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  • Impact damage now deals area earth damage, such as falling,stalagmite,anvils and elytras
  • Fire Damage no longers sets on fire, rather grants new potion effect Calcination


  • Mendalum Grass
  • Permafrost Dirt
  • Azurite block
  • Tillite new block set
  • Smooth Tillite new block set


  • Most permafrost biomes got overhauled
  • Mendalum Forest types now have their own dirt blocks
  • Now core structures inside permafrost spawn more buried into the ground
  • The Ice Labyrinth now always spawn on y 63
  • Tillite now naturally generates on permafrost

Weapons or tools

  • Azurite toolset
  • Azurite Saber
  • Emerald Spear Traded from weapon smith (level 3)


  • Azurite Ingot


  • Azurite Armorset


  • Ice Phoenix new attacks Triggers only after 2nd phase
  • Altered behaviour of Ice Phoenix slighly
  • Ice phoenix's second phase is harder to deal with
  • Permafrost beast now attack other bosses
  • Added Blizzard Vulture, spawns on snowy based forests, blizzards only
  • Artict slimes now only spawn on biomes with no trees, and on blizzards only


  • Permafrost dirt type blocks


  • New calcination effect, increases fire damage by 0.25% per second Replaces fire effect on all elemental related procedures


  • Barrage damage scale was , weird
  • fire scaling was off
  • Forgotten Javelin didn't deal fire damage
  • Forgotten Javelin had a debug message on live (im an idiot and probably this costed me being removed from a big modpack)
  • Floating Trees
  • Adjusted all swords damage


  • Impact damage now deals area earth damage, such as falling,stalagmite,anvils and elytras
  • Fire Damage no longers sets on fire, rather grants new potion effect Calcination


  • Mendalum Grass
  • Permafrost Dirt


  • Most permafrost biomes got overhauled
  • Mendalum Forest types now have their own dirt blocks
  • Now core structures inside permafrost spawn more buried into the ground
  • The Ice Labyrinth now always spawn on y 63

Weapons or tools




  • Ice Phoenix new attacks Triggers only after 2nd phase
  • Altered behaviour of Ice Phoenix slighly
  • Ice phoenix's second phase is harder to deal with


  • Permafrost dirt type blocks


  • New calcination effect, increases fire damage by 0.25% per second Replaces fire effect on all elemental related procedures


  • Barrage damage scale was , weird
  • fire scaling was off
  • Forgotten Javelin didn't deal fire damage
  • Forgotten Javelin had a debug message on live (im an idiot and probably this costed me being removed from a big modpack)
  • Floating Trees


Weapons or tools

  • Reduced the metallic snow flintlock charges, requires to fully charge Reduced Cooldown Increased damage Increased Innacuracy when not loaded Increased time to aim by 20%
  • Increased damage of Skylite Bow from 0.95 to 1.25


  • Reduced drop rate of metallic snow cannon from 20% to 10%


  • Now armor set barrage is similar to the Core Staff barrage


  • Ice Golem Core now uses same barrage as new armor set barrage
  • Ice Golem now explodes on death


  • Having several items on inventory speeded up the charge of: Core Staff, Mendalum Bow, Skylite Bow, Ice Phoenix Bow, Metallic Snow Flintlock


  • Rearranged all tabs.


  • Renamed Blue Skylite block to: Skylite Gemstone block
  • Lowered hardness of icyllium ore


  • Made Stable Permafrost Portal structure rarer

Weapons or tools

  • Forgotten Javelin increased tick delay from 12 to 15 Forgotten Javelin increased fire damage from 0.9 to 1 * speed
  • Made skylite grappling hook unobtainable
  • Buffed damage of sacred bracelets line
  • Core staff increased radius by 60%
  • Core staff damage now decreases after half of distance has been travelled
  • Reduced Avariel Necklace Fire Defence
  • New True Ice Ring
  • New Metallic Snow Flintlock


  • A guide to elements is now crafteable
  • Altered the music discs
  • New disc for Face of Despair, theme of the permafrost beast 2nd phase
  • Increased nourishment of permafrost's salads
  • Metallic Snow cannon
  • Metallic Snow Bullet



  • Ice golem now drops metallic snow ingots and the new item metallic snow cannon


  • Forgotten Javelin
  • Skylite gemstone
  • Skylite gemstone block
  • Skylite block



  • Skyrium portal still generated
  • Rotten door had no item texture
  • Core staff had open spaces
  • Skym door was name Skym Trapdoor
  • Kill command couldn't finish the Ice phoenix.
  • Permafrost champion could crash on rarely while executing its teleport attack


  • Added automatic elemental defences to modded elemental defenceless mobs This criteria is based on the vanilla defence, size, spawn area and others (this only affects entities with no elemental defence at all)
  • Electrical element now deals chain damage only if dealed damage is higher than 0.75 if so, damage is decreased to 85% (95% if on water)
  • Fire Element now stacks fire infinitely, while seconds per fire damage changed from 1/1 to 1/2 Burning extra now increases damage based on remaining time on fire the entity has (+ 1% per second on fire) [I swear i think i broke the fire element with this thing]
  • Altered all descriptions, now using unicode symbols
  • all armors now give elemental defence
  • Wet effect which interacts with other elements, applied with water element, being on water or rain


  • Skyrium Gold Ore
  • Skyrium Redstone Ore / Metallic Snow Ore
    • now always drops atleast 1 raw metallic snow / Compressend Metallic Snow Ore
    • now always drops atleast 1 raw metallic snow / adjusted permafrost dimension trees hardness and resistance snowy wood type hardness from to 3 to 2.5 and resistance from 6 to 3.5 snowy leaves from hardness 0.05 to 0.25 and resistance from 5 to 0.25 froslog wood type resistance from 35* to 4 froslog leaves from hardness 0.05 to 0.3 and resistance from 3 to 0.3 mendalum wood type resistance from 35* to 2 mendalum leaves from hardness 0.05 to 0.2 and resistance from 3 to 0.2 / True Ice block and derivates now have crafting recipes
    • Adjusted Hardness of all true ice blocks variants from 55 to 20
    • True Ice Block Hardness reduced from 7.5 to 6
    • Reduced luminance of reinforced true icyllium block from 15 to 10
  • Added a new custom dimension portal, crafteable, can be generated naturally
  • Thunderite Ore


  • Corrupted lands new biome
  • increased heat loss on Y position lower than -32 / adjusted temperature on The Permafrost Dimension
    • increased temperature gain on daytime (if can see skylight) from 0.15 to 0.25
    • increased temperature loss on nighttime (if can see skylight) from -0.35 to -0.4 / nighttime no longer can duplicate temperature gain if higher than 0
  • Changed Snowy Houses
  • Added different true ice spyke
  • Changed Permafrost Portals
  • Added a new portal variation
  • Skyrium portal dissabled,
  • Nerfed loot from final palace
  • Added more flora to the Permafrost dimension


/ Lightning Bolt - increased attack cooldown from 700 to 800 + increased lightning bolt damage against enemies that arent on ground + increased lightning bolt range on hitting the ground + decreased lightning bolt Height spawn from 40 to 25 + increased lightning bolt fall speed

/ Skylite Scythe - decreased attack speed from 1.65 to 1.35 - increased electrical element cooldown from 100% to 125% + increased attack damage from 3.5 to 4.5 + Instead of set cooldown activates only if entity hit is not with electrical cooldown * Now loses more durability per entity attacked * Now only activates on hit instead of on swing

  • Icyllium dart is no longer throwable / Mendalum Bow is now a normal 2d Item / Skylite Bow is now a normal 2d Item / Doubled speed of all arrows shoot by both bows
  • Ice Phoenix Bow / Ice Ray Cast perfected "precision"
    • No longer has limited pierce, now instead losses 0.1 damage per hitbox piercing (if attack encounters same enemy on next step, it will still lose damage) / Permafrost Amalgamation adjusted damage Base Ice Damage increased from 1 to 2.5 Based on loss Health Ice Damage reduced from 10% to 3.5% hp
  • Reduced damage of all fire element items
  • Forgotten Javelin Decreased Fire damage from speed1.05 to speed0.9 Increased physical base damage from 1.5 to 2.5
  • Combustion bracelet base fire damage decreased from 1 to 0.5
  • Blazing sword decreased fire damage from 3.5 to 2.5
  • Blaze Staff decreased fire damage from 5 to 3.5
  • Blaze rod repeat decreased fire damage from 5 to 4
  • Magma bomb max fire damage decreased from 8 to 7 and increased explosion power from 2 to 3
  • Forgotten Sword decreased fire damage from 3.5 to 3
  • Forgotten Waraxe decreased fire damage from 5.5 to 5
  • Reworked Core Staff
  • amethyst spear
  • Pigmy god slayer's longsword damage decreased from 5 to 4.5 and physical damage from 5.5 to 3
  • Arkhalist physical damage decreased from 6 to 2
  • Permafrost beast claws physical damage decreased from 6 to 2 and ice damage from 8 to 7.5
  • Buffed Icyllium blowgun damage from 0.5 to 0.75
  • All arrows can crit now


  • Sacred Iron Bracelet
  • Sacred Gold Bracelet
  • Sacred Diamond Bracelet / Ice Heart Remade visuals
  • True Ice Shard
  • replaced several crafting recipes that needed true ice fragments for true ice shards
  • removed fur inscription
  • rotten stick
  • Artic slime ball
  • Ice Phoenix Ashes
  • Artic Arrow
  • Ice Phoenix Arrow
  • Amethyst Arrow
  • New Ice Resistance potions
  • Merged all books into a single one given on the start
  • Ice Lock no longer drops, rather is now crafteable


  • True Icyllium Armor now spawn particles on movement
  • Ice Vessel armor visual rework and now spawn particles on movement
  • Spy glasses new helmet


  • Electrical Spirit
  • Physical Spirit
  • removed Permafrost Champion starting cinematic
  • Totally Reworked Ice Golem
  • Totally Reworked Permafrost Champion
  • Adjusted Minor details on the Ice Phoenix Some attacks didn't workout properly sometimes Ice Phoenix now can't regenerate over 50% once his hp drops from the same treshold Added dialogue marking amount of damage leftover
  • Ice Phoenix increases all elemental defences and lowered regeneration
    • Fire Def increased from -1.75 to 5
    • Electrical Def increased from -1 to 7
    • Water Def increased from 8 to 20
    • Earth Def increased from 12 to 25
    • Ice Def remains the same (immune)
    • Regen base decreased from 1 to 0.75, amount of health regenerated remains to be tested
    • Regen loss decreased from 0.002 to 0.00125 / Ice Phoenix now dies without extra dialoge / Altered homing behaviour of ice beams
  • Permafrost Beast reduced ULTIMATE ATTACK healing from 20 to 10
  • Permafrost Beast reduced attack damage from 8 to 5
  • Permafrost Beast reduced Max hp on second phase from 850 to 750
  • Pigmy god slayer reduced attack damage from 6 to 4
  • Ice Spirits decreased attack speed
  • Artic slimes


  • Skylite Ore
  • Permafrost Heat Bar totally altered
  • Compressed Metallic Snow Ore
  • Metallic Snow Ore
  • Visual rework of Ice Vessel Armor
  • forgotten melee weapons set
  • Thunderite set
  • Some ingots


  • Massive frost decreased effect at level I grants 10% extra damage, extra levels only give extra 5% damage instead of 10%
  • Anti flight now only affects players
  • Heal cut now tells amount of regeneration lost
  • Fire Aspect enchantment reduced extra fire damage from 1 to 0.75
  • Ice aspect can't be combined with fire aspect anymore
  • Earth aspect added
  • Water aspect added / changed damage addition of aspects, earth damage now gives the most with 1 electrical and ice gives 0.85 water and fire gives 0.75
  • ice protections can't be merged with other protections
  • increased protections defence increase from 0.25 to 0.5
  • Ice resistance changed potions
  • Broken Ice Defence
  • Broken Fire Defence
  • Broken Electrical defence
  • Wet


  • Anti flight affected creative/spectator mode players
  • Icyllium Waraxe had 67 damage instead of 8.5
  • Forgotten Waraxe had 67 damage instead of 8.5
  • Dealing dual elemental damage couldn't finish out entities at all
  • Ice Elemental damage didn't apply slowness
  • Blocking Fire/Electrical/Earth Elemental Damage didn't block anything
  • Metallic Snow Block didn't drop at all
  • Heal cut constantly shaked the camera like dealing damage
  • Bosses dashes speed now work consistently
  • Ice Labyrinth didn't spawned any randomized door at all,
  • Attacking with a ranged item in second hand while having a item with certain effects in main hand applied to the projectile
  • Mushriam could cause crashes while spawning near the void or chunk range

Previous beta change

Added Artic slimes Added Artic slimeball Added New craft for ice resistance (not in jei) Added Artic arrows Added Ice Phoenix Ashes Added Ice Phoenix Ash Arrow Retextures Tweaker a bit the Ice Phoenix Added Wet effect, now being on water adds the potion effect up to 30 seconds Fixed crafting of some stick needed tools Fixed details of Avariel

THIS IS AN ALPHA , MAY AND WILL HAVE A TON OF BUGS SINCE I DIDN'T TEST NEAR ANYTHING for that reason any bug you find + suggestion for the full 1.4 release can be done at my discord @kyoukster , thanks in advance! as i release the Beta and Release i will balance and test properly

Previous alpha change

Now heat bar can show on overworld if the next conditions are met: Temperature is not max temperature Due to this now temperature goes up by 1 per tick if not inside permafrost dimension A blizzard is ocurring and the player has a blizzard/Avariel necklace equiped Reduced defence value of armors, now being lower than their overworld counterpart except with the padded leather armor Reduced effectiveness of tools from the permafrost dimension except for the wooden variants Reduced effectiveness of tools from the Skyrium dimension except for skym variants Skyrium now spawns way less mobs Greatly altered spawn behaviour of all dimensional portals Adjusted some natural defences spawning Added spy glasses, which can tell the defences of any mob Fixed mobs in nether spawning with over -600 ice defence Altered attack speed of ice spirits Added a bit of new symbols to some weapons and updated lores Spy glasses new item added, Shows all the defence from the entity you are looking at Altered how the permafrost beast spawns, Blaze staff slight rework, now dps are increased overall removed fur inscription

THIS IS AN ALPHA , MAY AND WILL HAVE A TON OF BUGS SINCE I DIDN'T TEST NEAR ANYTHING for that reason any bug you find + suggestion for the full 1.4 release can be done at my discord @kyoukster , thanks in advance! as i release the Beta and Release i will balance and test properly

Previous alpha change

Reverted change of namespace, mcreator wasn't that friendly as i though and caused removing the #mineable tag entirely.


  • Added automatic elemental defences to modded elemental defenceless mobs This criteria is based on the vanilla defence, size, spawn area and others (this only affects entities with no elemental defence at all)
  • Electrical element now deals chain damage only if dealed damage is higher than 0.75 if so, damage is decreased to 85% (95% if on water)
  • Fire Element now stacks fire infinitely, while seconds per fire damage changed from 1/1 to 1/2 Burning extra now increases damage based on remaining time on fire the entity has (+ 1% per second on fire) [I swear i think i broke the fire element with this thing]


  • Skyrium Gold Ore
  • Skyrium Redstone Ore / Metallic Snow Ore
    • now always drops atleast 1 raw metallic snow / Compressend Metallic Snow Ore
    • now always drops atleast 1 raw metallic snow / adjusted permafrost dimension trees hardness and resistance snowy wood type hardness from to 3 to 2.5 and resistance from 6 to 3.5 snowy leaves from hardness 0.05 to 0.25 and resistance from 5 to 0.25 froslog wood type resistance from 35* to 4 froslog leaves from hardness 0.05 to 0.3 and resistance from 3 to 0.3 mendalum wood type resistance from 35* to 2 mendalum leaves from hardness 0.05 to 0.2 and resistance from 3 to 0.2 / True Ice block and derivates now have crafting recipes
    • Adjusted Hardness of all true ice blocks variants from 55 to 20
    • True Ice Block Hardness reduced from 7.5 to 6
    • Reduced luminance of reinforced true icyllium block from 15 to 10
  • Added a new custom dimension portal, crafteable, can be generated naturally


  • Corrupted lands new biome
  • increased heat loss on Y position lower than -32 / adjusted temperature on The Permafrost Dimension
    • increased temperature gain on daytime (if can see skylight) from 0.15 to 0.25
    • increased temperature loss on nighttime (if can see skylight) from -0.35 to -0.4 / nighttime no longer can duplicate temperature gain if higher than 0
  • Changed Snowy Houses
  • Added different true ice spyke
  • Changed Permafrost Portals
  • Added a new portal variation


/ Lightning Bolt - increased attack cooldown from 700 to 800 + increased lightning bolt damage against enemies that arent on ground + increased lightning bolt range on hitting the ground + decreased lightning bolt Height spawn from 40 to 25 + increased lightning bolt fall speed

/ Skylite Scythe - decreased attack speed from 1.65 to 1.35 - increased electrical element cooldown from 100% to 125% + increased attack damage from 3.5 to 4.5 + Instead of set cooldown activates only if entity hit is not with electrical cooldown * Now loses more durability per entity attacked * Now only activates on hit instead of on swing

  • Icyllium dart is no longer throwable / Mendalum Bow is now a normal 2d Item / Skylite Bow is now a normal 2d Item / Doubled speed of all arrows shoot by both bows
  • Ice Phoenix Bow / Ice Ray Cast perfected "precision"
    • No longer has limited pierce, now instead losses 0.1 damage per hitbox piercing (if attack encounters same enemy on next step, it will still lose damage) / Permafrost Amalgamation adjusted damage Base Ice Damage increased from 1 to 2.5 Based on loss Health Ice Damage reduced from 10% to 3.5% hp
  • Reduced damage of all fire element items
  • Forgotten Javelin Decreased Fire damage from speed1.05 to speed0.9 Increased physical base damage from 1.5 to 2.5
  • Combustion bracelet base fire damage decreased from 1 to 0.5
  • Blazing sword decreased fire damage from 3.5 to 2.5
  • Blaze Staff decreased fire damage from 5 to 3.5
  • Blaze rod repeat decreased fire damage from 5 to 4
  • Magma bomb max fire damage decreased from 8 to 7
  • Forgotten Sword decreased fire damage from 3.5 to 3
  • Forgotten Waraxe decreased fire damage from 5.5 to 5


  • Sacred Iron Bracelet
  • Sacred Gold Bracelet
  • Sacred Diamond Bracelet / Ice Heart Remade visuals
  • True Ice Shard
  • replaced several crafting recipes that needed true ice fragments for true ice shards


  • True Icyllium Armor now spawn particles on movement
  • Ice Vessel armor visual rework and now spawn particles on movement


  • Electrical Spirit
  • Physical Spirit
  • removed Permafrost Champion starting cinematic
  • Totally Reworked Ice Golem
  • Totally Reworked Permafrost Champion
  • Adjusted Minor details on the Ice Phoenix Some attacks didn't workout properly sometimes Ice Phoenix now can't regenerate over 50% once his hp drops from the same treshold Added dialogue marking amount of damage leftover
  • Ice Phoenix increases all elemental defences and lowered regeneration
    • Fire Def increased from -1.75 to 5
    • Electrical Def increased from -1 to 7
    • Water Def increased from 8 to 20
    • Earth Def increased from 12 to 25
    • Ice Def remains the same (immune)
    • Regen base decreased from 1 to 0.75, amount of health regenerated remains to be tested
    • Regen loss decreased from 0.002 to 0.00125 / Ice Phoenix now dies without extra dialoge / Altered homing behaviour of ice beams
  • Permafrost Beast reduced ULTIMATE ATTACK healing from 20 to 10


  • Skylite Ore
  • Permafrost Heat Bar totally altered
  • Compressed Metallic Snow Ore
  • Metallic Snow Ore
  • Visual rework of Ice Vessel Armor


  • Massive frost decreased effect at level I grants 10% extra damage, extra levels only give extra 5% damage instead of 10%
  • Anti flight now only affects players
  • Heal cut now tells amount of regeneration lost
  • Fire Aspect enchantment reduced extra fire damage from 1 to 0.75


  • Anti flight affected creative/spectator mode players
  • Icyllium Waraxe had 67 damage instead of 8.5
  • Forgotten Waraxe had 67 damage instead of 8.5
  • Dealing dual elemental damage couldn't finish out entities at all
  • Ice Elemental damage didn't apply slowness
  • Blocking Fire/Electrical/Earth Elemental Damage didn't block anything
  • Metallic Snow Block didn't drop at all
  • Heal cut constantly shaked the camera like dealing damage
  • Bosses dashes speed now work consistently
  • Ice Labyrinth didn't spawned any randomized door at all,
  • Attacking with a ranged item in second hand while having a item with certain effects in main hand applied to the projectile

HIS IS AN ALPHA , MAY AND WILL HAVE A TON OF BUGS SINCE I DIDN'T TEST NEAR ANYTHING for that reason any bug you find + suggestion for the full 1.4 release can be done at my discord @kyoukster , thanks in advance! as i release the Beta and Release i will balance and test properly


  • CHANGED NAMESPACE FROM the_forgotten_dimensions TO tfd, DO NOT LOAD OLDER 1.19.2 INTO 1.20.1 VERSION
  • Added automatic elemental defences to modded elemental defenceless mobs This criteria is based on the vanilla defence, size, spawn area and others (this only affects entities with no elemental defence at all)
  • Electrical element now deals chain damage only if dealed damage is higher than 0.75 if so, damage is decreased to 85% (95% if on water)
  • Fire Element now stacks fire infinitely, while seconds per fire damage changed from 1/1 to 1/2 Burning extra now increases damage based on remaining time on fire the entity has (+ 1% per second on fire) [I swear i think i broke the fire element with this thing]


  • Skyrium Gold Ore
  • Skyrium Redstone Ore / Metallic Snow Ore
    • now always drops atleast 1 raw metallic snow / Compressend Metallic Snow Ore
    • now always drops atleast 1 raw metallic snow / adjusted permafrost dimension trees hardness and resistance snowy wood type hardness from to 3 to 2.5 and resistance from 6 to 3.5 snowy leaves from hardness 0.05 to 0.25 and resistance from 5 to 0.25 froslog wood type resistance from 35* to 4 froslog leaves from hardness 0.05 to 0.3 and resistance from 3 to 0.3 mendalum wood type resistance from 35* to 2 mendalum leaves from hardness 0.05 to 0.2 and resistance from 3 to 0.2 / True Ice block and derivates now have crafting recipes
    • Adjusted Hardness of all true ice blocks variants from 55 to 20
    • True Ice Block Hardness reduced from 7.5 to 6
    • Reduced luminance of reinforced true icyllium block from 15 to 10
  • Added a new custom dimension portal, crafteable, can be generated naturally


  • Corrupted lands new biome
  • increased heat loss on Y position lower than -32 / adjusted temperature on The Permafrost Dimension
    • increased temperature gain on daytime (if can see skylight) from 0.15 to 0.25
    • increased temperature loss on nighttime (if can see skylight) from -0.35 to -0.4 / nighttime no longer can duplicate temperature gain if higher than 0
  • Changed Snowy Houses
  • Added different true ice spyke
  • Changed Permafrost Portals
  • Added a new portal variation


/ Lightning Bolt - increased attack cooldown from 700 to 800 + increased lightning bolt damage against enemies that arent on ground + increased lightning bolt range on hitting the ground + decreased lightning bolt Height spawn from 40 to 25 + increased lightning bolt fall speed

/ Skylite Scythe - decreased attack speed from 1.65 to 1.35 - increased electrical element cooldown from 100% to 125% + increased attack damage from 3.5 to 4.5 + Instead of set cooldown activates only if entity hit is not with electrical cooldown * Now loses more durability per entity attacked * Now only activates on hit instead of on swing

  • Icyllium dart is no longer throwable / Mendalum Bow is now a normal 2d Item / Skylite Bow is now a normal 2d Item / Doubled speed of all arrows shoot by both bows
  • Ice Phoenix Bow / Ice Ray Cast perfected "precision"
    • No longer has limited pierce, now instead losses 0.1 damage per hitbox piercing (if attack encounters same enemy on next step, it will still lose damage) / Permafrost Amalgamation adjusted damage Base Ice Damage increased from 1 to 2.5 Based on loss Health Ice Damage reduced from 10% to 3.5% hp
  • Reduced damage of all fire element items
  • Forgotten Javelin Decreased Fire damage from speed1.05 to speed0.9 Increased physical base damage from 1.5 to 2.5
  • Combustion bracelet base fire damage decreased from 1 to 0.5
  • Blazing sword decreased fire damage from 3.5 to 2.5
  • Blaze Staff decreased fire damage from 5 to 3.5
  • Blaze rod repeat decreased fire damage from 5 to 4
  • Magma bomb max fire damage decreased from 8 to 7
  • Forgotten Sword decreased fire damage from 3.5 to 3
  • Forgotten Waraxe decreased fire damage from 5.5 to 5


  • Sacred Iron Bracelet
  • Sacred Gold Bracelet
  • Sacred Diamond Bracelet / Ice Heart Remade visuals
  • True Ice Shard
  • replaced several crafting recipes that needed true ice fragments for true ice shards


  • True Icyllium Armor now spawn particles on movement
  • Ice Vessel armor visual rework and now spawn particles on movement


  • Electrical Spirit
  • Physical Spirit
  • removed Permafrost Champion starting cinematic
  • Totally Reworked Ice Golem
  • Totally Reworked Permafrost Champion
  • Adjusted Minor details on the Ice Phoenix Some attacks didn't workout properly sometimes Ice Phoenix now can't regenerate over 50% once his hp drops from the same treshold Added dialogue marking amount of damage leftover
  • Ice Phoenix increases all elemental defences and lowered regeneration
    • Fire Def increased from -1.75 to 5
    • Electrical Def increased from -1 to 7
    • Water Def increased from 8 to 20
    • Earth Def increased from 12 to 25
    • Ice Def remains the same (immune)
    • Regen base decreased from 1 to 0.75, amount of health regenerated remains to be tested
    • Regen loss decreased from 0.002 to 0.00125 / Ice Phoenix now dies without extra dialoge / Altered homing behaviour of ice beams
  • Permafrost Beast reduced ULTIMATE ATTACK healing from 20 to 10


  • Skylite Ore
  • Permafrost Heat Bar totally altered
  • Compressed Metallic Snow Ore
  • Metallic Snow Ore
  • Visual rework of Ice Vessel Armor


  • Massive frost decreased effect at level I grants 10% extra damage, extra levels only give extra 5% damage instead of 10%
  • Anti flight now only affects players
  • Heal cut now tells amount of regeneration lost
  • Fire Aspect enchantment reduced extra fire damage from 1 to 0.75


  • Anti flight affected creative/spectator mode players
  • Icyllium Waraxe had 67 damage instead of 8.5
  • Forgotten Waraxe had 67 damage instead of 8.5
  • Dealing dual elemental damage couldn't finish out entities at all
  • Ice Elemental damage didn't apply slowness
  • Blocking Fire/Electrical/Earth Elemental Damage didn't block anything
  • Metallic Snow Block didn't drop at all
  • Heal cut constantly shaked the camera like dealing damage
  • Bosses dashes speed now work consistently
  • Ice Labyrinth didn't spawned any randomized door at all,
  • Attacking with a ranged item in second hand while having a item with certain effects in main hand applied to the projectile

Released on Modrinth

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID