly.
- Fix a potential edge case with the Shield of Repulsion overriding other mods projectile hit cancellation.
- Fix the optional Shield of Repulsion tooltip being incorrect.
- Fix incompatibility crash with MixinSquared.
- Fix incompatibility crash with Tips mod.
- Fix compatibility support for the Tips mod.
- Fix missing datafixer logspam.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.4
- Fix eternal day not functioning correctly.
- Fix Silver Dungeons sometimes not generating with aerclouds.
- Fix an incorrect tooltip for Gravitite Armor.
- Fix first-person Shield of Repulsion rendering for players without slim arms.
- Fix projectiles getting stuck on top of the Slider.
- Fix glove modifiers being hardcoded to a specific slot.
- Fix cape textures not being correctly separated per-player.
- Fix Moa Skins not registering on the client.
- Fix effect overlay vignettes not rendering.
- Fix bosses using regular-styled boss bars.
- Fix entities not getting placed in structures.
- Fix a crash from incorrect class casting.
- Fix incorrect enchantment selections for Valkyrie Lance and Dart Shooters.
- Fix Valkyrie Lance having sweeping.
- Fix a crash with Tips by temporarily disabling some compatibility.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.3
- Fix a null crash from the helper for moving accessories from Curios to the new system.
- Fix a null crash from Moa Skin loading.
- Fix Zephyr Snowballs having incorrect shooting trajectory.
- Fix the Sentry's hitbox being larger than it should be.
- Fix Valkyrie Queens not unlocking the full Silver Dungeon when defeated.
- Fix first-person glove rendering for players without slim arms.
- Fix incorrect lengths for some discs in their
files. - Fix missing mod logo images.
- Fix crash that would occur when stripping blocks with a axe
- Fix shields not blocking damage
- Missing Translucency for Aerogel Blocks
- Fix crash when encoding various values like Status Effects
- Fix issues where Accessories Keybind would close any screen even within text box
- Adjust key press hook fixing issues with Gravitite ability
- Use Porting libs method for processing entity info which fixes entity not spawning (Example: Fabric port of Farmers Delight)
- Adjust fog rendering code when porting lib is installed to correct fog rendering mostly
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.2
- Fix inability to drop items leading them to be deleted
- Fix inability to choose aether specific Datapacks
- Fix issues where Ice Accessories did not freeze liquids
- Attempt to fix possible crash with syncing DataMaps
- Fix for not creating attached data when tracking lightning
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.1
- Port 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.1 from NeoForge to Fabric.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.21.1-1.5.2
- Fix Aerogel Walls culling adjacent block faces that they shouldn't.
- Fix missing recipes for Banners.
- Fix double drops related NPE crash.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.1
- Added a new common server option
"Overworld-length Aether time cycle"
for changing the Aether's time from 3-times the length of the Overworld's day cycle to the same length as it. - Added a new common server option
"Syncs time cycles"
for making the Aether's time sync with the Overworld's when it hits noon after eternal day has been banished. - Added a new common client option
"Disables Aether's clouds"
for configuring whether clouds should render in the Aether dimension. - Added a new tag
for Aether ores. - Compatibility with Immersive Portals.
- Update de_at translation.
- Update en_ud translation.
- Update es_es translation.
- Update es_mx translation.
- Update fr_fr translation.
- Update it_it translation.
- Update ja_jp translation.
- Update ko_kr translation.
- Update lol_us translation.
- Update ms_my translation.
- Update pl_pl translation.
- Update ru_ru translation.
- Update sk_sk translation.
- Update sv_se translation.
- Update tok translation.
- Update uk_ua translation.
- Update zh_cn translation.
- Fix Skyroot Swords and Pig Slayers not applying their custom mob drop modification abilities.
- Fix mount mid-air jumps being triggered when jumping from the ground.
- Fix dismount prevention when flying not working properly.
- Fix Sun Spirit and Fire Minion audio not playing.
- Fix the Aether Portal trigger sound not playing.
- Fix some discs playing in stereo mode.
- Fix Slider velocity being slower than it should be.
- Fix Aerwhales getting stuck on overhangs.
- Fix movement keys that cancel each other still disabling the Shield of Repulsion without moving.
- Fix TNT Presents having incorrect gravity.
- Fix TNT explosions not triggering other TNT blocks.
- Fix Dart Shooters not accepting Infinity in creative mode.
- Fix Aether materials not working with new armor trims.
- Fix the Skyroot Bed item model rendering as a Cyan Bed.
- Fix the Remedy effect overlay not displaying.
- Fix Skyroot Poison and Remedy Buckets not being in the
tag. - Fix Skyroot Buckets not being in the
tag. - Fix a crash when trying to load a loot modifier asynchronously.
- Fix "UUID already exists" log-spam.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.5
- Update Cumulus to 2.0.0. This includes a rework to the menu registration and the movement of world preview system code from Aether to Cumulus. The Aether/Minecraft Theme button is also now replaced by Cumulus' Menu List button.
- Reimplement config screen.
- Fix weapon abilities not working.
- FIx Valkyrie Hoe not working.
- Fix Altar and Freezer output not working correctly.
- Fix the eternal day check for sleeping in the Aether.
- Fix eternal day values not persisting correctly.
- Fix Valkyrie Lance being enchantable with any enchantment.
- Fix meat drops from Aether animals not being cooked when killed with Fire Aspect in one hit.
- Fix Ambrosium Torches on walls dropping vanilla Torches.
- Fix Moa jump stats not syncing properly.
- Fix a desync with the Aether tool debuff config in multiplayer.
- Fix an edge case with the Slider's movement math breaking down at high health numbers.
- Fix Shield of Repulsion deflection not working properly.
- Fix a potential edge case with the Shield of Repulsion overriding other mods projectile hit cancellation.
- Fix the optional Shield of Repulsion tooltip being incorrect.
- Fix incompatibility crash with MixinSquared.
- Fix incompatibility crash with Tips mod.
- Fix compatibility support for the Tips mod.
- Fix missing datafixer logspam.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.4
- Fix eternal day not functioning correctly.
- Fix Silver Dungeons sometimes not generating with aerclouds.
- Fix an incorrect tooltip for Gravitite Armor.
- Fix first-person Shield of Repulsion rendering for players without slim arms.
- Fix projectiles getting stuck on top of the Slider.
- Fix glove modifiers being hardcoded to a specific slot.
- Fix cape textures not being correctly separated per-player.
- Fix Moa Skins not registering on the client.
- Fix effect overlay vignettes not rendering.
- Fix bosses using regular-styled boss bars.
- Fix entities not getting placed in structures.
- Fix a crash from incorrect class casting.
- Fix incorrect enchantment selections for Valkyrie Lance and Dart Shooters.
- Fix Valkyrie Lance having sweeping.
- Fix a crash with Tips by temporarily disabling some compatibility.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.3
- Fix a null crash from the helper for moving accessories from Curios to the new system.
- Fix a null crash from Moa Skin loading.
- Fix Zephyr Snowballs having incorrect shooting trajectory.
- Fix the Sentry's hitbox being larger than it should be.
- Fix Valkyrie Queens not unlocking the full Silver Dungeon when defeated.
- Fix first-person glove rendering for players without slim arms.
- Fix incorrect lengths for some discs in their
files. - Fix missing mod logo images.
- Fix crash that would occur when stripping blocks with a axe
- Fix shields not blocking damage
- Missing Translucency for Aerogel Blocks
- Fix crash when encoding various values like Status Effects
- Fix issues where Accessories Keybind would close any screen even within text box
- Adjust key press hook fixing issues with Gravitite ability
- Use Porting libs method for processing entity info which fixes entity not spawning (Example: Fabric port of Farmers Delight)
- Adjust fog rendering code when porting lib is installed to correct fog rendering mostly
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.2
- Fix inability to drop items leading them to be deleted
- Fix inability to choose aether specific Datapacks
- Fix issues where Ice Accessories did not freeze liquids
- Attempt to fix possible crash with syncing DataMaps
- Fix for not creating attached data when tracking lightning
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.1
- Port 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.1 from NeoForge to Fabric.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.21.1-1.5.2
- Fix Aerogel Walls culling adjacent block faces that they shouldn't.
- Fix double drops related NPE crash.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.21.1-1.5.1
- Added a new common server option
"Overworld-length Aether time cycle"
for changing the Aether's time from 3-times the length of the Overworld's day cycle to the same length as it. - Added a new common server option
"Syncs time cycles"
for making the Aether's time sync with the Overworld's when it hits noon after eternal day has been banished. - Added a new common client option
"Disables Aether's clouds"
for configuring whether clouds should render in the Aether dimension. - Added a new tag
for Aether ores. - Compatibility with Immersive Portals.
- Update de_at translation.
- Update en_ud translation.
- Update es_es translation.
- Update es_mx translation.
- Update fr_fr translation.
- Update it_it translation.
- Update ja_jp translation.
- Update ko_kr translation.
- Update lol_us translation.
- Update ms_my translation.
- Update pl_pl translation.
- Update ru_ru translation.
- Update sk_sk translation.
- Update sv_se translation.
- Update tok translation.
- Update uk_ua translation.
- Update zh_cn translation.
- Fix mount mid-air jumps being triggered when jumping from the ground.
- Fix Sun Spirit and Fire Minion audio not playing.
- Fix the Aether Portal trigger sound not playing.
- Fix some discs playing in stereo mode.
- Fix Slider velocity being slower than it should be.
- Fix Aerwhales getting stuck on overhangs.
- Fix movement keys that cancel each other still disabling the Shield of Repulsion without moving.
- Fix TNT Presents having incorrect gravity.
- Fix Dart Shooters not accepting Infinity in creative mode.
- Fix Aether materials not working with new armor trims.
- Fix Skyroot Poison and Remedy Buckets not being in the
tag. - Fix Skyroot Buckets not being in the
tag. - Fix a crash when trying to load a loot modifier asynchronously.
- Fix Supplementaries compatibility.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.4
- Update Cumulus to 2.0.0. This includes a rework to the menu registration and the movement of world preview system code from Aether to Cumulus. The Aether/Minecraft Theme button is also now replaced by Cumulus' Menu List button.
- Fix Altar and Freezer output not working correctly.
- Fix the eternal day check for sleeping in the Aether.
- Fix Valkyrie Lance being enchantable with Sweeping Edge.
- Fix meat drops from Aether animals not being cooked when killed with Fire Aspect in one hit.
- Fix a desync with the Aether tool debuff config in multiplayer.
- Fix an edge case with the Slider's movement math breaking down at high health numbers.
- Fix Shield of Repulsion deflection not working properly.
- Fix a potential edge case with the Shield of Repulsion overriding other mods cancellation of
. - Fix the optional Shield of Repulsion tooltip being incorrect.
- Fix compatibility support for the Tips mod.
- Fix some configs being checked earlier in mod-loading than necessary to make crash logs more clear in incompatibility edge cases.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.3
- Fix eternal day not functioning correctly.
- Fix Silver Dungeons sometimes not generating with aerclouds.
- Fix an incorrect tooltip for Gravitite Armor.
- Fix first-person Shield of Repulsion rendering for players without slim arms.
- Fix projectiles getting stuck on top of the Slider.
- Fix glove modifiers being hardcoded to a specific slot.
- Fix cape textures not being correctly separated per-player.
- Fix Moa Skins not registering on the client.
- Fix incorrect enchantment selection for Valkyrie Lance.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.2
- Fix a null crash from the helper for moving accessories from Curios to the new system.
- Fix a null crash from Moa Skin loading.
- Fix Zephyr Snowballs having incorrect shooting trajectory.
- Fix the Sentry's hitbox being larger than it should be.
- Fix Valkyrie Queens not unlocking the full Silver Dungeon when defeated.
- Fix first-person glove rendering for players without slim arms.
- Fix incorrect lengths for some discs in their
files. - Fix missing mod logo images.
The Aether - NeoForge - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.1
- Port 1.20.4-1.5.1 to 1.21.1.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.1
- Added a new common server option
"Overworld-length Aether time cycle"
for changing the Aether's time from 3-times the length of the Overworld's day cycle to the same length as it. - Added a new common server option
"Syncs time cycles"
for making the Aether's time sync with the Overworld's when it hits noon after eternal day has been banished. - Added a new common client option
"Disables Aether's clouds"
for configuring whether clouds should render in the Aether dimension. - Added a new tag
for Aether ores. - Compatibility with Immersive Portals.
- Update de_at translation.
- Update en_ud translation.
- Update es_es translation.
- Update es_mx translation.
- Update fr_fr translation.
- Update it_it translation.
- Update ja_jp translation.
- Update ko_kr translation.
- Update lol_us translation.
- Update ms_my translation.
- Update pl_pl translation.
- Update ru_ru translation.
- Update sk_sk translation.
- Update sv_se translation.
- Update tok translation.
- Update uk_ua translation.
- Update zh_cn translation.
- Fix Skyroot Swords and Pig Slayers not applying their custom mob drop modification abilities.
- Fix mount mid-air jumps being triggered when jumping from the ground.
- Fix dismount prevention when flying not working properly.
- Fix Sun Spirit and Fire Minion audio not playing.
- Fix the Aether Portal trigger sound not playing.
- Fix some discs playing in stereo mode.
- Fix Slider velocity being slower than it should be.
- Fix Aerwhales getting stuck on overhangs.
- Fix movement keys that cancel each other still disabling the Shield of Repulsion without moving.
- Fix TNT Presents having incorrect gravity.
- Fix TNT explosions not triggering other TNT blocks.
- Fix Dart Shooters not accepting Infinity in creative mode.
- Fix Aether materials not working with new armor trims.
- Fix the Skyroot Bed item model rendering as a Cyan Bed.
- Fix the Remedy effect overlay not displaying.
- Fix Skyroot Poison and Remedy Buckets not being in the
tag. - Fix Skyroot Buckets not being in the
tag. - Fix a crash when trying to load a loot modifier asynchronously.
- Fix "UUID already exists" log-spam.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.5
- Update Cumulus to 2.0.0. This includes a rework to the menu registration and the movement of world preview system code from Aether to Cumulus. The Aether/Minecraft Theme button is also now replaced by Cumulus' Menu List button.
- Reimplement config screen.
- Fix weapon abilities not working.
- FIx Valkyrie Hoe not working.
- Fix Altar and Freezer output not working correctly.
- Fix the eternal day check for sleeping in the Aether.
- Fix eternal day values not persisting correctly.
- Fix Valkyrie Lance being enchantable with any enchantment.
- Fix meat drops from Aether animals not being cooked when killed with Fire Aspect in one hit.
- Fix Ambrosium Torches on walls dropping vanilla Torches.
- Fix Moa jump stats not syncing properly.
- Fix a desync with the Aether tool debuff config in multiplayer.
- Fix an edge case with the Slider's movement math breaking down at high health numbers.
- Fix Shield of Repulsion deflection not working properly.
- Fix a potential edge case with the Shield of Repulsion overriding other mods projectile hit cancellation.
- Fix the optional Shield of Repulsion tooltip being incorrect.
- Fix incompatibility crash with MixinSquared.
- Fix incompatibility crash with Tips mod.
- Fix compatibility support for the Tips mod.
- Fix missing datafixer logspam.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.4
- Fix eternal day not functioning correctly.
- Fix Silver Dungeons sometimes not generating with aerclouds.
- Fix an incorrect tooltip for Gravitite Armor.
- Fix first-person Shield of Repulsion rendering for players without slim arms.
- Fix projectiles getting stuck on top of the Slider.
- Fix glove modifiers being hardcoded to a specific slot.
- Fix cape textures not being correctly separated per-player.
- Fix Moa Skins not registering on the client.
- Fix effect overlay vignettes not rendering.
- Fix bosses using regular-styled boss bars.
- Fix entities not getting placed in structures.
- Fix a crash from incorrect class casting.
- Fix incorrect enchantment selections for Valkyrie Lance and Dart Shooters.
- Fix Valkyrie Lance having sweeping.
- Fix a crash with Tips by temporarily disabling some compatibility.
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.3
- Fix a null crash from the helper for moving accessories from Curios to the new system.
- Fix a null crash from Moa Skin loading.
- Fix Zephyr Snowballs having incorrect shooting trajectory.
- Fix the Sentry's hitbox being larger than it should be.
- Fix Valkyrie Queens not unlocking the full Silver Dungeon when defeated.
- Fix first-person glove rendering for players without slim arms.
- Fix incorrect lengths for some discs in their
files. - Fix missing mod logo images.
- Fix crash that would occur when stripping blocks with a axe
- Fix shields not blocking damage
- Missing Translucency for Aerogel Blocks
- Fix crash when encoding various values like Status Effects
- Fix issues where Accessories Keybind would close any screen even within text box
- Adjust key press hook fixing issues with Gravitite ability
- Use Porting libs method for processing entity info which fixes entity not spawning (Example: Fabric port of Farmers Delight)
- Adjust fog rendering code when porting lib is installed to correct fog rendering mostly
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.2
- Fix inability to drop items leading them to be deleted
- Fix inability to choose aether specific Datapacks
- Fix issues where Ice Accessories did not freeze liquids
- Attempt to fix possible crash with syncing DataMaps
- Fix for not creating attached data when tracking lightning
The Aether - Fabric - 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.1
- Port 1.21.1-1.5.1-beta.1 from NeoForge to Fabric.