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+ Added Prison Golem
+ Added Prison Golem path node block (with WIP texture lol)
+ Added (WIP) Prison structure
+ Legends Golems rebalances
    - Cobblestone Golem HP from 75 -> 60
    - Grindstone Golem HP from 65 -> 55
    - Mossy Golem HP from 50 -> 40, increased heal windup time by 1 second
    - Plank Golem HP from 35 -> 30


+ Added Key Golem
+ Added Lock Block
+ Fixed issue with the Agent Screen breaking the server version of the mod
+ Fixed issue with custom animations affecting all entities of the same type


+ Fixed issue with Mossy Golems being attacked by Villager Iron Golems after healing a Villager. I hope lol...
+ Reduced amplifiers on Foresight Pawn's buffs from 2 to 0.
+ Added Agent Golem
    - Some item interactions on the Use Item instruction might not be done yet...
    - Currently available only in creative mode / with cheats, i'm not yet sure about survival integration
+ Added Dandori Staff item
    - It's the Dandori Call item, except you click directly on the golems you want to follow you instead.


+ Rebalance changes to First of Diorite
    - First of Diorite's Pawns now behave differently:
        = Action Pawn: Acts the same as the Cobblestone Golem, but with 30 HP
        = Knowledge Pawn: Acts the same as the Plank Golem, but with 15 HP
        = Foresight Pawn: Floats around, acts similarly to the Mossy Golem, but it gives nearby Pawns random buffs, has 20 HP
+ Golems now default to patrol mode when not being led (e.g. they'll return to a position after performing other actions)


+ Rebalance changes to First of Stone
    - extended vertical range of AoE from 2 to 4
    - no longer pushable while attacking
    - resistance effect added while attacking
    - range to start charging attack increased from 2.3 blocks to 5.5 blocks
    - reduced damage drop-off so attack will always deal at least 65% of total damage to a target (30 maximum damage)
+ Rebalance changes to First of Oak
    - increase projectile speed from 2 to 4
    - projectile will now pierce through up to 4 enemies
    - reduced projectile damage from 10 to 7.5 (with the piercing, it felt like doing 10 to 4 enemies at once was maybe a bit much?)
    - removed projectile AoE
+ Rebalance changes to First of Brick
    - shield now reflects enemy arrows fired from outside
    - golem will now create a shield if an enemy is nearby as well as when allies are attacked
    - shield now applies 2 stacks of resistance instead of absorption
+ Rebalance changes to First of Diorite
    - Diorite Pawns no longer starve without targets
    - First of Diorite will now spawn only 1 pawn at a time, but with a much shorter cool down, and it can chain spawns together to go even faster
    - once the First of Diorite stops spawning, it will have to cooldown a little longer before it can get down and spawn more again
    - First of Diorite can have only 15 pawns active at a time
+ First of Diorite now has the flame inside its head like it's supposed to lol
+ Rebalance changes to Cobblestone Golem
    - deal less knockback when attacking
+ Rebalance changes to Plank Golem
    - deal less damage per arrow
    - slightly reduced fire rate
+ Rebalance changes to Mossy Golem
    - increased windup time for healing
+ Rebalance changes to Grindstone Golem
    - now have some damage resistance while charging
    - apply short slowness effect to enemies hit with charge
+ Changes to Dandori Call item
    - Can now use to command followers to go to a looked at location (hopefully makes golem commands slightly less clunky)
    - Followers now have two states of Dandori:
        = hard dandori: will ignore all enemies until they are out of range, at which point it will switch to soft dandori
        = soft dandori: will attack enemies that get too close then return to following the player
+ Added Banner of Courage (it's just a reskin of the Dandori Call item lol)


+ added Tuff Golems
+ added Copper Golems
+ added Copper Button (for Copper Golems to press!)


+ added Plank Golems
+ added Mossy Golems
+ added rideable Grindstone Golems


+ added Cobblestone Golems
+ some refinements in golem targetting
+ More Dandori????
  • added new Villager Professions and Structures as an alternate option to obtain First Heads
  • QoL - Made First of Stone and First of Brick AoE attacks damage Monsters only
  • QoL - Made First of Brick AoE shields apply to all non-Monsters
  • Balance - Made Diorite Pawns stay closer to their First of Diorite
  • Balance - Made Diorite Pawns die off if they don't have a target for 30 seconds
  • Balance - Reduced number of Diorite Pawns spawned to 3 at a time
  • Dandori???
+ added new Villager Professions and Structures as an alternate option to obtain First Heads
+ QoL - Made First of Stone and First of Brick AoE attacks damage Monsters only
+ QoL - Made First of Brick AoE shields apply to all non-Monsters
+ Balance - Made Diorite Pawns stay closer to their First of Diorite
+ Balance - Made Diorite Pawns die off if they don't have a target for 30 seconds
+ Balance - Reduced number of Diorite Pawns spawned to 3 at a time
+ Dandori???
+ added First of Diorite entity
+ added Diorite Pawn entity
+ added Sculpted Gold Head and Chiseled Diorite Core blocks
+ added First of Diorite structure
+ added First of Brick entity
+ added Sculpted Emerald Head and Molded Brick Core blocks
+ added First of Brick structure

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID