Figuratives 2

Figuratives 2


Balancing gameloop and progression to push players to explore.

Client and server AdventureChallengingMultiplayer

Createda month ago
Updateda month ago

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"Relive that vanilla experience you've had a long time ago."


Figuratives 2 is a direct continuation of Figuratives with Minecraft 1.20.1 as base and Modrinth as main platform.

  • As Figuratives' purpose is to reimagine the base game and not have a questline, Figuratives 2 mostly plays the same as the original.
  • If you want to begin a new playthrough of Figuratives, this might be your next starting point.
  • Figuratives 2 is still in its very early stages. There will be breaking changes. Do not commit to a world/playthrough. You should play the first version for a stable gameplay.


Figuratives is a modpack that aims to balance the gameloop instead of the game's difficulty. The original game currently has a lot of redundancy and it makes the user feel overpowered in just a small amount of time, and doing it in very cheap ways. This is due to feature creep, which is not easy to mitigate as Minecraft always had backwards compatibility and the developers want to avoid breaking both old ways of playing the game and existing worlds.

This modpack either redesigns a system that is deemed either redundant or overpowered, or just simply removes them. But this doesn't mean we have to return to the old days. The game has improved a lot over the years. It's just unmanaged.

The pack currently redesigns Enchanting, Trading, Exploration, and Bosses.


  • New enchantment system added by Enchancement. Adjusted some manually for modpack balance.
  • Removed a lot of pure-stat enchantments.
  • Every enchantment is one level, which is their most powerful state.
  • Vein Mining and Tree Chopping are enchants. You can fell trees without it, but the enchant will make it one hit.
  • Randomness is completely removed. Every enchant takes 5 levels worth of experience as you choose.
  • Mending cannot be traded by any means. You need to explore and find it.

Villagers and Pillagers

  • Villager workbenches cannot be cheesed to reset their trades. They are locked in as they acquire their job.
  • There are new villagers added by More Villagers.
  • Pillagers are enriched via It Takes a Pillage. Adds new structures and systems for Pillagers.


  • The pack includes new vanilla-friendly biomes and mobs for adding variety to your overworld experience.
  • There are also a lot of enhancement for your gameplay scattered around, both visual and for gameplay.

The End

  • Ender Eyes are specialised and scattered around the world. You need to find them by exploring before going to the End. Check End Remastered's page for more info.
  • End dimension is improved by Improved End (no pun intended) with new biomes, blocks and items.


  • Do not try to install OptiFine as it will not work properly.
  • At least 3 GB of RAM is recommended to run the modpack smoothly.
  • As with any modded game, backup your saves often.
  • Feel free to ask about anything in the comments. This may include topics like some decisions I made, or simply a bug.


Every mod developer that this modpack contains their mods. Special thanks to Serilum, Keksuccino, BlayTheNinth, MehVahdJukaar, shedaniel, Fuzs, FlashyReese, RandomMcSomethin, Buuz135, Starfish Studios, TerraformersMC for listening to my feedback.

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID