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Christmas/Holiday Update!

I know the last few updates are just holiday specials, but I hope to be back on track next year.


New Plants

Holly Barrier: A Defense plant that can be worn as boots. (wall-nuts can be used as helmets and pumpkins as chestplate)

Sap Fling: A projectile plant that places a Sap tile on whatever block you hit. This sap will slow down anything that walks over it.

New Zombies

Basic Xmas Zombies

Yeti Imps

*They don't do anything special but have holiday spirit I guess.

New Wild West Content

2 New Plants

Peapod: A projectile plant that can be crafted with other peapods in order to make a peapod that can shoot more projectiles at a time. *Maxes out at five peapods in one.

Tall-nut: A stronger wallnut. It can be worn as a helmet like wall-nut but does look really goofy.

Thanksgiving Update!

This update adds a new biome into the Holiday Dimension: the Thanksgiving Biomes. It includes 4 new plants and 2 new zombies!

New Plants Turkey-pult: A ranged plant that has a chance to spawn tofu turkeys that will automatically be tamed and fight for you.

Sweet Potato: A plant that can be worn as a helmet to provide armor. *Has a chance to provide Haste effect while worn. idk what to do w/ this plant since zombies are already "attracted" to the player...

Parsnip: A melee plant that has a chance to do extra damage when it hits an enemy

Butterhead Lettuce: A melee plant that has a chance to apply a Butter effect that stops an enemy from moving.

New Zombies

Thanksgiving Diner Zombie: This zombie appears with a trident and iron sword meant to represent a fork and knife. Pretty much just a basic zombie but with weapons.

Turkey Wrangler Zombie: Can summon Turkeys that will attack the player when hurt or defeated

That's pretty much it for this update. But it is just a holiday special update. Hopefully I can get started on finishing the Wild West Update soon*

Halloween Special Update!

To celebrate Halloween coming soon, I made a special update with Halloween bonus content!

New Dimension Holiday

  • The holiday dimension will eventually include other holiday specials as well. Right now it is only the Halloween Biome
  • Halloween biome: a forest with orange trees and grass to represent fall. Blood red water and always dark skies. Witch huts can spawn here too.

New Plants (Halloween) Ghost Pepper: A insta-kill explosive plant like cherry bomb, but much weaker. Can also do melee damage with it.

Pumpkin: Similar to how the Wall-nut can be worn as a helmet, the pumpkin can be used as a chestplate armor. So you can wear both armors for extra protection.

Sweet Pea: a candy themed pea shooter. It is basically a reskinned peashooter with a bit more damage. It also creates xp orbs when it hits an enemy.

Candy Corn Kernel Pult: Basically a reskinned Kernel-Pult with a bit more damage.

Pumpkin-pult: A reskinned melon-pult with more damage. (Melon-pult returns this update too).

Jack o Lantern: A reskinned Snap Dragon with more damage and range.

New Plants (Halloween+)

White Pumpkin: Plant food upgrade of Pumpkin

Melon: Taco upgrade of Pumpkin

Carolina Reaper: Plant food upgrade of Ghost Pepper. (can be used twice)

Pepper X: Taco upgrade of Ghost Pepper. (can be used 3x and gives 30s regen)

deadplants.exe Peashooter: Taco upgrade of sweet pea. Based on the deadplants.exe creepypasta. This peashooter does a lot of damage, but if you miss your shot it will cast a darkness effect on you.

New Zombies (Halloween)

Skeleton costume Zomies, Coneheads, and Bucketheads.

  • zombies of Halloween dimension. Will drop sweets when defeated.

Purple Skeleton costume zombie: inspired by the skulltrooper from Fortnite. Has a chance to drop diamond pickaxe.

Banana Costume Zombie: A zombie that throws bananas at you. Will drop a Banana Launcher when defeated.

Wild West Dimension (BETA)

I also included the beginning of the next world in this update which will be Wild West.

Wild West Dimension: A red sand desert. Villages and Mineshafts may spawn in it.

New Plants (WW)

Lightning Reed: low damage projectile, but will spawn lightning when hitting an enemy or block.

Melon-pult: High Damage Projectile that creates a small explosion + slowness effect when it hits an enemy.

Winter Melon: same as Melon-pult, but casts chill effect. Winter Melon unlocked by adding Plant Food to Melon-oult

*Chilibean was added in previous update, but now implemented here.

New Zombies (WW)

Cowboy Zombies

Chicken Wrangler: Spawns zombie chickens when defeated or hurt

Pirate Beach Update Part 2

This update adds a new biome to the Pirate Beach dimension. The Big Wave Beach. The last update's biome was just Pirate Seas. So basically this dimension is a combination of Big Wave Beach and Pirate Seas from PvZ 2.

New Plants

Lily Pad: launches a lily pad projectile that spawns a lily pad on water.

Tangle Kelp: A mob plant that can be found in the waters of Big Wave Beach. They will attack any zombie that walks into them.

Bowling Bulbs: A projectile plant that can shoot 3 different projectiles: light blue, dark blue, and orange. These all vary in damage.

Banana Launcher: Same ability as the Coconut Cannon, but different blast radius when hitting a block or entity.

Navy Bean: Launches a weak projectile. But it grants the player a strength buff for a few seconds.

Sea Flora: shoots a bubble projectile. When in water it shoots three water projectiles and does more damage.

New Plant Food Plants

Cob Cannon: Launches a high-damage projectile that explodes into popcorn particles. Created by a plant food w/ 2 Kernel Pults

Cold Snap Dragon: Snap Dragon but Ice.

Cool Bean: Spring Bean but it can launch the player higher and casts slow falling to prevent fall damage too.

Admiral Navy Bean: Navy Bean but better stats.

Plant Changes

  • Coconut Cannon has a 15 second cool down when used. This cooldown is on banana launcher and cob cannon too.

New Zombies

2 Basic Zombie variants for Big Wave Beach and their conehead and buckethead variants too.

Octo Zombie: Throws an octopus. When it hits a player it takes whatever is in their inventory and spawns an octopus on them.

Neptuna: A miniboss for BWB. She has a trident and can spawn Octo Zombies. Inspired by PvZ heroes!

Deep Sea Garantuar: Boss for the dimension. Similar to other Gargantuars. But it does have a bonus ability to remove all the oxygen from a player when it hits a player and spawns two imps. They are found in Pirate Ships made of Spruce and Dark Oak with black sails.

Snorkel Zombie: Zombie that can be found lurking the oceans. Kind of like drowned

Dolphin Rider Zombie: Can quickly move through the water. When defeated the dolphin rider and the dolphin separate into different entities.


Neptuna's Bowl. Big Fish bowl where this miniboss spawns.

Boss Ship: Pirate Ship w/ the Garantuar

Beach Hut: A hut that can be found in BWB. It is made of bamboo and hay bales.

Other Stuff!

Sushi - Food Item Spicy Sushi - Food Item Snorkel Mask - Allows player to breathe underwater Pocket Dolphin - Grants player Dolphin's Grace effect when used. Taco - Really Good Food Item

Tacos can be traded with a new variant of crazy dave villager to get rare easter egg plants. The only way for this villager to be made is when it is near a chili bean plant. Which right now is only obtainable when you defeat a deep sea Gargantuar and it's like a 15% chance.

Easter Egg Plants

Ender Snap Dragon: Snap Dragon but with insane knockback. It has a chance to create an end portal block when hitting a block.

Springtrap Bean: Extremely better version of spring bean in terms of durability and jump distance for the player. Reference to Springtrap from FNAF

Pickle Wick: added to 1.4 update but now can be obtained like other easter egg plants

The Pirate Beach Update Part 1

New Dimension - Pirate Seas / Big Wave Beach *This update is just the Pirate Seas portion

*Also now ported into 1.20.1 Forge!

New Dimension

  • It is generated like a nether dimension. This means it is basically a giant ocean cave. I originally wanted it to be just a giant ocean dimension with a few islands. But of course the post 1.18 generations messed it up. So I compromised and went with this solution.

  • Right now the dimension will have just 1 biome. Which will have sand, stone, ores, and of course a giant underground ocean.

-For the big wave beach update. I will have the BWB be a separate biome but exist in the same dimension since they are both ocean-themed.

New Plants

Kernel-pult: Fires a weak projectile. 20% chance of butter projectile that stops enemies from moving.

Snap Dragon: Short Range fire projectiles. (Like a flamethrower)

Spikeweed: Placeable plant that does damage to anything that walks on it.

Spikerock: Improved version of Spikeweed (Using Plant Food). Does twice the amount of damage as Spikeweed.

Spring Bean: Launches enemies into the air when they are hit by it.

Coconut Cannon: High Damage projectile that creates small explosions. *Should have a 15sec cooldown after used.

Sea Shroom: Puffshroom but native to this dimension. It also can be found as an entity instead of a plant. So it will shoot zombies even as its "plant" form.

New Zombies

Basic Pirate Zombie, Conehead Pirate Zombie, Pirate Imps, and Buckethead Pirate Zombies of course.

Pirate Captain: Has a chance to spawn a zombie parrot when hurt. These parrots will steal anything that is in your main hand. Be careful when fighting them.

Imp Cannon: These cannons will spawn an imp on you when they hit you. *They ended up being smaller than I expected so they are a little goofy lol

Seagull Zombie: A pirate zombie that is carried by a seagull. Essentially just a flying zombie.

New Structures

Basic Pirate Ship: A ship made of dark oak and jungle wood. This ship will contain loot and enemies.

Prisoner Pirate Ship: A ship made of dark oak and regular oak wood. This ship will have Villagers and Sunflowers under its deck. This will be like the Anubis Scales from the Egypt dimension that allows you to do trades. However, sometimes the villagers end up drowning. The ship will also have many imp cannons to fight.

Sea Shroom Cluster: A group of Sea Shrooms can sometimes be found in the oceans.

The Plant Food Update

This update introduces a new system: Plant Food. Plant food can be crafted with various plants to make enhanced versions of those plants.

Currently the two ways to obtain plant food is either finding a plant food-infused zombie or by getting a power lily plant.

For sun plants. When crafted with a plant food it will craft into more sun. Example: Crafting a sunflower + plant food will give you 10 suns rather than the default 1.

For other plants, they just become an entirely new plant that is stronger and/or has a unique trait not seen in the original.

New Plant Food Plants:

Gatling Pea (not a new plant but can now be obtained by a Peashooter or Repeater + Plant Food)

Gloom Shroom: Fume Shroom + Plant Food

  • Gloom Shroom fires projectiles around the player. This can be helpful if the player is surrounded by enemies.

Magnifying Grass (PF): The plant food version of Magnifying Grass is a buffed version of Magnifying Grass that also doesn't require sun anymore as ammo.

Soul Fire Peashooter: Fire Peashooter + Plant Food.

  • A buffed version of Fire Pea. When it hits a block. It will spawn soul fire.

Berry Shooter: Snow Pea + PF

  • Inspired by an Aquafina + Garden Warfare Collab. This is a water-themed peashooter that has a chance to spawn water when it hits a block or mob. It can even spawn water in the Nether and End. It can also spawn sweet berries when hitting something.

Chester Chomper: Chomper + PF

  • Inspired by Cheetos + Garden Warfare Collab. Basically a better Chomper w/ a Cheeto reskin. It also can set enemies on fire. And it can shoot a weak cheeto projectile that knocks enemies back a bit.

Poison Potato Mine: Potato Mine + PF

  • Brought back the Poison Potato mine. It does the something as a potato mine but can cast a poison debuff.

Caulipower: Hypnoshroom + PF

  • Does exactly the same thing as Hypnoshroom. But it can also hypnotize boss zombies like Gargantuars or Cleopatra.

Jugger-Nut: Wall-Nut + PF

  • Extra armored walnut that gives the player a resistance buff while equipped.

Chilly Pepper: Jalapeno + PF

  • Essentially Jalapeno, but casts a chill effect on enemies if they survive the explosion. It also can create a small row of ice blocks when it hits stuff.

Other New Plants


  • Fires 5 projectiles around the player that can also pierce through enemies.
  • Gloom Shroom shoots 8 projectiles that don't pierce and fire randomly. Starfruit's projectiles also shoot in specific directions. So they are very similar in function but have different strategies in usage.


  • When torchwood is equipped in the Player's mainhand and a peashooter plant is in the offhand. When that peashooter is fired, the torchwood will shoot an extra fireball with the peashooter. This was as close as I was able to get to making torchwood's ability from PvZ. -Peashooter it works with: Peashooter, Repeater, Threepeater, Primal Pea, Gatling Pea.
  • It can also be used as a melee weapon that burns enemies. However the melee will use up its durability much quicker than using it as a peashooter support.

Soul Torchwood

  • The plant food version of Torchwood. Works with same peashooters as regular torchwood, but also works with Fire Peashooter, Electric Pea, and Soulfire Peashooter.
  • With the fire pea, soul fire pea, and electric pea. It fires 2 fire balls instead of just one extra.

Bamboo Spartan

  • Melee Plant, but if you right-click it, it will give a brief resistance perk. To emulate the ability of it using its "shield". Right now a creative only plant. Might make an appearance if I do a Roman/Greek world one day.

Pickled Pepper

  • An easter egg version of Jalapeno. This was an actual plant only found in a Chinese version of PvZ 1. It can be obtained with a 1% chance drop from a Gargantuar. It can also be crafted with a Jalapeno. However, that recipe is a secret.
  • Like Jalapeno it will create a row of fire when it explodes, but just in a different direction.

Pickle Wick

  • The plant food version of Pickled Pepper. It is a ranged plant that does decent damage with chances to explode, set on fire, or wither enemies with its projectiles. It also can make the row of fire when its projectiles hit a block.
  • This plant was actually an old asset from a game called "Glizzy Gunner" I was working on, that ended up being never finished lol.
  • This by far will be the hardest plant to obtain. And is probably the best plant in the mod by far. Good luck obtaining it in Survival.

*Due to the corruption that lost me the original mod. I had to remake the entire mod again. I managed to reimplement about 30 of the plants from the original version of the mod. Including peashooter, sunflower, cherry bomb, chomper, walnut, and more. I added pvz sound effects and better balancing to these plants when re-adding them.

ANCIENT EGYPT UPDATE Despite the setback, I still managed to flesh out the rest of the Ancient Egypt dimension. The portal to this dimension is made of chiseled sandstone. And activated with a world key that the regular Gargantuar will drop when defeated.


Ra Zombie - A mummy with a ranged attack. When the player gets hit by this enemy. A sun in their inventory will be taken.

Anubis/Tomb Raiser Zombie - A mummy that throws bones. If these bones hit the player. A grave will spawn nearby and spawn a mummy.

Explorer Zombie - Zombie that wields a torch. They will set you on fire if they hit you.

Sarcophagus Zombie - Mummy in a Sarcophagus. They are tanky with a lot of health. They also can weaken you when they hit you.

Cleopatra Zombie - Inspired by a scrapped PvZ 2 boss concept. This miniboss has 2 abilities. She can summon ra zombies to assist her. Or have a chance to heal herself when damaged. She will drop the Cat tail plant.

Mummy Cats - Neutral mob. Basically just a mummified cat.

Egyptian Gargantuar - Similar to the basic Gargantuar but wields a Sarcophagus. When the next world is added. I will give this Gargantuar the ability to drop the key to that world when defeated. My plan being that Gargantuars will be the boss of each world and the way to unlock the next one.


Jalapeno now spawns a 5 block row of fire when it explodes on a block.

Iceberg Lettuce and Snow Pea now have an "extinguish" perk. This removes fire if the player is set on fire. A counter to the explorer zombie's ability.

Guacadile has been rebalanced. It's melee damage is very high and able to one-shot most basic zombies. But you can only use it twice. However you can use it's ranged ability pretty much infinitely, but it has poor damage and range. Guacadile's projectiles also get a buff if you fire it while underwater. This is a mechanic that will probably be used for many of the aquatic plants when I make the pirate seas/big wave beach world.

New sound effects! Many plants now have their iconic pvz sound effects when used.

THIS UPDATE was meant to be 1.3 where I finish the ancient Egypt dimension. But my lovely computer decided to crash while I was developing this update and corrupted a part of the mod making me unable to do further testing in the mod. In order to proceed in the future for this mod, I genuinely have to completely rebuild it from scratch. So by the next update the entire mod will have to be remade. I at least have all the textures and models, but reimplementing all the features is going to be a nightmare. This update just includes the features I was able to implement before the crash. So at least you can check that out.

Adds Bloomerang, Bamboo Spartan, and a new easter egg plant: Pickle Wick!

Bloomerang has piercing damage so it can hit multiple enemies at once.

Pickle Wick is John Wick + Pickle Rick reference. It does a bunch of damage and has a chance for explosion, fire, or wither damage.

Bamboo Spartan does melee and was supposed to have a shield-like ability, but I couldn't finish this feature as the computer crash happened during the development of that feature.

Aloe and Bonk Choy - durability nerf

Guacadile - Fire rate nerf

Gargantuar - HP nerf to 300 *may be a bug where a bunch of Gargantuars spawn when you make a new world?

v1.2 is an update that introduces a new dimension. This is my first time using custom structures and dimensions for a mod, so there is some rough patches with it.


  • A dimension that is essentially an infinite desert biome. Mostly just sand, sandstone, and dead bushes.

  • Mummy, Cone Mummies, Bucket Mummies, and Imps spawn naturally in this dimension.

  • Twin Sunflowers, Iceberg Lettuces, and now Repeaters have their plant forms spawn naturally in this dimension.

  • Vanilla Structures: Desert Pyramid, Well

  • Custom Structures: Mini Pyramid (small sandstone pyramid with a gold cap. Barrel w/ loot inside), and Zombie Sphinx (contains 2 chests and hidden barrel of various loot)

That is about it so far for the Ancient Egypt dimension. I plan on adding many new features to polish up this dimension in the next update. I plan on adding Ra Mummies, Sarchofagus Mummies, Mummy Cats, and a Mummy Gargantuar as the boss of the world.

Other Features

  • Gargantuar HP nerfed to 400 from 500

  • Gargantuar drops have been altered to now include a world key that can be used to make the portal. (portal is like a nether portal but with chiseled sandstone and the world key to activate it)

  • Chill Effect particles decreased

  • Custom Zombies have updated AI to target Villagers and Golems as well.

  • Slight buff to Chai Tail plant

v1.1 adds the repeater and scaredy-shroom. Gargantuars no longer spawn naturally and can be built with two rotten flesh blocks and a pumpkin (like a snow golem). The chill effect works much better and even gives the player's screen the freeze display. And some other minor fixes and tweaks were done as well.

Showcase for v1.0:

The intial release version of the mod.

PLANTS (items held in inventory or spawn like Minecraft plants)

Sunflower: can be found as a natural spawning plant in your Minecraft world. Can be crafted or trader for sun, which is the currency needed to trade for new plants.

Peashooter: shoots a pea projectile similar to the regular bow in Minecraft.

Fire Peashooter: shoots a flaming pea

Snow Pea: shoots a pea that causes a "chill effect" when it hits a mob. This slows and weakens for a bit of time.

Primal Peashooter: shoots a large pea that has decent knockback

Threepeater: shoots three peas at a time

Goo Peashooter: shoots a "goo" pea that poisons and slows enemies.

Gatling Pea: Peashooter that can be rapidly fired and does a lot of damage.

Electric Pea: Summons lightning when its pea hits a mob.

Torchwood: Use torchwood in your main hand and a peashooter variant in your offhand and torchwood will summon an additional fireball when you use the peashooter.

Chomper: Melee plants that does a lot of damage.

Snap Pea: Melee plant like the chomper as well as a ranged plant. It uses zombie heads as ammo and deals great damage for its ranged and melee attacks.

Cherry Bomb: One use Instakill plant that explodes when it hits a mob. (only the warden and gargantuar won't be one shot by it)

Doomshroom: Like the cherry bomb, but it can do environmental damage too.

Jalapeno: Like the cherry bomb, but it does fire damage too.

Sunshroom: Like the sunflower, but can spawn in some biomes that the sunflower can't

Twin Sunflower: like the sunflower, but can be crafted for two suns at once.

Puffshroom: can be found naturally like a sunflower, but once dropped will be a projectile plant with low durability and damage.

Fume shroom: the next evolution of the puffshroom

Blover: does almost no damage, but has a lot of knockback and will send enemies far away.

Hypnoshroom: can be "fed" to zombies to tame them. (only works on the custom mod zombies)

Caulipower: does exactly what the Hypnoshroom does.

Snap Dragon: Shoots a short range fire projectile

Cold Snap Dragon: Shoots a short range chilling projectile

Ender Snap Dragon: Works like the regular snap dragon, but has a lot of knockback (inspired by ender dragon)

Wall-nut: A plant that can be worn as a helmet for armor

Infi-nut: like walnut, but with less armor and can cast a regen buff

Endurian: like walnut, but with thorns (thorns enchant has a glitch where it pops up a bunch when you inspect the item)

Primal Wall-nut: Wall-nut but with more armor and knockback protection.

Magnifying Grass: A projectile plant that does a lot of damage. It uses sun as ammo.

Bonk Choy: Melee Plant that can be used as a multi-tool like pickaxe, axe, shovel.

Plantern: Purely decorative, but it is a naturally occurring plant that emits light like a torch.

Marigold: naturally occurring plant that drops raw gold when broken.

Ghost pepper: A weaker version of Jalapeno, but can also be used as a melee weapon

Banana Launcher: launches bananas that explode.

Coconut Canon: same as banana launcher, but does more environmental damage.

Cat tail: launches a cat and gives a quick speed buff to player. (rare chance to spawn cat when hit enemy)

Sapfling: Launches a projectile that when it hits a block it will make a sap residue that slows mobs that walk on it.

Lava Guava: One use explosive plant that summons lava after hitting a mob.

Wasabi Whip: Melee plant that sets mobs on fire.

Chili bean: Poisons mobs that you hit with it.

Guacadile: Does decent melee damage and can shoot projectiles. The projectile shoots further while the player is in water.

Lightning Reed: Summons lightning when its projectile hits a mob, but does less damage than an electric pea. It can summon lightning on environment too (which electric pea cannot do)

Sun Bean: Player can eat this to gain a sun.

Pumpkin: plant that can be used as a chestplate

Celery Stalker: a plant that can be used as leggings (rare chance to give player invisibility buff)

Holly Barrier: a plant that can be used as boots.

Aloe Vera: Plant that heals player (heals damage undead too)

Potato Mine: Can be used as a one time projectile explosive. (can also be found naturally as a plant and will explode if you walk on it.)

Poisonous Potato Mine: Potato mine w/ poison (inspired by poisonous potato in Minecraft)

Levitater: doesn't explode like potato mine, but does cast a levitation debuff on mobs.

Spikeweed: a naturally occurring plant that does damage if you walk on it.

Iceberg Lettuce: Adds chill effect when in contact with a mob or player

Melon-pult: launches a mini explosive watermelon

Winter Melon: launches a mini explosive watermelon with chill effect.

Glistering Melon-pult: launches a mini explosive watermelon with insta heal effect (inspired by glistering melon and its ability for being used to brew healing potions)

Zoybean pod: when you hit a mob with this plant. It has a high chance of summoning a zomboid which will help you fight undead enemies.

ZOMBIES Conehead Zombies

Buckethead Zombies


Conehead Mummies

Buckethead Mummies

Copper Buckethead Zombies (immune to lightning damage)


Basic Zombie (brown coat zombie)

Cowboy Zombie

Chicken Wrangler Zombie + Zombie Chickens

Sabertooth Zombie (throws snowballs)

Roman Zombie

Knight Zombie

King Zombie (summons knights + miniboss)


Mummy Imp

Dragon Imp (immune to fire)

Yeti Imp

Rich Imp (mini boss)

Dapper Zombie (henchmen of Rich Imp)

Yeti (mini boss)

Honey Zombie

Gargantuar (Boss)


New Mushroom stew

Split Pea Soup

Taco (crafted with chili bean + Jalapeno + Guacadile


Spicy Sushi

Puff Mooshroom

Crazy Dave Villager Type (trade suns for plants with this guy)

  • A villager with sunflower as its "block"

Night Crazy Dave Villager type

  • same as other but uses sun shroom as its "block"

Zombie Enthusiast Villager type

  • trades for zombie related items

  • good way to get zombie heads as ammo for snap pea

  • Villager block: soul sand

Soup Seller Villager type

  • trade for the food items or use food items like the taco to unlock exclusive secret plants

  • Villager Block: puffshroom

Project members



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