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  • Fixes not being able to open backpacks in curios slots with the hotkey



  • Updates to Neo 21.0.37-beta


  • Fixes JEI Integration
  • Fixes ore generation



  • Adds a new backpack upgrade: Compression
    • You can configure which items you want to compress and the press a button to compress all of them (gold nugget -> gold ingot)
  • Adds new backpack sub menus
    • Filter configuration screen
    • Compression configuration screen
  • Adds ability to take items in and out of the backpack while you are in your inventory like the bundle
    • Right-click an empty slot to take the last stack out of the backpack
    • Right-click another item to insert it into the backpack
    • Right-click the backpack to take the last stack out of it
    • Right-click the backpack holding an item to insert that item
  • Adds button to create filters matching the backpack's contents
  • Adds button to clear current filters


  • Changes to the backpack interface
    • Added a button to go to the skill tree
    • Removed the filters from the base backpack screen and moved them to a new screen



  • Updates to Neo 21.0.10-beta


  • Fixes upgrade screen not drawing the shaded background correctly
  • Crystal Apple effects work again
  • Crystal Bow effects work again
  • Crystal Bow Punch upgrades work again



  • Updates to Minecraft 1.21
  • Most things should work, the Backpack crafting recipe was disabled because it is very broken (will return soon)
  • Effects on the Crystal Apple and Crystal Bow are broken (will return soon)



  • Fixes Trident renderer crashing on servers



  • Fixes Elyta skill tree issue
  • Fixes depth strider upgrade not working
  • Fixes being able to disable Riptide on the Trident without the upgrade
  • Fixes Trident renderer still sometimes crashing on servers



  • Updates to Minecraft 1.20.6
  • Changes from Forge to NeoForge (Will most likely be a Forge version for 1.21)
  • Most things should work, the Backpack crafting recipe was disabled because it is very broken (will return in 1.21)





  • Fixes server crashing on load due to trident model



  • Adds the Crystal Trident
    • Can be leveled by hitting enemies like a sword, or by shooting it at entities
    • Levels can be used to:
      • Increase Attack Damage
      • Increase Projectile Damage
      • Increase Durability
      • Increase Projectile Speed
      • Increase Unbreaking Level
      • Increase Reach
      • Increase Riptide Level
      • Increase Loyalty Level
      • Increase Channeling Damage
      • Auto Repair
      • Switch between Loyalty and Riptide
      • Allow Riptide even when it's not raining
      • Instant Loyalty (It won't have to travel back to you, when it hits something it will instantly appear in your inventory)
    • Adds config option DISABLE_TRIDENT: Disables Crystal Trident
    • Adds config option ALWAYS_CHANNEL: If true, channeling Crystal Tridents will summon lightning even if they don't hit an entity
    • Adds config option TRIDENT_EXPERIENCE_BOOST: Multiplies experience Tridents get
  • Adds Tipped Arrow upgrades for Crystal Bows
    • Poison
    • Slowness
    • Weakness
    • Wither
  • Adds the Crystal Fishing Rod
    • Levels can be used to:
      • Increase Lure Level
      • Increase Luck of the Sea Level
      • Increase Durability
      • Increase Unbreaking Level
      • Add a chance to double fishing drops
      • Auto Repair
    • Adds config option DISABLE_CRYSTAL_FISHING_ROW: Disables Crystal Fishing Rod
    • Adds config option FISHING_ROD_EXP: Determines how much experience you get for fish caught
  • Adds thorns option to the armor pieces
  • Adds ability to use the scroll wheel to scroll on upgrade screens
  • Adds new upgrade auto_pickup. Blocks mined will automatically go into your inventory if there is space


  • Fixes prot enchantments not going on armor
  • Fixes reach upgrades not increasing attack range


  • The Autosmelt tooltip is always shown when autosmelt and mode switch are upgraded


  • Adds a new tag entity_blacklist. Entities with this tag will not level up swords, bows, and the AIOT when attacked
  • Adds the ability to equip backpacks in Curios slots
  • Adds the ability to press the open_backpack key (b by default) to open a backpack anywhere inside your inventory or curios slots
  • Adds a button to convert experience into skill points
  • Adds config option EXPERIENCE_LEVELING_SCALING: Number of levels in a tool before the experience level costs increases. Set to 0 to disable scaling
  • Adds config option EXPERIENCE_PER_SKILL_LEVEL: Determines the number of experience levels you need to gain a level on a tool. Set to 0 to disable


  • Fixes tools being leveled up by attacking armor stands
  • Fixes a crash if you ate a Crystal Apple with supersaturation installed


  • Adds new reach ability for all tools
  • Adds new upgrade save_fuel to the crystal furnace
    • Fuel is no longer consumed when you have no items to smelt
  • Adds new upgrade draw_speed to the crystal bow
  • Adds new upgrade no_fall_damage to the crystal boots. Will negate all fall damage
  • Adds config option REACH_INCREASE: The amount of reach you get for each level (in blocks)
  • Adds config option ENCHANT_TOOLS: If true, tools will be enchantable. This could cause weird interactions and issues
  • Adds the Crystal Backpack
    • It starts as a backpack with only 9 slots to store items
    • Can be leveled up by breaking blocks and hitting enemies
    • Levels can be used to:
      • Upgrade the capacity
      • Allow backpack to auto pickup items
      • Add pickup filter slots (can be either whitelist or blacklist)
      • Add the option to sort the backpack's contents
      • Add the option to store all items in the backpack into an inventory block/
  • Adds config option BACKPACK_SORT_TYPE: Sort method that the backpack uses. Can be one of: QUANTITY, NAME, MOD, or ID
  • Adds config option BACKPACK_BASE_EXPERIENCE_CAP: Starting EXP Value for the Backpack
    • Backpacks are kind of op and don't require as many levels total, so by default they take a little more xp to level up


  • Fixes tools not rendering highlight on non-mineable blocks
  • Fixes vein miner missing some ores diagonally
  • Fixes silk touch and fortune not unlocking when you unlocked mine mode on the AIOT
  • Fixes vein mining and vein stripping not working on servers


  • Updates to Forge 1.20.1-47.2.5
  • It felt like things were leveling up a little to fast, you can change back in the configs if you like
    • Changes the default option for BASE_EXPERIENCE_CAP to 75
    • Changes the default option for EXPERIENCE_MULTIPLIER to 1.1


  • Fixes Tools not extending TieredItem


  • Adds config option REPAIR_IN_HAND: If true, tools can repair while you are holding them


  • Fixes recipe for crystal elytra and crystal AIOT not showing up in JEI
  • Fixes the crystal bow not being able to shoot arrows from quivers
  • Fixes more items being enchantable


  • Adds config option REPAIR_IN_HAND: If true, tools can repair while you are holding them


  • Fixes recipe for crystal elytra and crystal AIOT not showing up in JEI
  • Fixes the crystal bow not being able to shoot arrows from quivers


  • Fixes tools not taking damage with autosmelting on
  • Fixes tools being enchantable by book


  • When 3x3 or vein mining it now shows a preview of which blocks you will be mining.
  • Adds a new config option DISABLE_BLOCK_TARGET_RENDERING. Disables the breaking preview.


  • Skill Tress now use a datapack instead of a resource pack
  • Heal button is now disabled when the tool is not damaged
  • Redesigned the skill tree page to look better and make requirements more clear
  • 3x3 Mining a torch with obsidian around it will no longer break the obsidian (blocks have to have similar destroy speeds now)
  • Removed the Tree Stripper upgrade, Tree Chopper now mines and strips whole trees
  • AIOT and shovel now make paths in 3x3 when in 3x3 mode


  • Fixes Crystal Torches dropping items when placed by a tool
  • Fixes tooltip sticking in the upgrade screen
  • 3x3 Mining is now only based on the face you break not the direction the place is facing
  • Fixes auto smelting not working
  • Fixes auto smelting giving too much experience
  • AIOT now correctly hoes in 3x3 area
  • AIOT now vein strips correctly

1.4.2-RELEASE Changes


  • Updates to Minecraft 1.20.1 (forge 47.1.0)
  • Removed the following config options:
  • Oregen is now completely data driven, you can modify all of these things with a datapack
  • Changes recipe of Crystal Apple to require an Enchanted Golden Apple

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