Issues Fixed:
Fixed smeltery recipes that gives too much output;
Fixed the Tinkers quests to give the right items to get scorched;
Mods Added:
Mob Grinding Utils By vadis365;
Trackwork By Endal;
Cooking for Blockheads by BlayTheNinth
Mods Removed:
Mekanism: Tools;
Another changes:
Rebalanced food and saturation (it was too anoying on mid-late game)
Made the Sync Core recipe easier;
Some mid game quests updates;
Added a new recipe to ExDeorum barrels to transform purified water on normal water if it has dust near to it, so if you need normal water on for any stuff, you just need to add a barrel and a dust under it connected to the pipes;
Added Pam’s seeds to Podzol sieving;
Removed stone tool parts;
Buffed Bone tools;
Changed Create Haunting Soul Sand recipe;
New features:
Changed all food values;
Changed Spider Eye Soup food and saturation;
Added thirst effect to Salt and Salty Water Bottle;
Replaced Porcelain Bucket with Iron Bucket on “Hotter than a furnace” quest due to some issues;
Now vanilla mobs will spawn too! Allowing to use wich water for mob conversion;
Updated the recommended seed;
Highly recommendeed to use the seed of the pre-made world!
New features:
Now Warden spawns naturally on corrupted desert and ancient cities;
Now, Kama will only shear leaves if it has silky modifier;
Now Tinkers Smeltery and Foundry gives 2x and 3x metal from ores, respectively;
Removed grout and nether ground recipes, now you’ll need to search on the cities (\o/);
Added the Tinkers Factory building to spawn with the cities;
Changed Lost Cities cities spawning and pallet to fit better with the pack theme;
Mods added:
Sounds Be Gone! by meza;
Lighty by andi-makes;
Inventory Profiles Next by blackd;
MiniHUD by masa;
I don't want portal yet by ultrakoxxd;
Mods removed:
More Overlays Updated by RiDGo8;
Inventory Sorter;
Item Filters;
Traveler’s Backpack (forgot to remove it on 1.3.71, was there just for a test)
Issues fixed:
Updated Forge and it seems that this fixed the freezing near to the ship and other nbt buildings.
Maybe there is some new things on this update, but we just forgot them because we made a lot of things for this update.
New features:
Quest book finished! - MarkSDR
Activated natural regeneration back (sometimes I go easy on you guys); - MarkSDR
Added recipes to get dust on the Pulverizer and the Crusher; - MarkSDR
Added the Porcelain Bucket with Purified Water and it’s interactions; - MarkSDR
Added interactions of the glass bottle to fill correctly on tanks and consume 1b (please, report us if you found any block that this is not working (we also know that it is opening the blocks GUI, we just couldn’t fix that yet); - MarkSDR
Now you can use fake players on the sieves, but you cannot sieve more than 1 at the same time; - MarkSDR
Buffed the auto sieve machine to make it accecible and encourage it’s using; - MarkSDR
Added Spider eye drop for every spider type;
Added some information quests; - Nagasakii
Mods added:
Spice Spice of Overhaul by MarkTheLark; - MarkSDR
Added Pet Armor by ViktorP04; - MarkSDR
Added MrCrayfish's Gun Mod [Unofficial] By MikhailTapio; - MarkSDR
Pretty Pipez by pyrox645 (suggested by Jazzy Justin and Jazzy Justin on our Discord)
Customized Pretty Pipez to accessibility to colorblindness (thanks to Jazzy Justin (discord member) that made this custom textures <3)
Mods removed:
Removed Dramatic Skys and Fabric Sky Boxes due to some game freezing; - MarkSDR
Removed Kaczorro's challange - hunger; - MarkSDR
Removed Ambient Environment (forgot to remove it before, was just testing); - MarkSDR
Issues fixed:
Fixed the killing monsters quests. Now you just have to collect some mob drops; - MarkSDR
Disabled the Gravel + Dirt > Coarse Dirt recipe; - MarkSDR
Issues fixed:
Fixed the canteen recipe on Create Spout;
Fixed some water needing Quests to accept Purified Water;
Fixed the killing mob quests;
Added a vanilla water recipe on Thermal Centrifugue;
Added Tinkers Cast recipe to fill the canteen;
Fixed a misspeled script on the Copressed Sieve Sand recipe;
Buffed Compressed Sieve recipes;
Removed Fastload, Clumps and Cable Facades to try fix the freezing issue (solved partially);
Removed All The Compressed due to some conflicts (and it has no use at all);
Removed Starter Structure and Starter Kit;
Created a new tag to unify Water and Purified Water as recipes input;
Removed Essential due to some reported issues;
Buffed the Create Blaze Burner heat source for the Crucible;
Added the Create Liquid Blaze burner as heat source for the Crucible;
Added Dramatic Skys by thebaum64;
Added NoFog by Virtuoel;
Added FabricSkyboxes by AMereBagatelle;
Added the Farm building for feedbacks and a little more exploration;
Added Tinkers Tool Leveling 2 by redfoxgaming67 to replace Tinker’s Leveling Addon;
Fixes and tweaks to fit better the feel of the original Crash Landing:
Added the Canteen and Glass Bottle filling recipes with Create Spout, Thermal Bottler and using Porcelain Crucible with Tinkers blocks;
Removed the Wooden Crucibles, now you'll need to make water with the Porcelain Crucible;
To fill the Bottles in any case, i'll need 1 bucket of water, instead of 0.25;
Disabled the interaction of the Glass Bottle in most of the cases to avoid exploits (but you can still use the Create Depot + Spout);
Added more items (from Pam's) to make Water on the Porcelain Crucible and Centrifugal Separator;
Some items used to make Water Centrifugal Separator has as subproduct the Mekanism Bio fuel, and you can use it to make Dirt on Barrels or other stuff later (like Slime on the Metalurgic Infuser);
Added more items (from Pam's) to make Dirt on the Exdeorum Barrels;
Fixed the durability of the Invar Shears;
Changed most of the machines and technics to produce Purified Water instead of normal water;
Added the Create Blaze Burner as a heat source on the Porcelain Crucible. The most feeded the blaze is, the faster the Crucible can be;
Changed the sleeping bag recipe to make it a little harder to get;
Changed the spreading and drops of the infested leaves, you will have to work a little harder to get Strings;
Made hunger a little harder;
Fixed the log error related to slime blood;
Husks are back! (because i noticed that we need some next day risk if you pass a night inside of the ship)
Added/removed mods:_
Adeed Survive by Stereowalker;
Added TInkers leveling addon;
Removed Thirst Was Taken;
Removed ColdSweat;
Removed Lost Souls;
Added tinkers crumbled bricks and hammer recipes to be used when the cities get ready;
Added plastic recycling custom mechanic! Items with the tag “forge:scraps” can now me melted to pneumaticcraft plastic. And you can loot it on the cities!
Bug fix:_
Fixed the bug where the player spawns under the ship;
Fixed a bug where you cannot open tinkers books;
Fixed mekanism steel with no recipe;
And other bugs i can’t remember right now ;-;
Updated mods:_
Updated a lot of mods;
Added/removed mods:_
Added Tinkers' Construct by KnightMiner;
Removed Silent Gear (thanks for your service);
Added Yet Another Additions Mod by Spellbook Studios;
Added Essential Mod by SparkUniverse;
Added Extra food items by Nagasakii;
Added Slab Machines By Mrbysco;
Added Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Food Extended by matrexsvigil
Added Immersive Weathering by Ordana
Added Global GameRules by GoryMoon;
Added In Control! by McJty;
Added Time Control by unixkitty;
Added Special Mobs by FatherToast;
Added VMH - Variable Mob Height by Rikurob;
Removed Waterskin recipe (MarkSDR);
Finished basic survival quest line - by Nagasakii;
Added Salty Water to Salt smelting recipe;
Added Dirt to Dirty Water recipe;
Added Create Mill recipes for Ingots to Dust;
Changed vanilla like tools durability to 1;
Added custom Crashed blocks to Bigger Reactors, AE2 and pneumatic;
Nerfed mobs a little;
Updated the ship chest content and some interior details;
Updated thirst so it drains slightly faster;
Days now are 1.5 times longer;
Removed Dragon and Military bottles for now;
Bug fix:_
Fixed Canteen filling recipes;
Updated mods:_
Removed Hanger System Change;
Added Spice of Life: Classic Edition [1.20.1] by lepoko2525;
Added Thirst Canteen by mlus (forgot to mention it on the 1.1.0 lol);
Removed Canteens interaction with water blocks;
Added Canteens recipes with create filling Spout and shaped crafting with water bottles;
Added CreateTweaker by jaredlll08;
Added Starter Structure by Serilum (to replace the ship spawn, since the funtion was bugged);
Removed Heracles (thanks to the HQM dev Dusk, that gave me permission to use his mod)
Added Salty Water Bottle;
Remove glass water bottle from water source;
Fine tunes to Lost Cities;
Added Overworld Piglins - By Serilium;
Added Piglins Guard Everythin - By Simplexity;
Removed Ocullus because of a bug (it will be back i think);
Removed Distant Horizons (it will be back i think);
Started the “Silent Tinkering” recipes on Create.