Figuratives 2

Figuratives 2


Balancing gameloop and progression to push players to explore.

Client and server AdventureChallengingMultiplayer

Createda month ago
Updateda month ago

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Figuratives 2 [0.2]



  • Borderless Mining
  • Improved Anvil
  • Woods and Mires
  • Ksyxis
  • ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Village
  • CTOV - Farmer's Delight Compat
  • Universal Ores
  • Illager Invasion
  • Sword Blocking Mechanics
  • Amplified Nether
  • Quality Sounds
  • Moog's End Structures
  • Moog's Nether Structures
  • Zoomify
  • 3D Skin Layers
  • Fabric Seasons
  • Fabric Seasons: Delight Compat
  • Tectonic
  • Eldritch End


  • Fluid Void Fading
  • Cubes Without Borders
  • Easy Elytra Takeoff
  • GamemodeOverhaul
  • Smarter Farmers
  • Economical Villager Trading
  • BlameLog
  • Fixed Anvil Repair Cost
  • Tax Free Levels
  • OpenBlocks Elevator
  • Console Sounds
  • Cinderscapes
  • Twigs
  • Easy Anvils
  • Presence Footsteps


  • Configured mods to be similar to Figuratives 1.
  • Improved loading times.
  • Disabled mod list update checks and indicators.
  • Disabled mod name on HUD and inventory.
  • Styled player list.
  • Took precautions to avoid hotbar rendering problems.
  • Configured Fabrication.
  • Made Auth Me (account switching button) immovable.
  • Stopped silencing Traders.
  • Disabled Withering.
  • Disabled damage on experience bottling.
  • Lowered bed bounciness.
  • Disabled consecutive sleeping.
  • Enabled (de)compressing without a crafting table.
  • Idle FPS lowering is set to trigger in 20 minutes.
  • Turned off using attack indicator for block breaking.
  • Falling to void now lets you barely survive.
  • Gravel auto digging will now be disabled when sneaking.
  • Revival countdown will now continue counting when disconnected.
  • When downed, unarmed melee and bows will be available.
  • Pickaxe cracking now requires sneaking.
  • Pickaxe cracking now drops a brick item.
  • Disabled Grass and Mycelium intergrowth.
  • Disabled leaf pile slow down.
  • Disabled decay particles for leaves.
  • Villagers now require a workstation to breed.
  • Nitwit villagers will no longer generate.
  • Iron Golem and Cats will stop spawning if there's enough in a village already.
  • Black cat spawning is no longer limited to the moon cycle.
  • Disabled jukebox in the title screen.
  • Music notifications will now show the album name too.
  • Joining servers without No Chat Reports will be prevented to avoid telemetry.
  • Moving between Smooth and Regular Quartz Elevators is now permitted.
  • Smooth and Regular Quartz Elevators are now equal in range.
  • Piglins now only require one golden armor piece.
  • Piglins can no longer spawn riding a hoglin.
  • Slimes cannot merge anymore.
  • Vexes no longer spawn naturally in dark forests.
  • Guardians no longer spawn naturally.
  • Spiders and Cave Spiders can no longer spawn baby cave spiders on death.
  • Baby Drowneds can no longer spawn with a Guardian.
  • Husks are no longer immune to fire damage.
  • Phantoms can no longer see and fly through blocks.
  • Some hostile mobs are no longer hostile to villagers.
  • Ghast health is reduced.
  • Allay, Ghast, Phantom and Vex textures are no longer translucent.
  • Lowered shield protection arc.
  • Restored vanilla tool and weapon attributes.
  • Increased shield max damage absorption to 10.
  • Anvils will now require appropriate amounts of materials to repair.
  • Anvils will now cost experience according to durability repaired.



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