- Updated now supported mods
Incompatible with 1.20.2 (temporarily removed)
- ❌ AdvancementInfo - Show more information about advancement requirements
- ❌ Animatica - A mod implementing the OptiFine/MCPatcher animated texture format
- ❌ AntiGhost - Get rid of ghost blocks by requesting resends from the server
- ❌ Better Advancements - Better Advancements tries to improve the UI and UX for the advancements system in minecraft 1.12+ in a modded environment
- ❌ CIT Resewn - Re-implements MCPatcher's CIT (custom item textures from optifine resource packs)
- ❌ Drip Sounds (Fabric) - Adds sounds for drip particles landing
- ❌ EasierVillagerTrading - Fewer clicks to trade with villagers
- ❌ Enchantment Descriptions - Provides a way to get enchantment descriptions from enchanted books
- ❌ Enhanced Block Entities - Reduce FPS lag with block entities, as well as customize them with resource packs
- ❌ FastQuit - Lets you return to the Title Screen early while your world is still saving in the background!
- ❌ Main Menu Credits - Adds a way of adding information to the user's title screen.
- ❌ Model Gap Fix - Fixes gaps in Block Models and Item Models
- ❌ More Culling - A mod that changes how multiple types of culling are handled in order to improve performance
- ❌ Pick Up Notifier - Be notified about all the things you've just collected.
- ❌ Remove Reloading Screen - Makes resource packs load in the background, allowing you to do other things while waiting!
- ❌ Sound Physics Remastered - A Minecraft mod that provides realistic sound attenuation, reverberation, and absorption through blocks.
- Updated to 1.20.2
Incompatible with 1.20.2 (temporarily removed)
- ❌ 3D Skin Layers - Render the player skin layer in 3d!
- ❌ Accurate Block Placement Reborn - Build at super speed with your bare hands!
- ❌ AdvancementInfo - Show more information about advancement requirements
- ❌ Animatica - A mod implementing the OptiFine/MCPatcher animated texture format
- ❌ AntiGhost - Get rid of ghost blocks by requesting resends from the server
- ❌ Better Advancements - Better Advancements tries to improve the UI and UX for the advancements system in minecraft 1.12+ in a modded environment
- ❌ Bookshelf - An open source library for other mods!
- ❌ CIT Resewn - Re-implements MCPatcher's CIT (custom item textures from optifine resource packs)
- ❌ Drip Sounds (Fabric) - Adds sounds for drip particles landing
- ❌ EasierVillagerTrading - Fewer clicks to trade with villagers
- ❌ Enchantment Descriptions - Provides a way to get enchantment descriptions from enchanted books
- ❌ Enhanced Block Entities - Reduce FPS lag with block entities, as well as customize them with resource packs
- ❌ FastQuit - Lets you return to the Title Screen early while your world is still saving in the background!
- ❌ Main Menu Credits - Adds a way of adding information to the user's title screen.
- ❌ Model Gap Fix - Fixes gaps in Block Models and Item Models
- ❌ More Culling - A mod that changes how multiple types of culling are handled in order to improve performance
- ❌ Pick Up Notifier - Be notified about all the things you've just collected.
- ❌ Presence Footsteps - ..An Overly complicated Sound Mod...
- ❌ Remove Reloading Screen - Makes resource packs load in the background, allowing you to do other things while waiting!
- ❌ Sound Physics Remastered - A Minecraft mod that provides realistic sound attenuation, reverberation, and absorption through blocks.